>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
It's sad when fanart does more with a design than the actual artist does.
And she looks better not holding a rat.
There I did it twice.
What would cumming inside Lyn be like?
Probably the same as cumming inside most women.
Except Lyn might not be clean, considering this is medieval times and she lives out in the open.
So infection might be caused and that could kill someone in a world where penicillin is not a thing.
Do you think CYL Ike also cut the tendons in his right arm so that he couldn't use a sword?
Is that the latest boris ?
Link pls
No, and that isn't why Greil cut his tendons.
No, it's Lyn.
>Learn that Greil cut his tendons
>Realize earlier in the game he held off half an entire Deain attack force from the mercenary base
Just how STRONG was Greil during his prime?
>tfw you don't give a shit about kike, Lyn to the bin, meme boy or Lushitna
>tfw you already have a very capable B.Cordelia
>tfw no clue what to pull since my emotional connection to these overrated memes is in the negatives
Weird times
Never go full reddit.
I love Julia!
Go with what you think will be the most meta.
>try one last time for Corrin
>decide since i have 40 more orbs to push the pity rate up from
>get Xander for the 5th fucking time
yeah neverfucking mind, saving these orbs for CYL
You may have the wrong image user.
Get the unit you hate the least and call it a day. Since competent archers are far inbetween and Lyns basekit is very solid, you could go with her
put your penis in Lyn and you get penicilin
Ike in RD
I'm getting in the game and I'm gonna cuck your pity rate user!
Why /feg/ argue?
>5 IP
I got slutdelia on my first pull. I don't like her design but she is a decent unit so whatever
Also you will limit yourself is you associate common words with shit you dislike. Pull wasn't invented by leddit, mate
>not sniping
Just kys already.
Pick Lyn for Swift Sparrow fodder.
Enough Liliths for your Legions.
Lucina helps Bride Cordelia be strongerererer.
What else is there to do.
Pretty sure I posted the correct image.
The man is waiting just like us
Come on, these two are nothing alike.
>have a 4.5% pity rate on SS banner
>decide to spend some orbs for hope
>finally get this handsome fuck
>tfw +atk -res
What build on this guy? Hope I can get Roy in sub20 obs though
Lyn is clean! CLEAN!
/feg/ is literally the only general I visit that can find something to argue about in absolutely anything in the series.
Hector bros, which blue unit do you want?
I bet Lyn shits on the grass and then worships it as a gift to "Mother earth"
>Mada? Mada nano?
Why is she so cute /Feg/?
>full reddit
h-haha guis, am I /feg/ yet?
>0 swimsuit girls from between both banners
>plenty of Gaius and Leo
i guess my Kiran is gay or something
Will she save red mage cavs /feg/?
He was the strongest on the continent.
I'd rather she just shit in my mouth, to be honest familia.
Ephraim because I never got to roll him ;_:
I want to watch Lyn take a shit!
She'll save THIS DICK
Yes, /feg/ is reddit
>Lyn will never squat over your face and strongly piss into your mouth
Jeorge supposedly is the best archer on his continent but he is still shit
Saying that doesn't exactly answer exactly how strong he was.
What I more mean is what sort of feats was he capable of?
Like could he have defeated Ashera?Could he have fought Dheginsea?
How do we make Takumi great again?
I hate that sort of statement in any FE game.
Strong people should be strong, yes, but they shouldn't be able to take on entire armies.
It just makes things feel too stupid.
Remove him from the roster.
Severa is such a cutie! I wanna snuggle with her!
Make a C skill that renders mages useless
Those are open crotch pants, user. She's actually begging for a dicking.
Evil Takumi with Skadi.
Another Norse Mythological reference there.
Give him a horse so he can use his Pass.
He's basically on par with Radiant Dawn endgame Ike. And we know how fucking bullshit he is, being a contender for strongest human character in the franchise.
We pretend he's not in the game and theorize how good he'll be once he gets added.
Brave Bow + Lucina support. Now he will have one more attack and three more speed than the average Bridelia with just LaD 2.
Of course an average Bridelia paired with Lucina will overclass him in everything, but Lucina is so nice that she fixes all your units, even those with bad IVs.
Got a +spd -def and gave him LnD and Firesweep, works pretty good.
Why is Lucina so selfless and generous?
>strolling through the plains
>hear someone moan behind a tree
>It's Lyndis, she's fertilizing the land like the good girl she is
>offer to clean her out once she's done
>she accepts
And that's how I met my wife.
you're begging for a dicking
>average Bridelia
>budget options like L&D2
Well fuck.
Chain 11&12, second team. What do.
Can someone post the stats for Lucina and Lyn, please?
That was't an army, though. He probably handled a couple dozen soldiers at best. Maybe just barely 100. Which is still crazy.
Agonize over bringing a healer instead of another unit with Reposition.
>Strong people should be strong, yes, but they shouldn't be able to take on entire armies.
What's wrong with story reflecting gameplay?
Someone is dead unless Xander can one shot the green mage which I'm pretty sure he can't
>fury + QR xander
You were screwed from the start.
Isn't that the first map? just start over
Tellius is the true beginning of shounen Emblem.
>1 v 100
>Not fucking stupid.
He can't. Bulky shits, I'll just hope doot will attack Priscilla.
Takumi with LaD2 and Lucina has better stats than Bridelia with LaD3, is what I meant to say.
If Xander's in range, she won't.
I've got a Thotja with her name on it as soon as she decides to come home.
>every time I try to do the gaiden maps in PoR I end up just throwing Ike out solo and watching him mow everyone down
Like father like son.
It is 11+12, this is the 6th map.
Kill Delthea with Ursula or you might lose two units
That's why I didn't say army.
Characters like any of the Crusaders in FE4 were all described as easily being the match for 100 men and it FUCKING SHOWING is the best part of FE4.
>implying Lucina can fix Henry
Fire Emblem humans aren't DBZ bullshit, but they are pretty superhuman in abilities man.
Cordicucks LITERALLY cucked by a F R E E unit.
Post your cute team
>only 13k
Lmao we are not gonna make it.
>1 v 100
>Not fucking awesome.
Come on, guy.
Is the voting gauntlet tomorrow?
Who should I support if I have Lucina, Chrom, Hector, Camilla and Tharja?
t. Sigurd
>Roy cucks still can't compete with a LITERALLY F R E E unit