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first for rats


i'm literally steamrolling orc subhumans
if i don't kill them now i'll probably kill them while razing their homes

did anybody save my anti-fantasy haiku from a few weeks back

>making new threads before we reach the 900th post
when will this meme end

Daily reminder to raze the wood hitlers the first instant you get when playing as feet enchantress. They had their chance and will face execution by their own goddess.

Do you think CA will blow their load and release the most anticipated race first as DLC? Or do something like Araby, or Tilea/Estalia/Border Princes content first?

nth for totally canon intimate relationship between a pointy-haired elf maiden and a well-known rodent of unusual size.

fuck off redditor


>grombrindal gets untrustworthy after executing grobi scum
fuck this game honestly

No reason not to do tomb kings first, they're more important than all the other possible additions

13th for appreciating the beautiful nature of this relationship

>reposting from the last thread
Ok can someone help me. I plan on pre-ordering the game but I have few questions.
1. What about mods? Will the mods for TWW1 be compatible with 2?
2. If I have Blood dlc for TWW1 will I have blood on day one in TWW2?
3. Where did you faggots buy it for 30 yuropoors?


No. My guess is CA will release Tomb Kings first and save Vampire Coast for later, maybe even last.


>Reposting my answer from last thread

1. Don't know, probably not.
2. No, you won't, they've said this outright.
3. Check here allkeyshop.com/blog/buy-total-war-warhammer-2-cd-key-compare-prices/


Do magic and fire attacks do more damage through armor than normal attacks?

queek more like queef am I right lads.

>buying TWW2

Egypt in Rome 1 was complete bullshit and you know it

So I went back and played some older games recently. What the FUCK are people whining about when they want settlement battles back?

Shogun 2
>70% of all the battles in the campaign are defensive settlement battles
>they're all insanely easy and tedious just move yari ahigaru around various walls causing any enemy to climbing them to instantly break
>AI just keeps going for these dumbass battles because the autoresolve tells them they can win them somehow

>50% of the campaign is defensive settlement battles
>put your unit of spear garrison in shieldwalls over the ramps
>4x speed for 5 minutes
>maybe hit them in the back with garrison cav and end up winning when you shouldn't really have

Are all the people complaining about muh 'no settlement battles' in Warhammer literally just scrubs? Like you cant win anything in an open field because you need settlement cheese tactics?


Yeah, I thought so. Thanks.

Is a tree and monster army only viable? Or will I get fucked without archers?


I bought TWW2 for 40 because that's what I felt it was worth. Got Norsca too.


I knew the AI was bad but jesus Christ how did this even happen

Pull yourself together humans

13th? The mighty Horned Rat himself gives his blessing to this union.

Now that Norsca DLC has been out, what's the strategy w/ the Chaos campaign? It used to be best to sack Baesonling Camp for a bajillion turns to cheese some easy XP & growth, but now you can only raxe+loot or raze+growth.

Is it best to try and dance around Kislev's northern border for a while, or dive into Norsca?

viable? sure

good? eh

how is that surprising

they have precisely 2 good units

>so I went back and played some older games recently for like 20 turns and the tiny battles I played are indicative of most of the game

You're obviously talking about tiny fights at the start of the campaign before shit has taken off.

It takes more than fucking yari ashigrau to win siege defence fights in Shogun 2 after realm divide hits.

Now get a wight king hero and name him Karl Franz.

People are talking about different tiers of settlement battles. There were unwalled towns where you could create chokepoints on the streets, smaller fortifications or large castles. Now it's either a full fledged siege (aka a small piece of wall) or fucking nothing, the only difference is how much damage the towers do.

>Preordering games
>Preordering games made by CA of all companies


what's wrong with that? got it for $40

....Why would I ever want to do the vortex shit when all it does is spawn free chaos armies after me?


You'll probably have to use magic to actually kill shit though.

Also Hawk Riders>eagles for melee.

And put all your dryads in a treeman ancient's army so he can give them an insane buff.

why would you ever want to conquer kyoto if all it does it make everyone hate you

because it's the win condition

>What's exciting about Norsca more broadly is the precedent it sets for CA to go beyond Warhammer's core army books and look at other minor factions, such as Kislev, Dogs of War, Chaos Dwarfs, Araby, and so on. I ask if fans of those races can take heart from Norsca.
>"I think it is fair to say that there is a reason they could be encouraged by the existence of Norsca - shall we put it that way?" Roxburgh says
>"There are things we can do beyond the core army books that we have plans to do... We know the fans really want certain things that aren't canon, and we want to do them, and it's part of the plan. So, where you're coming from thinking we want these kinds of things - yeah, there will be a lot of that in the future, so don't worry about that."
>that aren't canon

>yfw CA adds their own donut steel OC race/faction

I know I'll sink 150 hours into it anyways so I might as well pay up now and get the DLC.

But it's not? CA said it's completely optional

Because to win the campaign you either need to do the vortex shit or conquer 80 provinces + wipe out all LL factions save those belonging to your race.

>he only difference is how much damage the towers do.
I hated those things in Attila. made settlement battles a butch.

>upgrade the settlement so it has some samurai in the garrison
>it's now the same thing again but scaled up a bit


They're potentially better. AI isn't going to improve until somebody makes some kind of neural network AI for total war, and that's still limited to researchers rather than being used in actual games.

Vortex victory sounds like it's for bitches

I guarantee you no true understand will post a pic of a vortex victory.

I get the feeling people would've complained if it wasn't optional

Optional because you can still get the long campaign win condition but it's not optional if you want to see a victory screen in less than 300 turns.

lol it doesn't take a genius to stack units and take regions

True understanders complete both victory objectives. Having a final big battle at the end sounds nice

The second part is completely false, the % of settlement battles depends entirely on the faction, since the campaign differs a lot based on the faction you pick.

As WRE all your battles in the first 60 turns will be defensive siege battles, but as Goths there will be a lot of field and siege attack battles.

>implying fantasyfags are true understanders of strategy in the first place

>finish vortex victory to get whatever crazy bonus thing it gives
>click continue playing
>get domination victory
>post both


>he's maining high elves

just know that you are my brethren of African descent

I'd rather just wreck my enemies instead of caring about some hurricane at bumfuck nowhere

>true understander
>trve vnderstander

get out

I am


I might do a vortex victory but I would never post it, it would be like saying I'm a homo

why did Norsca keep giving you a hard time?

It does sound a bit more fun than the standard victory at least
Running around trying to sabotage enemy rituals shakes things up a bit, even if it's probably easier to just rush the rituals yourself
I just hope the AI is competent enough to actually perform them

there's nothing wrong with being gay, user, just like there's nothing wrong with posting a vortex victory

>mfw I can unironically enjoy TWWH without cynicism getting in the way of having fun and enjoying my favorite series

>mfw I don't let dumbass TW "celebs" dictate my opinion over the series

>get an itch for history after 500 hours of fantasy
>want to play in 19th century
>only have Farr of the Arr Rook the Sameurai
>Victoria Total War is probably not happening


How fucking retarded are you?

None of what you said even relates to actually playing the game...

45 Samurai retainers might be nice when you're being sieged by a fucking 10 stack of ashigaru, but later in the game it won't mean shit when you have multiple stacks sieging you

>it's now the same thing again but scaled up a bit
Compared to everything being exactly the same all the time in Warhammer?

Also if you don't think upgrading a settlement to a fortress in Shogun 2 is really important you've obviously barely played it so shut the fuck up.

my nigga

Dude, you're so cool and level-headed. Wow. What a guy. It's a true pleasure meeting you.

why not do both vortex and domination victories?

>hey /twg/ look at how smart and enlightened I am
>suck my dick please

It's like being a gay guy not fully accepting the fact you're gay and still trying to appear hetero.

>your favorite series is the most dumbed down and casual one

it's cool that you enjoy it but you're still a massive casual faggot who's probably garbage at the historical titles

It is now August, and the howls of dying slaves fill the bleak land of Naggaroth with a sweet cacophony. Very soon the Asur will experience such an atmosphere, for the Witch King is finalising his strategy for the coming campaign.

From all over the land come the lords and ladies of the Black Council, and it will be a permanant position for some. Ever eager to guide her son down the path she has divined, the great Hag Queen Morathi spends much time in council with Malekith. Though some sense conflict between them in the future, Morathi has promised her strongest pupils will join the legions of the Druchii.

In Har Ganeth the cavorting Brides of Khaine spill the blood of offerings to their God, whilst many a would be sacrifice is lost to the blades of the Executioners.
The Beastmasters of Clar Karond rouse their monstrous captives with many a laggard elf suffering in the process. All over Naggaroth the corsair fleets have been sent ahead to pillage and despoil the Black Council's choice of targets, a content glint could be seen in the Witch King's eyes, if anyone had the heart to look at them.

The time is now, the treasonous Asur will soon bow to the true Phoenix King whether they wish it or not. Domination by a best elf soon!

yeee boi

its mostly people who saw the reduction from four wall sieges to one wall as unforgivable dumbing down casualization of the game. It's smacking a finger at a bigger number and going BETTERRR regardless of how it actually plays ingame. Or they go "well it COULD be better if they just did x y and z" which is just idea guy wank.

desu I think I enjoyed Shogun 2 sieges on the whole more, but probably because slaughtering the AI is always enjoyable. Same kind of fun that bridge battles offered.

This, as long as I'm having fun and Dark Elves and High Elves look like fun I don't care about doom-sayers.
I'm also hyped for the next historical title because fuck pure fantasy babbies and history fags

what if I just want to do both though? like i'm bi or something.
thought he meant TW when he said series.


Hello. Let me introduce mysel; I'm the best game in the Total War series.

Darren's old news. People are shitting on him left and right.

my man. playing both history and fantasy.


>**No bridge battles with crypt horrors charging through like grotesque elephants**
>**No orc's sieging a four walled settlement spending an hour lobbing goblins at them with catapults**

This is true.

>tfw you realise that all of these "Epic final battle!!" victory conditions and random AI armies being spawned are just there to make up for the fact that CA can't make a decent and challenging AI who can send decent armies at you and give you an epic final battle.

is it just me, or did they get the skaven speak kind of wrong?

They do the double-word thing, but they used it like "am-am" and "take-take" and "maybe-yes" instead of stuff like "kill-slay" or "take-steal".

Its like they got the right idea, but applied it completely wrong.

As someone that only played this after M2, TWW, R2 and Atilla I almost agree.

this also happened with CD project and ubisoft. why do game companies do this?

>thinks he meant the Warhammer games only when he said series

wew lad

Wanna bet that the AI won't get the spawning chaos stack for pursuing their vortex victory?

Ohayo, best game in the Total War series!

you are correct user, I wouldn't be surprised if we have a mod within a week of the release to fix Skaven speech

Defending with a first tier fort is painful. Tier 2 is unpleasant but you should still win unless you're in some comical shit pit of hopelessness. 3rd tier is where you've got enough space and layers to win solidly against nearly everything with a token garrison, and anything beyond that is ez town.

Repelling samurai stacks with ashigaru isn't hard, sempai. Especially if you're not a numbskull and have some decent upgrades on your chaff. Or have guns.

there's always CoW or Beginning of the endtimes?
I wonder if this is the same for other games with non domination victory conditions.

...Were you posting in a /tv/ thread today?

when will this meme end?

>No bridge battles

But there are. Modders added them more than a year after release

Pretty sure the Dark Elf campaign video showed a chaos stack going after the High Elves.