>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
How many orbs does the mini-game give?
I lost my Nintendo ID
Reminder Ike is the worst CYL unit and you're literally retarded if you want him.
>felt like summoning something green from the summer banner before it expires
>wanted a summer Elise so that I can SI my bad IV Nino to her, or a Fae for my meme team
>managed to get a 5* on the first summon
>it's a +DEF/-SPD summer Xander instead
Any good uses for this Xander? If put up for SI, are there any other units that have Infantry Pulse so that I can pass both Infantry Pulse 3 and Fire Boost 3 to whoever gets it?
Would Infantry Pulse be a good skill to have for a future Dragon meme team?
Best way to farm SP? Training tower?
Okay, you guys win, I'll stay away from colorless.
if all brave heroes are neutral, who could benefit the most from that iv?
>playing the meta game
you go for your favorites user, don't be an assfaggot
Post those castles!
Wait for the weekend and then training tower.
Is she good?
Second gen are cute! CUTE!
Why /feg/ argue?
soren is too shit though he doesn't deserve an ike harem
Lyn's kit looks amazing, you only need to give her a new special and an assist skill and she's ready to go!
More genealogy characters in heroes when? The whole cast is cool
it's a meme skill which doesn't mean it's bad. use it on whatever high hp unit you see yourself using often and make a favourite unit of yours viable. i saw a felicia for example that ORKO my ike thanks to IP and QP. you can also use xander himself as a tank. IP is exclusive to him.
>La titoalatalata
Felicia is the cutest! Every second i spend with her is truly precious! I could never want for anything more! She is perfect in every single way to me! I would do anything for her! I love Felicia!
So on the subject of FEH YouTubers, what sort of content do you guys want to see?
Themed arena runs? GHB/BHB clears with certain teams (Cavs for easymode, etc)?
Nigger I hate these "animations"
If you use simple designs animate them well you lazy sack of shit!
Get this subhuman language away from my wife.
No racism pls.
!aicileF evol I !reh rof gnihtyna od dluow I !em ot yaw elgnis yreve ni tcefrep si ehS !erom gnihtyna rof tnaw reven dluoc I !suoicerp ylurt si reh htiw dneps i dnoces yrevE !tsetuc eht si aicileF
Thats right, CHOOSE your legend is all about the winning unit.
Not a bad color scheme you picked, but I hope more choices are eventually put in.
nigger nigger nigger spic spic kike
why a new special dragonic aura is good/
Kys NuFegfag, Lancina is shit just accept it.
Saw you got Legion to +3, good job man.
>implying italian isnt
+Spd -not atk or def
10/10, already been discussed over and over again.
9/10, possibly the best melee unit in the game, I'd give him another .5 but Lyn is just too busted.
Very good buffslut with good offensive stats, though buffsluttery is usually reserved for blade tomes, which spurs do not affect.
Hard to tell. Could just be a solid axe unit with a skill to counter the most common threat in the game.
I assume he's one of those fags who sticks Moonbow on everything
All things considered, for fighting a 10th stratum monstrosity that isn't that bad
>first week of AA
>deathless 4804 in the first try
>following weeks
>can't even get past 4700
if you can upgrade Phantom Speed then I know who I'm giving it to
Are you a Greek?
Wtf even is that title
Reminder to set your leader for the gauntlet
We have about 12 hours before getting our free CYL unit.
Have we reached a consensus on who the best unit is? Ike or Lyn?
>physically attacking Lukas
just use Linde bruh
i personally only wanna see people clear stuff/arena with other units than i did. preferably with units that are underused. not gonna click on cav memes.
>Mamma mia!
Lyn 10/10
Lucina 10/10
Ike 10/10
Roy 9.5/10 jumping to 10/10 on cav memes
Draconic Aura is the best special for her, what are you even talking about.
think atk smoke applies if unit is attacked ?
I had to do it. He is one of my MVP.
But now I feel empty, I need a new project
>seth now
>no seth
This is a 5* only unit
I'm sure he could crit Oliver's shit in now
>he doesn't alata his titolata's
for shame.
consensus has shifted to Ike being the worst out of the bunch surprisingly
Evaluation skills: 4/10
It's the principal of the thing
Seliph wanted to see how much damage he could do, so I obliged
Where are your orbs?
What's your Legion's build, famalam? I really need a good Axeman.
not him but i think luna is preferable if under 50 atk and iceberg/bonfire if above 30 in those stats. at least that's the "rule" i'm following for specials.
Lucina is 8.5. She is a modified, not better, Ephraim
Have you missed literally every thread since the CYL announcement? Of course it's Lyn.
I'm aware.
I was going to give her Luna at first but I guess I'll have to see which does more damage.
The most valuable FEH content is typically clearing pve content (GHBs, challenge maps, etc) with free teams and limited SI. The idea is to show tactics and methods that work with as many teams as possible and aren't super dependent on a single rare skill or unique unit stat spread/ability.
Arena and AA clears that use unique, unconventional or creative teams, or which impose handicaps for challenge can also be interesting, as can gimmick pve clears like that guy who beats Infernal GHBs with 4 Sakuras.
What has been making him worse?
For now. We'll get confirmation tomorrow when we finally learn how his skills work. Best case scenario he's second best, worst case he's just good.
It's good but for trials you might want Luna because those pesky 35+ def units.
When the hell is she going to be under 50 ATK with cav buffs?
I went in for Tana and didn't get her
>One of these things is not like the other
I think it's his leaked stats, IDK. He's not bad, just only "okay" compared to everyone else.
>Take that! And that! Hiyah!
>What!? Were you watching the whole time?
I spent all orbs I could trying to get Seth.
It looks good on paper but realistically you still need to replace half her kit
Brave Bow+
Only C skill can stay
>999 orbs
So the simulator tells me I should grab a free Ike
So...You just never roll in your life?
>277 orbs
>not spending them on CYL
i want to roll now i want to roll now i want to roll now i want to roll now i want to roll now i want to roll now i want to roll now i want to roll now i want to roll now i want to roll now
Nigger that animation is fine. It's not like gay ass tweening like that sheep gif where shes surrounded by orbs
i don't run cav memes but you still have a point with her prf bow because she has swift sparrow.
Why haven't I seen any Seliphs posted recently
It's disheartening
>Xander and Camus rerun eventually
>getting rid of all the skills that make her op
Good bait.
Please let Urvan work the way everyone is hoping for it to
People overlooked Roy at first because Ike's anti-brave skill overshadowed him and we didn't know their stats. Now that we do know their stats, Ike is unimpressive outside of that skill and his A, while Roy and Lucina actually stand out as well above average.
It's not that Ike is bad, but the best thing about him is his prf's skill. Meanwhile the best thing about Roy is everything. Lucina is probably still the worst of the 4, though.
I need some team Lucina friends for the gauntlet tomorrow. I can set my leader as almost anything from pic related so let me know who you want.
If you're keeping mulagir, draco is better overall
if you are giving BB+ with SS, Luna will do slightly more damage to the shit that actually walls her.
More than 999. Waiting to use them on Pelleas.
Sure, take a look
I tried to get infantry pulse and failed miserably ok
If everybody has Lyn, nobody has Lyn.
Thanks. I'm no tactgod like Mkv but free unit runs should be a fun challenge.
I'm assuming 4* max with no or limited SI is a good starting point for these?
The english translation for his b skill is wrong. It reads like he has effective damage against cavs/fliers and negates buffs from any opponent, which is absolutely broken. What it actually does is negate buffs from cavs/fliers, which is significantly worse, almost bad.
Now all there's left to see is if urvan's 80% damage reduction is only for consecutive attacks or all attacks after the first. He'll either be a solid, yet disappointing, axe tank that survives reinhardt, or the tank to end all tanks.