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Not bad for a day 2 general
I don't understand Stagger. Is it just a set 4 stances, not customizable, or will I be able to customize it as I raise my school level? Also, I get how to equip the Stagger deck but how do I equip the special ability? Even if I have the Stagger deck, my special ability is still Parry.
I just beat a lvl 52 as a 32.
Got my first enemy mask
>how far do you have to move the mouse to get it to parry? Can you adjust the sensitivity for it?
>way too far. i maxed out the sensitivity bar and it didn't seem to change anything. probably gonna relearn the entire game on controller just for parrying. the other mkb controls are fine and i would prefer them if not for the parrying.
This is the only thing preventing me from buying this game. I don't want to wait 2 weeks for a steam controller to ship, and also don't want to spend an extra 30-50 bucks in order to play the game right. If I am able to just flick the mouse to get it to work I might be fine, but if I am dragging it all over my desk I know it won't be fast enough to actually manage.
Hair styles from all angles so you don't pick some goofy looking shit.
Just use any old controller? Why would your order a steam controller just for this game? Or at all for that matter
1st for somebody make a School already
2nd for consult the board before making a school
i don have one >:
Stats don't make too much of a difference, but 20 level is probably the line where it actually starts to matter, nice job
how do i deal with quick attack spam?
side dodges, quick attacks usually have low range/arc so you can usually dodge to the side successfully, and then that will change your opponent's stance which will fuck up their combo
god damn the smacks are satisfying
Your deck looks eerily similar to mine. Like at least 60% is the same
servers alive?
Been grinding and I didn't even think to check
>leveling vit past 30 gives 1 health per level
Jesus christ
who do you think I got it from
how do i learn stagger style/school? i ran into the "master" npc and whooped his ass two times and still haven't got it.
Feinting fucks the AI up bad
there's a dude running a school in the area where you fight the cunt on top of the tower (the sixth marked one I think)
what the fuck
leave me alone
>no long, beautiful, flowing hair for male characters
Feel when winning every duel, can't tell if gud or fighting shitters.
are masks dropped at random or do i have to fight specific guys to get new ones?
The straight jab is probably the best attack ever. Nothing like a bop to the face to completely negate an attack.
Also the reason parry is the best pvp stance is because it stops the flow of the match. All other stances don't stop an onslaught outright. It gives you time to breath.
So what are we absolving?
>Theres a zapdos mask
Where the fuck did he get that. I haven't seen a single mob wearing it
i'm in the same boat bud
i'm sure we'll stop playing against shitters eventually
Its also the most difficult against a good deck.
Dodge seemed hard but up/down is pretty easy once you know all your opponents moves. Left right is way harder, especially since some moves look like they're in the middle.
Still Windfall or change to Forsaken?
PvP I think. I've gotten a couple of pieces that aren't anywhere in game
shitty servers
Windfall, hence why don't know
They'll be able to buy more servers when more people buy their game. I have high hopes right now, I'm just looking to see if I should start with KB+M or if I should spend the money on a controller, then by this game once I'm used to playing with a controller.
>attack can go uninterrupted by one hit
Literally game breaking, how the fuck did they think this was remotely even close to being balanced?
How do you meet up with a friend in this game to duel? do we just have toi find each other or what?
Hey idiot
Don't attack into it
do the marked ones also drop their gear?
really want the hood thing
Because there are attacks that double hit, attacks that break charged attacks on a single hit, and not that many charged attacks anyway.
Become proficient.
So that you cant put on wide attacks and combo for ever.
Ah, so this is a game where I'll be playing against someone and I just have to hope that I have one of the extremely specialized moves that will counter them?
Sounds good, not a skill-based game, more like a TCG.
Its a counter to people who mash
Have you tried parrying the attack
Not at all lol
He wouldn't use it at all until I started attacking, at which point I was locked into an animation. I had zero counters available and was completely defenseless, probably due to my deck, but if I have to build my entire deck around the off chance that I encounter someone using one move that's pretty fucking gay.
Nigga what are you doing, most of the stats start dropping significantly at like 15 or so.
>join duel
>loads forever
>kicks me back into the hub
>disconnected from servers so offline
Anyone? My social is greyed out but im online
>not having fast attacks
>12 STR, DEX and VIT
>10 END
>fight some guy with no armor
>its like fighting those beginning NPCs at the docks
2 solid hits is like 1/4th of his health. Wear armor you tards
you have to be at the alter
It would be cool if I could play the online fighting game that I bought. This lag and server downtime is totally unacceptable.
I capped at 20. I just have a ton of extra points since I don't want to waste them
Get past the tutorial. Make sure you're connected to the server. At the alter, have one person make invitation with a password. The others connect via password.
>if I have to build my entire deck around the off chance that I encounter someone using one move that's pretty fucking gay
Shouldn't you build your deck to not be countered by this one simple trick? You don't need to build the entire thing around it, but you can still build it so you're not going to get countered. Seriously no one to blame but your own dumb ass.
not yet as in it's not possible yet but they announced they're planning to do so
or as in not yet and maybe it will be there someday
build your decks with a variety of moves that all link into each other one way or another.
The best thing to have in this game is variety. Slow+fast attacks, high/low, long reaching and short reaching. Also, any decent player will counter all your shit if your deck is basic
>you can have a 3 hit combo in one stance that repeats on itself forever
>but you can have that same stance do a one-hit or two-hit combo and pause for a sec or dodge and instead it ends on another stance based on that 1st or 2nd move
Goddamn this fucking game, it's like how down the rabbit hole do you want to go thinking about how fucking far you could take the complexity of the fighting mechanics.
>doesn't respect a simple deck
All us working class prospects need are our fists and an arm to swing em with
So I'm most of the way through single player and I'm really liking swords.
Where do I find them? I only have some shitty looking scimitar and I don't want to miss any sick longswords and have to go back to areas I've finished
> 1 - 2 - 3 hit combo
>1 - khalt cancel 1 -2 no wait feint 1 - 2 alternative attack
Theres alot more options than you think at first glance
>beat some dudes ass
>he decides to run off the cliff
has anybody gotten the forest dweller mask? i've been grinding the third marked one for hours now and still haven't had it drop
>a chad will climb to the top of the mountain
>a virgin will sit wherever he wants, and claim it is the top of the mountain
>1-hit then alt attack, 2-hit then alt attack, and 3-hit then alt attack can give you 3 different alts from a single stance combo
The more i think about it the more it boggles my mind, but it's also why I sense great potential in it with a very high skill ceiling. What mainly remains to be seen is how much skill is rewarded in the game vs. dumb shit and exploits, and how counterable everything people do is.
go fight some dock wanderers, loser
I'm using a 12 hit combo. All 3 attacks link into each other stances. I can pause the attack to change stance early. Then there's the alternate attacks in which will change everything. Though I use them for power moves.
>a chad realizes games have design flaws
>a virgin believes the developers can do no wrong and that everything is balanced
what are these faggot moves
>People have one combo that stuffs dodges
>Do it over and over
>I'm playing Stagger
So I just have to block until it's my turn to do anything?
>its another stagger user
I do the same thing. Starting from top left, my combo will go all away around the wheel, and the last two hits are heavy.
It fucks people up so hard when theres 10 different moves to watch out for, that can be canceled and reset 4 different ways
>poor lil white boy
the back wards one where you flail with your fists in a 360 arc
Literally undodgeable
thanks for the (you)
So fast moves are king in this game, eh? Low damage doesn't matter when you can just spam stunlock people and ez dodge slow af hyper armor moves amirite??
How do you get that cool ass head gear?
Seems like everyone and their ded mum has it.
I guess fast moves.
Easily. All the other shit is a trap.
The best thing to do in this game is have a fast looping combo to stuff people from counterattacking. Doesn't matter if they dodge out or block if the next hit in your chain is faster than the first in theirs.
gonna be visiting this general a lot for the salt over the next week or two at a minimum. love how you guys give no mercy to people complaining lol, i believe "git gud" applies more to this game than to the entire dark souls franchise tbqh
Are you talking the floating eyes mask? It's from a cairn in the essence reserves or imperial quarters, can't recall which.
Mouse wheel to change targets with it being incredibly specific as to "NO THIS TARGET IS UP, THIS ONE IS DOWN, NOW IT MIGHT BE THE OTHER WAY AROUND, UP UP DOWN UP FOR THIS GUY? WHO FUCKING KNOWS" is quite possibly the worst design choice I have ever seen for a game like this.
Have the first hit be fast. Also another reason why forsaken is the best. After the first full combo you should be able to see which way they're coming from and stop him.
Get good at posting.
Thank you, quite the mind reader you are.
>grinding the third marked one
Man, fuck Ama in her Black Mage-looking asshole. I hated that fight more than any other.
fast moves are great until you run into based windniggers who can just stuff your attacks because they have no range
tfw halfway through making my own school. Also, rank 6 stagger in like a couple of wins.
Man fighting good opponents in this game is so much fun, also the stagger deck for swords is so much fun.
Also, when you go back to bosses with cinematics at higher fighting levels (the ones you get from duels) they drop more cool looking gear. Gotta get to level 40 pvp for the arena guy for his third form tho, that's gonna be a grind.
also how do i take better screencaps
>generic mask/10
Everyone and their grandmum wears the thing
Otherwise nice. Can't say im a fan of the fur collar but atleast it matches the style
yeah the mask is my least favorite part (other than the color of the gloves) but i can't find any rare masks
Reminder that if you heal in the middle of a round you're a cocksucker
If you do it twice you're a double nigger
if you wear fur, at least get the proper one
how to spot a shitter in 1v1 arena. They all wear that shit eye mask and the absolver cloak.