/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

unexpected ash edition

patch notes here : rainbow6.ubisoft.com/siege/en-GB/updates/bloodorchid/index.aspx

(To find out why, read OP FAQ right below this, under "Which edition should I buy?" section)

>/r6g/ FAQ, Guide, and Links (Newfriends, read this first before asking questions)

>Stat Checking

>/r6g/ OP Pastebin & Groups
Steam: steamcommunity.com/groups/R6GO
PS4: Add dazint8
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI

>/r6g/ Drawfriend Gallery

>Teamspeak for /r6g/ operations
The password is: Operations
IP address:

>Official News & Known Issues
There will be changes to map rotations for Casual and Ranked in Season 3.
Operation Blood Orchid targeting a September 5 release. PC will be able to play it on the TTS on August 29.
Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.

speedy victory:

Other urls found in this thread:


There are many breaching points, recruit boy

First for shotgun justice. I am a shotgun whore and I like how they work in Siege.

>In Rainbow Six Siege players can combo it, enabling the use of up to 8x MSAA, and Temporal Anti-Aliasing (T-AA), delivering a clean image that can be re-sharpened with a post-process injector to counteract T-AA's softness, which at times reduces detail by a quite considerable degree, as you can see on the rebar in our comparison below.
>Nvidia unironically recommends combining 2 AA options to make your game look acceptable


You have 10 seconds to pretend and post as a PCuck

laser sights are good

Cuck is a good operator

echo is bad

PC is not dead and isnt filled with cheaters

>polish operator
>not even once i heard kurwa
what the fuck . as a pole im offended
>when she says something in polish , she tells it like she's foreing

xth for there's literally nothing wrong with Ela's appearance

>bartlett u
>dumb sounding name
>dumb design
literally nothing good about that map


Hibana is still ugly as fuck

I miss pre-nerf shotguns. Those where the days.

you have an infinite amount of time to not respond to the bait poster
in fact filtering cuck is a good first step

You can shoot up a school. That's about it.

poland is a trash country and no one other than polish people care about poland


umad PCheaters

>yatch removed from the game
>this filthy son of a bitch gets to stay in QP rotation

It's not fair.

what's the matter ? did someone from my country stole ur job ?

The perfect uniform does not exi...


no thanks

>Focking raser sightus

>polish people care about poland
Well... yeah

Like how I, as an American care really only about America...

missing the point

everyone cares about america

no one cares about pooland (unless you are a pole)

jackals pdw is literally the best gun

concept art always looks better though. Final product is always different from the concept art.
Well we went to war over it when it was invaded so

>everyone cares about america

he gets it
if poland is a trash country , what can u say about baguette land ? paris for example .
k enough , lets try to contain ourselves and stop derailing this thread , this aint /pol/

that's racsist

Oh, I get it now. It's a 'I need to insult other nations so I can feel better about my own' scenario.


Isn't Nato worried currently that Russia might try to invade Poland along with finland like they did with Crimea? I think alot of nations are worried about it then.


that wasnt me, im saying that literally noone other than polish people care aobut what goes on in poland. user has a point that people from other coutnries actually pay attention to what happens in somewhere like america though

>half assed ugly charms
I think it describes the season perfectly.
He sure is relentless... he is in every thread.

fucking why

I usually laugh at people saying "get a life" as it rarely works as an insult, but in this case, this dude legitimately should get a life. Dude be spamming shit incessantly, even when I quickly swoop through the archived threads.

i like them

is it just me or are the semi-auto shotties much better in the tts?


im sorry

why are you talking to yourself kid?

i want to lick IQ's salty soles!

You don't have to lie to yourself for comfort


Reminder that you should stick to xbox forums or whatever if you play on console.

You are not welcome here.

>play casual in the tts
>get tk'd by screaming child
>play ranked
>guy leaves
>joins back at the last round
>tell him he's a cunt
It might just be the tts but you still make ranked ass to play

>that samefag

PCucks mad af

do you actually get a large rise out of this?

>taking 4 hours to assemble a PC from parts
that is a new low of dumb

uh wut? We are just proving it is not 1 guy spamming against you. wtf?

Is there anything /r6g/ likes?

What does /r6g/ think of the defender acog changes and the extra attacker drone?

that guy in the middle has nothing to even do with this lol

The earrings on Cav always get me

yeah, this game. I wouldn't criticise it otherwise. I would just not give a shit.


>tfw i had to get a mate to build my pc because i dont trust myself with computer parts

>PCucks on suicide watch

kys kids

I don't understand how 3 speed acogs are "too powerful" on defense when they've had them over over a year now and attackers have only gotten stronger since launch. If the defender acogs were fine before hibana they should be fine now...

the only thing you can really fuck up is installing the cpu and thats pretty hard to do

Is this the level of intelligence of console players? whoa...

Balance is question of perception
It is not based on hard facts, but feelings

>phone poster

kys dipshit kid

>Apparently we are mad?

I haven't used acogs forever except for Rook, but I was kind of surprised seeing them taking away acogs at the same time as adding even more attacker drones. Wasn't the game already attacker sided anyway?

guys remember

I'm just scared for what they might remove in the future if they keep listening to shitters on reddit complain. Next thing you know they might remove entire guns or maps or... oh wait

Crybabies did this both on reddit and Veeky Forums... IT wasn't as bad as that time when people said cav was op.

Yeah I'm pretty sure the majority of maps expect for like plane have over 50% attacker win rate.

Oh well. Seems like I'll be playing IQ non-stop with all these new traps, and I don't run acog on here, and my defenders are Mira and Rook, so it won't really affect me much. Still seems like an odd choice. Probably will pick up GROM girl for that sweet three speed.

was hoping they'd make all Ops a lil' bit prettier.
Ash still looks puffy in the face, and Hibana's still an abomination.
Also, everyone's eyes look really... off.

Tried playing IQ in TTS, all it ended up doing was getting killed with my pistol out like 75% of the time. Why can't ubi just let iq use her rifle with here gadgets?

>Nation-specific camos are universal on TTS now
I'm cumming because that means I can slap DEUand RUS WW2 along with CADPAT on everything.
Seasonal and flat colours are obsolete.

It would be nice. Jackal gets to use his gadget properly with like zero drawbacks.

>dude, attackers win more than defenders

>season 1

I am not pro-league user.

>2017 with Mira and Jackal
Better proof than /r6g/ chuckleheads assuming attackers win more

WHAT WUT? is that true? I want that Seal and GSG camo on everything.

>Not here for 2 weeks as soon as Blood Orchid comes out
>People will leave and tk as soon as they don't get operators on TTS
>No other benefit to playing the TTS
>All the hassle of changing my settings and kitting out my operators

Is it worth it?
Is the new content fun?

Someone on eight-chan confirmed that and posted AK with CAN and DEU camo

that place is still alive?

like a handful of top boards are very alive.
Others, not so much, but you might find some people entirely dedicated to a board they really like a topic of.

the new map is a cluster fuck it's like borders retarded cousin but the new weapons are good.

what attachment should i have on jackals pdw?

Its airight. The new map is fun and the new operators are fun although not game changing. The biggest change is the removal of temporal filtering and I felt the difference immediately. Probably need a better gpu in the near future.

whats your excuse for playing on PC?

-cheaters everywhere

-dead online for a online only multiplayer shooter

-worst than console performance and graphics

-online drms

-the buggiest version of all three

-playerbase is full of toxic cancers


>needing to cite cripplechan
How much of a niGGer are you? It's literally on the TTS where everyone can see it

before you guys reply
please remember

I'm on a 970 and my VRAM on Rainbow 6 is 200mb over the 4GB limit. Sucks, I get maybe a stutter or two every match when everything's exploding around me.

This is an awful post. Please stay on /v/.


Game is cheaper on PC
PC is cheaper itself
In game chat
Consoles have more cheaters
Absolutely not dead
You can modify graphical settings to play on even cheaper machines
Consoles have the same bugs or even dumber ones

Not to forget that PC users in average are not dumber than console users.

go back to r/eddit PCuck and kys


>Jackal drones in
>ask "See anyone in there?"
>"all clear"
>walk in
>mute sitting in corner with shotgun
>eat a round of buckshot and die
>he starts laughing his ass off
>"fuckin idiot"
>he walks in and fails to kill the Mute he knew was there
>we end up losing the round
>he starts bitching about how the rest of the team didn't pull their weight
>Look at his spot on the scoreboard
>0 kills, 1 assist
Damn right I'm assblasted. Serves me right for trusting a random.

>Optimizing Operators (...)

>Because we’re meeting a consistent memory budget across all operators, it also meant that we could slightly improve the quality for SOME Operators. LOWER BUDGET Operators, like Sledge, will have a slight improvement of quality.

>Fixed – Bandit is over memory budget when loading Solar Headgear.
>Fixed -- Several of Blitz’s headgears are over memory budget.
>Fixed – Buck is over memory budget when loading the Skull Rain Headgear.
>Fixed – Caveira’s Skull Rain Headgear is over memory budget.
>Fixed – Caveira’s Brazil Headgear is over memory budget.
>Fixed – Jackal’s Default Headgear is over memory budget.
>Fixed – Kapkan’s Canine Headgear is over memory budget.
>Fixed – Kapkan’s Legendary Headgear is over memory budget.
>Fixed – Mira is over memory budget

Really stimulates those braincells
