Did he do anything wrong?
After socialism and protectionism ruined Chile
He made children dissappear
>INB4 Pinochet was good, he dindu nuffin
By following neoclassical economics he managed to make the chilean economy stable, but condemned them to underdevelopment. So yes.
Communist should thank him from preventing the state capitalism they hate so much
this faggot
Pinochet supported the chilean state with the copper mines Allende nationalized
Pinochet was a globalist cuck.
>Pinochet did another thing I approve of!
I'm shitposting on my mansion in my Smartphone in Veeky Forums with a 100 Mbps internet connection at a very low cost. This wouldn't be possible without Pinochet.
Thanks Pinochet.
>le reptilian NWO is evil and trying to oppress yo
>that is why I'm going to oppress my fellow countrymen by preventing them from trading with foreigners!
He was the only dictator I ever considered semi-respectable. Whatever his other shortcomings, he seems to have been a genuinely decent administrator... and let's please skip all the crocodile tears for the Communists, who under Allende had their own death squads roaming around ganking people.
It's pretty much hyper dependent on Copper to really function. Most of it's social institutes and public services aren't that good.
It looks good on paper but the reality shows otherwise.
>It's pretty much hyper dependent on Copper to really function
not since 2013, the profit margins are rapidly plummeting, only made worse by the godawful administration of the current government which started a gorillion poorly thought out reforms at a critical point, and which has fostered more corruption than ever before.
Chile has been trying to move away from a copper based economy for a while. The only part of the budget that is always 100% copper money is defense, and the Chilean military has seen a few cases of corruption too.
Chile isn't that great of a place to live. Muh free market doesn't 100% guarantee prosperity.
He did as much wrong as Hitler did. Absolutely nothing wrong.
nah, i've been to Peru and Argentina.
Peru is ugly and shitty and there are no quality products anywhere, Argentina is fuck-off expensive but they somehow lack paved roads and a lot of commodities i thought were granted for countries of our development level.
i routinely find American tourists saying they get bored in Chile unless they go to the ass end of the country looking for indomit nature because Santiago is way too similar to American cities.
>Santiago is way too similar to American cities.
The most common complaint about Santiago from America tourists is that it's an absolute shithole outside of a small neighborhood that caters directly to tourists.
>The most common complaint about Santiago from America tourists is that it's an absolute shithole outside of a small neighborhood that caters directly to tourists.
so just like most American cities
chile is a meme.
American cities are considered shitty if they have bad night life or they don't have a good pizzeria on every street corner. Santiago is considered shitty because of its favelas and Calcutta tier levels of poverty.
>never been to Chicago
>never been to LA
>never been to Seattle
>never been to any city with more than 5mil people
>le everyone in calcutta is poor and the only good is missionaries of charity.
Get back to me neighborhoods in La, Seattle, or Chicago look like pic related.
The worst conditions in American cities are considered middle class in Santiago.
>take hobbo camp
>say it's a city ghetto
>le buttmad Pajeet back at it after Theresa's canonization
>literally irrelevant to the city
>no one gave a shit about her.
no one cares about catholic saints, especially since her miracle was was about as real as a unicorn.
They're pretty much ghettos/favelas. And they're pretty common.
>Santiago is way too similar to American cities
>Plaza Italia & Bella vista
>literally a couple blocks in the center of the city
> Disagreeing with Chile's free market economic miracle
Wew, edgy lads.
>turned it into a brown reggaeton shithole
Yes, everything.