schools nationwide are having anti-gun rallies march 14th. does anyone want to scare the shit out of libcucks w/ antilag?
Veeky Forums "pranks"
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u gon git arrosted
So basically a handful, maybe a few dozen soibois and their lardass tumblrina gf’s in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Denver and Boston is nationwide?
If you wanna troll them, show up with a sign saying “2 genders, 37 mental illnesses” while you open carry
If I had a turbo I'd get anti lag just for this
>ITT: right-leaning snowflakes triggered at left-leaning snowflakes having a different opinion on something
ITT: Leftarded "Geniuses" who know fuckall about the world, who know fuckall about guns, imagining crime will end if they hit a lightswitch called "muh gun control"
I can do this but due to my fuel pump not cutting out when coming down in the revs and not antilag
I'm on spring break next week and if I lived in an open carry state I'd easily troll the shit out of libtards
Yeah, because driving a loud car past a crowd of people is the same as attending a mass heavily funded protest because NBC told you to.
>let's disarm everyone lmao
reminder that backfires sound like gunshots
Let me just interject here for a minute. What you're referring to as backfire is actual called afterfire. A backfire is when the fuel mixture ignites in the intake manifold. Afterfire is when unburt fuel mixture ignites in the exhaust.
/pol/ is so easily upset lol
will this be like then trump supporters coal roalled liberals?
>she needs antilag to backfire
>everyone with political opinions are snowflakes
>muh horseshoe theory amirite fellow narwhals?
nerd lol
you sound like a literal child
this is a car forum about cars
who hurt you?
this is you
you need stronger meds, bro
You ever hear of the book Curious George?
Well you sould be Furious George because you're one angry monkey lmao!
>I'm an edgy dipshit and feel superior for acting retarded because responsible behavior is "cucked"
you have a point but you don't have to make yourself look like a retard to get that point across...
>walking out on school is responsible behavior
too much of anything is bad, prove me wrong
It's a shame this thread devolved into retarded shit flinging. It's not like scaring the protestors is showing support for gun rights. What happened to just doing it for the keks?
>that image
two of those images are concept art for video games and they are all paintings, not historical documents
also the roman empire fell anyway
go back to /pol/'s garbo "self improvement" thread with the other "stoics" who dont understand what stoicism actually is
The Current Year happened.
No lulz allowed.
being a liberal is mental illness lmao
>what is burden of proof
Exactly. Forgot pic
psuedointellectualism: the post
Yeah but he's right tho, no need to be buttblasted hedonist.
Nobody ever did it for the keks, the underlying motive of Veeky Forums activism, chaotic as it may have seemed, was always internet freedom. Something kids these days have no concept of.
>thinks kids getting shot up at school is normal
>thinks his country isn't an aids africa tier shit hole
america, not even once.
>all those brainwashed teens
i hope more of them get shot
>he needs some freedom index to tell himself that he actually has it
>doesn’t inherently have it laid in the groundwork of his country’s foundation
>b-b-but muh index
>does anyone want to scare the shit out of libcucks w/ antilag?
if were going to do it EPIC STYLE i'm up for it #maga #praisekek
Walking out of school to support a revival of a gun law that did not reduce crime or death rates and instead only changed the guns used in crime from 1x AR15 to 2x glock is not responsible
It's a pointless infringement on rights. Crims gonna crim, but why do I need an AR15? Because it's effective against light body armor. That's fucking why.
thats the spirit
What political position am I if I believe private guns should be limited to hunting rifles and shotguns, but the government should also do more to crack down on violent niggers?
i feel it everywhere i go.
going to work and not getting shot
going to school and not getting shot
going to university (cheaply) and not getting shot
getting pulled over by the police and not getting shot
if i do get shot, not paying ANY medical costs
having higher living standards
higher life expentancy
1/5 of the murder rate per 100,000 people
>it's pseudointellectualism to tell you your worldview is based on literal fiction
do you even know what that word means? what does it have to do with that image?
holy shit leftist memetics have reached peak 2011
>why do I need an AR15? Because it's effective against light body armor. That's fucking why.
so is what youre saying is that you need an ar15 to defeat cops and because you're too stupid to know that it's not the ar15 that defeats armor but the boolit that defeats armor and so a mini-30 will do just fine if not better?
>infringement on rights
Except that the Supreme Court ruled Clinton's gun law constitutional, and it was discontinued mainly because Bush Jr. was in office when it was time to decide about an extension, and Democrats and Republicans will do anything to sabotage whatever the opposing side is doing.
inline with the rest of the world.
This fuckin thread, jeezus
>heh, he just called me a psued because he can't handle my deconstruction of his fictional philosophy
that's clearly right wing
but either way, people who are uppity about politics can't meme in general. just look at gun owners. name even one funny gun-related meme. you can't
you're still a retard who misunderstands what guns are and how they work, and what niggers are and why they don't work
too bad republicans want military weapons on every street corner and democrats want to turn a blind eye to BLM and Antifa rioters and gangbangers
This is what America is actually like.
Retarded. If anything, guns should be limited to people with military training, which should be nearly all of the 20+ year old male population.
People without military training should not own military arms. ALL guns are military arms. That bolt you slide back and forth? That's not hunter's tradition meant for thrill and sport. That's a cold-blooded invention meant to make it so you could kill more people on a battlefield. Giving weapons of war to people who are not trained and certified is foolish. We should also keep track of people who are unfit to own arms. Would you give a shotgun to someone who takes an SSRI pill every day, or a certified alcoholic with six DUIs, or someone with a double digit IQ, or someone affiliated with a political or religious group with documented and official sentiments promoting the murder of innocent americans?
A mini 30 would also be banned. The rate of fire is kind of useful for shooting people in real combat.
A semi-automatic handgun would never be banned. That's something the lobbyists and republicans will never let go because they're useful for self defense...and therefore surprise murder. Remember what they used at virginia tech?
>A mini 30 would also be banned.
under american gun laws, it wouldn't be, because it has wood furniture and doesn't look spooky. because american gun laws are stupid and poorly written.
make sure to tie your shoes quietly, you dont want to get your dog shot by the atf for having a machine gun!!
Somebody at a local highschool already beat you to it. They lit fireworks during a fire drill (I believe they also pulled the alarm) and scared the living shit out of several hundred kids and teachers. A few were trampled. Funny shit.
Nah, I still think a shotgun to blast violent negroids and undocumented citizens affiliated with MS-13 entering my house in the middle of the night isn't too crazy of a request
>Retarded. If anything, guns should be limited to people with military training, which should be nearly all of the 20+ year old male population.
t. neverserved
im the poster you replied to and im american. You're not completely wrong but there's a thin veneer of politeness held up by psychotropic prescription medication, money, and a sentimental (yet distant) respect for some 20th century social standards (at least in some places in the south)
Recent AWBs ban anything with a detachable magazine that holds more than 10 rounds.
>penetrating body armor
It is if you can't be trusted to be sober when that happens.
t. pinko
what are you getting up to that MS13 is running up in your house
>anything with a detachable magazine that holds more than 10 rounds
i keep forgetting that americans haven't fully grasped the concept of a detachable magazine yet
even the SCARY HIGH SPEED TEFLON COATED ASSAULT BABY KILLER CLIPS the military uses come in different sizes
>t. pinko
are you saying you're a communist? that would make sense if you believe in conscription despite never having served in the military yourself
>this thread
not an argument
well to be honest I understand why they did this. Having in mind the risk of an armed state seizing control is reasonable. What's retarded is now thinking the US can go back on gun laws, or that it's enough to protect freedom.
don't worry about it
if 2a is so useful then why did the US lose to mexico and canada and have to call france and spain for help lmao
me on the far right except im nowhere near balding
>lose to Canada
It was the British Empire as a whole, cannucks need to stop stealing credit
>if 2a is so useful then why did the US lose to mexico and canada and have to call france and spain for help lmao
Why do you act retarded? The 2A isn't meant to win wars you dumbass, it's meant to make a coup by the government impossible. For example here in Europe, the government could theorically use the police and the army to submit the people to a coup d'etat.
have fun instigating a crowd of protesters in your highly modifoed car with 2 step....... OH WAIT NO ONE HERE HAS 2 STEP
even now, american ""(((refugees)))"" are turned away at the quebec border when they try to enter illegally
blood on the snow soon
>a coup by the government
the government as a whole doesn't need to do a coup, it's already the government. you dont even know what a coup is. you dumb nigger. i will fuck
>the government as a whole doesn't need to do a coup, it's already the government
Stop being retarded I told you. Look up Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, that's what I meant. He went from elected président then stage a coup to become emperor.
so rolling coal is good for something other that polluting
im not seeing how this is funny or anything other than childish
>What happened to just doing it for the keks?
Yes sure, but the fact OP called those people "libcucks" doesn't really sound like doing "for the keks" and more like retarded american politics team mentality.
>l-look the other team is doing literally anything! let's inconvenience them under the pretense of doing it for fun!
Do you mean 2 stroke or...?
no one is talking about your 50cc broken ass dirt bike cleetus go back to fucking your cousin
Wow someone's mad
muslims may be raping my wife right now but this thread makes me glad im in england not america, your country is so broken its hilarious
ayy mate, here I thought I was the only one
Disrespecting your educators by walking out of class is childish
>i'm an american and I can't stop thinking about strangers fucking my spouse
explains a lot
Just a prank bro
>people with the most internet access view the most pornography
of course, americans are the ones who invented this thing. Few other countries have been built with two distincts categories of people like the US.
Semi automatic guns are legal in most of Europe you fucking idiot. Switzerland and the Czech Republic have better gun laws than multiple states.
that's not even a logical thought process lmao
I meant americans are the one with this deep-seated fetish, especially in the south.
Based on what evidence? Seems like it's something that Yuros crave.
Look back at the pic, who produces that kind of porn and what country has a population split between blacks and whites with anti-interracial laws for a while.
>hurr muh Yuros
fuck off
That picture has no evidence. People who have more internet connections search for the most porn. Do you know how ratios work, or do you only study Islamic history and feminist theory in school?
>fuck off
Not till you stop being a brainlet
>do you only study Islamic history and feminist theory in school
Oh great strawman you faggot. Nice idea to speak about ratios, but have you looked at the countries? The united states don't have any significant advantage in internet coverage, even the opposite due to more rural population, and even when adjusting the ratios for population, the US still are over-represented. Despite your hurt feelings, yes a fetish about a wife fornicating with a black man originates from a country where this situation could happen. Especially when said country made it a legal issue by promoting laws against it.
It has more total users than the other nations on the list you mongoloid
>even when adjusting the ratios for population, the US still are over-represented.
No proof, yurocuck
All EU immigration laws and Yuro ''''''''culture'''''''' as a whole revolves around the feminization of white yuropoor men and the importation of islamic hordes to fuck their women. So much so that reporting these crimes is now illegal.