loloo, your queen
League of Loloo General - /lolg/
i wish i was a girl
/lolg/ team when? In the name of Lulu
I love Camille
You say bard is best but you posted an image of the objectively best champion. Weird.
I wish I looked exactly like Olaf____
Jinx is cute and cuddly
Same shit, different day I guess.
Post satisfying webms
>friends keep getting capsules everyday
>all I get are keys
Oh you're totally right. Let me take a look at this top result. Hmm. A two year old forum post with literally zero comments. Oh well, next, hmm... Nope only B5-G1. Next. A league that looked promising but didn't get off the ground... Two years ago.
Thanks for the help friend. Really useful stuff.
Now does any non-retard know of any place to find amateur leagues or tournaments?
all they get is champ shards and their keys are instead in capsules instead of regular drops
I got my first capsule today. Inside it there was... 3 key fragments (and a sivir champ shard)
How about going beyond the first link
I'm going to marry Poppy.
>friends are getting medieval twitch and gray warwick
>some are just getting champ shards and keys
>some are just getting keys
>meanwhile I just hit honor 5 and have nothing to show for myself
>other than the key frag i got this morning
''tank meta'' is bullshit. If there's one tank running around (and if you've played a while you know its always maokai or the reworked poppy) dominating it doesn't mean its 'tank meta'.
Tanks have had a hard time solo carrying anything since mid season 6.
Support items have been metagame since early/mid season 7. Tanks that are strong generally rush supportive items. Support items are very cheap, and almost all better than tank items.
why do girls always feel the need to mention that theyre a girl?
Its the online equivelant of constantly and randomly shoving your vagina in someones face to remind them
Gas avatarfags
>"im quitting 4ever u guys ruin this game" post
is there anything more fucking pathetic?
why cant people just write out thier complaints without resorting to being drama queens and pretending like the whole world is going to revolve around then and have a moment of silence at a moments notice.
fucking Hate this shit
It's almost like I did and in the very post you're responding to I say what's on those links.
People are nicer to you if they think you are a girl. Trust me I have a girly account name and everyone is nice to me.
we're legitimately in the most ADC centric meta in ages.
Supports are being picked around buffing the ADC with Censer.
ADCs are being played in mid (and in regular play jungle too.)
>literal who is leaving and has to make a forum post about it
Yeah this shit happens in every game community and is always retarded.
Reminder that Skarner and Kog'maw are best buddies!
>ywn mate press a rabid vastayan
>having to dodge because nobody on your team banned ornn and your team picks him
And that's why you ban Yasuo
>Tfw Ornn probably isn't even bad and the main reason his winrate is so low is because of teammates giving up on the game in champ select.
The official boards are a strange place. The strangest thing about them is that they are filled to the brim with Mordekaiser mains for whatever reason.
to collect that girl privilege
>OP writes a short story regarding his lesving
>a rioters responds with a short story of his own
>rioter is responded to with yet another work of literature
Jesus Christ. Are these people autistic?
I checked the dude who picked him before I dodged.
24% wr after 90 games.
Not even gonna give it a chance.
Devs even said that the upgrades are necoming noob traps and they're changing it
Anyone know what the fuck this icon is from?
How the FUCK do I respond to this?
>22 games won out of 90
?????????????????? HOW
Refund the skin
Mechs vs minions
You can't. Because Urgot is right.
You got fucking destroyed m8 there's nothing you can do
That guy is a fucking rethoric black belt, cut your losses and back down while you still can
I want to be dominated by this tight illusionist
xth for Syndra
Why is there no Alice in Wonderland themed Lulu skin guys?
It's not fair.
End yourself, it's too late.
>pick carry jungle before top/mid/support have picked
>they pick squishies
>tell me to build tank
>gonna teach them the meaning of not being retarded
>build full damage
>still get people telling the enemy team to report me for not building tank
So boys, what are the odds clash actually comes out and sometime in the near future? My guess is that it actually will. It could give rito that sweet entry fee money and will stop people bitching about franchising the pro leagues.
Because Annie has it, now shut up you ignorant slut.
no u don't
>when people think Vi is an engage tank
I got mocked in s6 when I say that s6 was for half the season an ADC season.
People apparantly don't remember graves for like 8 patches in the jungle or kindred for another 8 patches obliterating everything. And people just picking supportive stuff around them. Graves was so broken that if you farmed and pathed well and got 1-2 kills you were 2 shotting people.
The main problem is that Riots silver balance team started to listen to reddit and thought ''hmm adcs are maybe weak this season, lets buff supportive items since brand and zyra are picked a lot''. And them overbuffing the shit out of every support item resulted in ADCs becoming retarded overpowered.
I just had a diamond 3 game where I was playing Jax top and I went 2/0 vs a Riven. Got a level advantage. My jungle was 1/0 playing Maokai, a level ahead of enemy jungle. The enemy botlane was a trist 1/0 and a karma 1/0 and they got FB turret, they decided to switch lanes to topside.
I returned at the same time with full HP new items and lv 11 vs their lv 9 trist. Mao was lv 10. We didn't even get the tristana to pop heal. I had a trinity, trist an IE karma a censer dno what mao had. They pretty much obliterated me after my and mao's combo, couldn't kill trist he was healing around 50-60 a hit with insane attack speed (around 2 attacks per second).
What can even counter that? You can't even just oneshot it with a burst mage since karma just shields. Nothing counters that, a 0/3 and 0/2 support still shit on a 1/0 toplaner + 1/0 jungler.
It was literally just graves and he wasn't even being played at bot.
Just because you pretend to be retarded doesn't mean that actual adc's were in the gutter
If anything, she'd be the mad hatter.
But shaco is already that.
she's not tight
All noxian ladies are sluts, this is a fact
How can you tell when someone on your team is a cutie IRL?
If they're me owo
best waifu too bad i am a retarded healslut
I wonder who's behind this post?
the name
supportslut69 is not a cutie
You can't. Assume everyone is a guy, like for example
If they are playing Janna Soraka Sona Lulu or Nami support and have the cutest skin for that champion
im not Lux
i am a man who has made love to all ladies in Valoran
it's actually a support meta. support items are so powerful that people have to build their comps around making the best uses of support items.
and if my persuasion just not sway you, just look at the winrates.
Ok, after I identified them how do I get them to suck my pee pee?
thank you, much appreciated
>the most optimal ADC start is relic shield because the entire game is decided by who's bot lane does better and that is decided by who gets censer first
You're actually not wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if we see an Ivern at worlds, if enough of the meta jungles or supports are banned out.
Not even support meta, it's literally Cencer meta
>Atlantean Cassiopeia / Sea Goddess Cassiopeia
>Ultimate Skin
>turns her into a storm spirit
>Her tail is now a hurricane/tornado esque thing that she rides around
>her Q is a whirlpool
>miasma is an icy terrain that slows and snows down on the area
>E is a water blast, and when empowered has a burst of lightning surge through it into the target, or turns the water into ice. not sure which would be better
>ult is a sort of hurricane out of her face effect, not sure about it
would you buy it?
It's so retarded, the points that he makes are not even valid. If he's been playing for 5 years he was around when dragon gave gold instead of a buff. When dragon gave gold, the team whoever got the first 2 dragons or 1 dragon and 4 or so kills ahead would auto win the game almost every time (unless broken stuff like Kassadin or Nidalee season 3 was present that would stall out a game).
Part of the reason that the first 10 minutes matter so much is the fact that ADCs are so strong due to all the support crap on them. ADCs snowball the hardest with items out of any role, and a good play on botlane generally gives 2 kills instead of only 1 on top mid or jungle. If your botlane loses in this patch the enemy botlane takes first tower then goes to toplane and rapes the enemy toplane doesn't matter if the enemy toplaner got fed.
>Riot "nerfs" Censer
>it's actually a buff provided you get it early enough, so now you're starting to see ADCs start relic shield and supports start censer + faerie charm to get pre-6 censers
I think the only way to have fun in this game is to mute all and just play a farm orientated jungler
Fuck helping laners
That was the point I was making, you would take kindred / graves, path efficiently through jungle and with 1-2 kills going you would start to 2-3 shot people and solo win. Unless the line ''farming'' confused you, yes in season 6 you could farm in the jungle instead of ganking every 30 seconds to get a lovely 2v2 or 3v3.
I don't like the precision Camille demands, I'm a lazy mage caster
>faerie charm instead of potions
>when my character already heals
>esp when it's vs another dumb coin lane
why didn't i do this
>play game with sivir as my adc
>she's timing all her AA > W's correctly
>they never bounce to the enemy champions, despite being in closer proximity than minions
>play against sivir
>constantly flubbing her E, Q and AA>W
>blades always bounce to champs
really makes me think
Trying to battle an ADC + support is impossible. That item needs to be removed or disabled in worlds otherwise it won't really be a lot of fun to watch (it's even less fun to play at the moment).
Here's the "precision" Camille demands
>press Q
>instead of instantly pressing Q a second time, you wait 1.5 seconds (the exact CD of spellblade on Triforce to make sure you get the proc which turns Triforce's damage into true damage) and then her legs turn blue and there's a distinct sound effect
>you press Q again
Even in high elo/competitive you don't see snowballing and auto winning as often as he seems to suggest. There have been a lot of back and forth games this season and even a good chunk of comebacks.
I wouldn't be surprised if the OP is just an angry low elo player who has been losing a lot and blames it on the ethereal idea of what the meta game is that he has invented that seems to ruin the game for him.
It's not a buff because even if you manage to get it at lvl 6 it will only stay as a "buff of 0.5 stats" for like minute but it's not really a big nerf till later
That wasn't your point
Your point was that it was ADC season when it obviously wasn't.
When your only example is one busted guy who is a fucking jungle and doesn't build single same item than your Cait or Jinx then obviously it's not even close to the same class and pretending it is just makes you look like an asshat contrarian.
I think you're wrong to say it's a lose-lose. If I'm jax/riven/fiora, I'm looking at that W as something to dodge inward and win the trade. Saying "that puts Camille in range to kill me" is ridiculous, fighters are always in range to kill each other. As for range carries, they shouldn't be dodging outwards in most situations for the sake of repositioning.
>reeeeeeeeee delete censer and make supports useless
Shielding supports are already underrepresented in professional play at the moment. Meddler said that they are afraid that nerfing Censer too heavily before Worlds would lead to a support meta that was a lot narrower.
For example, let's take a look at both NA quarterfinal series (C9 vs DIG, CLG vs NV). Counting each time a support was either picked or banned, we get the following numbers:
Thresh x8
Alistar x5
Blitz x4
Morgana x3
Nautilus x2
Taric x1
Janna x1
Bard x1
>Delete Redemption
>Delete Censer
>Game is 1000000% better
>supports are only useful because healslut buff items are useful
>he thinks thats acceptable
spotted the d5 janna shitter
because you are a meta sheep
censer literally needs to be removed. It fundamentally breaks the ADC role. ADCs are late game power houses with great scaling who have terrible early games because they scale multiplicatively with a variety of stats. Censer gives ADCs a F R E E midgame ticket by giving them bonus AS and healing before they finish their zeal item or a lifesteal item. It's the exact same problem we had when Bork was a one-stop shop for ADCs earlier in the season.
What they should have done is removed the free lifesteal from the item.
The main issue with the item is that combined with the shield that triggers it, the item removes the need for sustain from ADC's entirely.
Shit Janna E + Cencer is already worth about as much as BT all on it's own
That's INFINITELY BETTER than the meta we have now though. it is a GENUINE GOOD THING FOR GAME HEALTH if shield supports are under represented.
Now go look at a good region like a China or a Korea. You'll notice there's a but of a difference.
someone needs to remind me what happened to make blitz get picked. he was never picked for several seasons and kalista+blitz was considered the ultimate cheese when it was picked for one game. but for several patches now he's a contested pick in na pro play.