Absolver General
>what fighting style are you playing
>do you have anyone to play with
>post IDs and co-op with people, or fight each other
General thread #2
Wiki link: absolver.gamepedia.com
Discord link: discord.gg
Absolver General
>what fighting style are you playing
>do you have anyone to play with
>post IDs and co-op with people, or fight each other
General thread #2
Wiki link: absolver.gamepedia.com
Discord link: discord.gg
servers alive?
Of course not.
Did I miss a part of the tutorial but how the hell do I feint?
Use the guard button (L2) to cancel attacks.
block to cancel you attack
press guard after attack
>StaggerNigger starts break dancing
>Dodges my fucking moves
>Have 1 move that hits low
how do i parry or turn blue and ignore people's attacks?
i need to know that in case the servers come up before i try to refund
Thanks, I feel less retarded now.
They actually tell you how to feint.
To parry, you need to be Forsaken
To do a useless blue move, you need to be
I was probably rushing the tutorial too fast cuz I knew most of the stuff and accidentally skipped the feinting part.
made 100 posts too early faggot
servers alive?
At this point I almost feel like just waiting for the patch that fixes the netcode.
At least 3 out of every 4 matches are either laggy or unplayable laggy.
The fights without lag are insanely good though. For fucks sake.
>strafing/jumping/ducking attacks
Anyone come up with any neat combat decks to share yet?
This game is no fun when the servers are down.
Reposting my question that got no (You)s
Anyone on a 760 GTX? How's your performance? Mine is really bad (40fps) unless I turn down both shadows and post-processing
I'm trying to figure out whether this is a case of le toaster PC or something else
>no poles/quarterstaves
>no spears
hope they add later
>Stagger Style quarterstaff