>item called the ultimate orb >it doesn't upgrade your ultimate uhmmm......dotards?
Luke Hill
yeah but wasn't our sk named ostarion?
Jace Walker
>item named claws of attack >doesn't turn you into wolverine ummm... dotards?
Robert Cooper
Zachary Thompson
>claws of attack
Parker Watson
The victim of a longevity spell that backfired, the Skeleton King Ostarion has built an empire from the bones of his enemies. He lives only to extend his reach, for as long as he is perpetually building and adding to his domain he cannot die. The walls of his palace are formed of fired bone; the streets are paved with bones of every sort of creature and every enemy; and even the wood and other natural features of his land have been swept away and replaced with replicas formed of bone. From the Ivory Forest to Ostarion's towering Throne of Bone, nothing happens in the Empire of Bones without the full knowledge of its Skeleton King.
Blake Ross
Daily reminder that TA is a WOMAN and doesn't have a penis or some male genitalia