>Everything EO (References, Music, Art Books, etc.)
EOV releases October 17th for NA, November 3rd for EU.
EMD2 releases in Japan August 31
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>Everything EO (References, Music, Art Books, etc.)
EOV releases October 17th for NA, November 3rd for EU.
EMD2 releases in Japan August 31
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nene a slut
I'm not sure if I should buy EO2U and complete it in September or play something else. On the one hand I really wanna use the Gunner and Fang but on the other is only October EO free enough of a gap to ensure EOV is fresh?
>October EO
I meant having only October for my break from any etrian odyssey games as opposed to both September and October ahead of EOV in November.
play the games with utterly different party compositions for max playstyle variation. maybe even use another color for mapping, go wild
>another color for mapping
Woah calm down there Satan. Next you're gonna say I should paint under doors to make it even more unique.
turn on automapping
>any girl that I don't like is a slut
For how much it hyped himself, the Undead King was a real cakewalk, the bonus party member was really unnecessary. Or maybe I was just overleveled idk
/r/ arcanists. I need more sexy skeletons in my life.
Twigs are not for sexual.
Damn I can't harass people on twitch streaming the game
There's people on Twitch streaming? The only one I've seen recently is Flare and he was already at Yggdrassil Core in EOU.
Nobody is streaming on twitch because twitch is down right now.
Good, this cancer breeding ground should stay this way forever
Right on brother. Fuck twitch and jews.
What does twitch have to do with Jews?
I just hate twitch because of the chat being a completely awful memefest, and the fact that my friends who go there keep inserting twitch emojis into their speech even outside of it.
Why do you even read the chat? Just disable it and watch the streamer. It is a nice entertainment as long as you don't follow the faggots on top of the viewer list.
Wake up
So yeah, I still can't beat Blizzard King in EO2U and I'm about to give up. Why in the world did they make him way stronger than Storm Emperor? I'm even considering using a whole different party, I can only deal half of his life before Hexer's binds and ailments stop working and he kills me. I even have several Lv10 Grimoires and still nothing.
Party is Hi/P/G/So/H, really need some help here.
Worst comes to worst, you can Ecstasy cheese him
I want to hold hands with Fang and give her headpats.
Don't you dare...
There are three buffs and three debuff slot. They are seperated for a total of six that is not interchangable.
Iirc pressing Y in battle allows you to see your buffs, pressing it again your debuffs.
Seeing the enemy's buffs and debuffs only got possible in EO2U.
Yeah, I guess I have no choice but level up a Dark Hunter and a War Magus then. In the end Highlander needs too much setup just for one attack.
Do you like some Cheese?
Get a Landsknecht and train them until they can learn War Cry 10. Give them a Grimoire with the same for a total of War Cry 20.
Also stack some AGI on them so they can outspeed Blizzard King.
In addition, get a level 1 Beast and make sure it gets not a single XP while you walk towards the boss.
Give it any shield skill grimoire so it can wear a Slaughter Shield made from the drops of the mimics in the secret area in B4F and if possible a Fullface Helm from the Master Bird DLC.
Lastly, give your Hexer Corrupt Curse as high as possible with Grimoires, passives and everything.
They also must be able to outspeed the boss.
You need to eat Autumn Dango which tripples Curse Damage.
And lastly, you need two random people just so you have 5.
Gameplan is once again to reach Blizzard King with your Beast still on level 1.
Once the fight starts immediatly use War Cry with your Landsknecht on your Beast (which means they have to be in the same line and curse the Blizzard King using Creeping Curse and Corrupt Curse.
Your Beast uses its Force Break True Endurance.
All of that on turn 1 before Blizzard Kings acts.
Now Blizzard King will use its elemental breath.
Your Beast will tank all the hits without dying but because of the Slaughter Shield, the Fullface Helm and the War Cry it will take an obscene amount of damage - 150% of which gets reflected back to Blizzard King because of Autumn Dango and curse, killing him.
Stop Ricky, that's not ice cream!
What are you doing!?
What is an ideal gathering team in EOU1? In my head I'm thinking 5 Survivalists(Stalker, Resuscitate, Take, Chop, Mine), but is there a better option?
No, that is the best gathering party.
Then how do I go about grinding up that party so they can get the necessary skills?
Give them equipment so they can easily beat the first floor encounters, use the empty arrows to set up and auto route in a circle that never has you face any door or shortcut, activate the auto route and while your party walks on their own, put something on the A button.
Just auto grind them this way until they can get to a lower floor.
I never found a gathering party necessary in EOU although one quest seriously sucked because I did not have one.
How do you think she died?
And why did she refuse to die properly?
They are still using battle themes as background music...
This time even battle music that was originally cut.
What is this even a remix of.
The cut EOIII battle theme.
Only two themes are used in EOIII and the 6th stratum uses the same battle music as the 3rd to 5th stratum.
There is just not much of them out there.
It's a true shame.
I feel dirty for using a beast. They actually do their job and tank hits.
Wait until elemental hits start being thrown around more often.
They have difficulty with those so you have to be more careful about using your Beast.
Unless you just put your Beast in a bikini with the Gentle Toad DLC - that makes stuff way easier.
Sounds like it would have been the 6th Stratum battle music of EOIII. Not sure why it isn't.
Sounds like fart noises desu
So it's a kusoge again.
You are REALLY pushing those "Beasts in a bikini", aren't you?
Alright I'm trying this meme team.
I call it "Protect the President" as the alchemist is the only way this team will do any damage.
It's not my fault collars are not counted as body armor, allowing Beasts to wear bikinis without giving up most of their defences.
And since elemental damage is their biggest weakness and bikini armor cuts that in half its one of the best things they can wear.
Blame Atlus for programming it that way. Bikini Armor is the only body armor Beasts can wear.
That has to be on purpose.
>protect the president
>not a team of 4 gunners
Sounds awful. Why two Princesses?
3 Princesses. Link Order Spam.
>How do you think she died?
Cum overdose
>And why did she refuse to die properly?
Too much slutness left
You should get eihter a Troubadour or at the very least Fantasia Grimoires.
Not sure if a Princess with a Fantasia Grimoires or a Troubadour with a Link Order Grimoirere would deal more damage.
>he doesn't want a cute wolf in bikini
Princess will deal more damage, then gain more Tec which is what Link Order is based on, plus level 20 Link Order as well. The other reason I went all Sovereigns is because they can wear heavy armor in the back while I can just use Keep Guard for the Alchemist, plus the other reason I like all the Girl Sovereigns
The princess should be the Principal.
So she could not go on as long as there were still dicks that needed to be satisfied? Such a trooper.
Using a beast is animal abuse. Prove me wrong
The beast gets paid.
You are not using the Beast.
They are fully registered members of your guild and signed the contract themselves.
Fuck off peta, they already have way better lives than in the wild, tanking some hits and walking in bikini is not a big price for that
Do they have a union?
No, but they have a force.
No Untold 3
N3V3R 3V3R
in 2022 maybe
>actual 2020 soon
>still no cute Rushe
why live
2020 didn't have Rushe, did it?
They only came back in VFD by getting time traveled out of Atlantis that got sunk by a dragon in 12000 BC
OKAY, so, I've just made an 8 Attack forged set of Yggdrasil weapons for my Landshark.
But there's a problem: I have 999 attack. I'm overcapped attack. Does attack beyond 999 still matter, and the display just doesn't go above that? Or should I drop some attack forges?
You are a crazy person...
Anyways, is your STR also capped?
Not sure if there is a ATK cap but I know that STR is hard capped at 99.
Anyone have etrian odyssey v soundtrack download?
>attack beyond 999 still matter
>Or should I drop some attack forges?
your second weapon and gear must be dedicated to making landshark faster that anything ever
>spoiling the music for yourself
>You're crazy
You only need 18 to save scum a full set for everyone. I'm an absolute fucking retard and saved at the wrong time though, so now I have to go back and farm WS 18 more god damn times. Fuck my life.
>Strength capped
Of course.
>999 hard capped Attack
Fuck. I guess that's an actual reason why ELM forges are better for Imperial then.
>Make Landy faster than anything, ever.
She's already guaranteed to move first no matter what speed rolls my Sniper and Dancer get. More speed forges mean that the Sniper can eat more Speed Books, I guess.
for you.
It's not like people listen to it during gameplay though, right?
>save scum a full set
Farm 18 cores.
Make your two weapons, fully forge them. Set the character with the Ygg weapons to your guild card.
Reset. Repeat.
Then, read back the QR codes to pick up your newly minted Ygg carriers.
that's why the game didn't allow me to use my own characters?
>that's why the game didn't allow me to use my own characters?
Not sure what you're asking.
I made a QR with my characters once but the game didn't allow me to use them, any other QR works fine. A way to use your characters definitely exists as well.
Not sure why your game wouldn't let you use them. I can use my own characters just fine
You cna't use the QR code for a guild that is identical to your current one. Change the character, phrase or treasure map, save and it should do the trick.
what the fuck
Bunny waifu never
/eog/ in a nutshell
Emil brought them back in 2020-II.
It's missing Fang and startums.
Who are the leftmost elves in the first and third picture?
first is generic, third is probably generic as well