"Do not reply to me, creature!"
"Do not reply to me, creature!"
first for alpha team!
hey who saved polish character create screen
Reminder that Destiny is not an MMO.
Anyone else playing it on ps4 instead of PC? I feel like i'll be tryhard as fuck if played d2 on pc, destiny 2 will be a comfy console game killing aliens with my bros.
>Guardians have a foot fetish
when does the beta end tomorrow?
>Live in South texas
>Hurricane Harvey knocked out my power since last friday
>tfw no beta
I'll keep you guys posted
>these easily addressable things aren't in this beta! fuck nubungie!
Calm down
>This is a hard thankless job
>But seeing you fight makes it well worth it guardian
Shaxx is best husbando
Even with all the shitposting, I loved you guys. This is the end. I'm sorry for the shitposting I did.
NK did it, they went through with it. 25 mins ETA.
Goodbye /dg/
Not that user but I'm pretty upset by this. Even a sterilized focus tested P.C. (not computers) game like Overwatch has match and global text chat and the only filter that can't be removed is GG ez turning into self deprecating phrases. Bungie better put all chat in before launch.
>console babby falseflagging for attention again
Good. Let this world be cleansed in fire.
Hey at least they're hocking off a bunch of pins so they can fix your power faster.
Can't you only play as a man for hunters?
The race/gender is random each time you create a new character.
Cancer. I wish this was real
Oh damn okay, I'd gotten female for both titan and Warlock so I only assumed. Thank you kindly.
I'm coninvced that Exo Male Titan is impossible. I rolled for it 30 times and got human and awoken
Each time you reload the class selection page, they change. I believe spinning knife = male hunter, not spinning knife = female.
In terms of power leveling.
How would Captain King fair in the Destiny universe?
clan names
over there
Go to library > purchases > destiny 2 and coick download
So based on the beta are damage dealers going to be more based on class or what weapons you have?
It's not an mmo, stop thinking in terms like that. You have guns with abilities on the side.
You will change the PS4 clan name to Shaxx's Def Jam Poetry Slam or I will loose my vengeance upon this thread like the wrath of THE GODS THEMSELVES!
t. thinks this is more of an MMO than an FPS
DESU I would do the right chick so hard
>when Sophie Turner fund out her love of Krabby Patties
I feel like my abilities are useless as warlock and hunter
titans get the best armor
git gud
What you are experiencing is a lack of TITANIC STRENGTH
Just switch to Titan.
I mean I'm already playing titan because warlock and hunter feel useless.
We all know Jon was the hot sibling.
Some Japanese kids invited me to a clan called Shinda Sekai Sensen in the early days of Destiny.
I couldn't understand a word they said, but they were nice and always wanted to play with me so w/e.
>that smol chestguard
cmon bungie
Yeah had to say with the warlocks buff circles on a forever godamn cooldown and the hunter's dash only being kinda useful for long reload hand cannons the Titan felt way more powerful. Especially the striker. That running melee bash recharges the grenade meter crazy fast and he can hold two. Shield is still an O SHIT button since you auto crotch and it synergizes amazingly well for fast reloading the gatling gun. Plus the super charge just fucks up everything.
That ass is unnaturally huge for a male. What gives?
>hunter's dash only being kinda useful
Gamblers dodge in PvE is borderline broken. You can clear waves of trash mobs with a few punch.
Feels like Multiplayer matches are basically over by the time supers\power ammo become available.
He's a trap on the weekends.
The little chestguards look even worse on women with how slim their waists are and how fucking massive their shoulders are.
I just feel like something generic like a dash should be something every class gets and Hunter should have an ability that does something for the team. Even if people find good ways to use it the ability itself feels lackluster.
i like how they just took the two grenades perk and gave it to strikers by default
Void subclass will get some great support im betting
Only 32 gb? I remember reading way back when that destiny 2 would be 70 gb. Did they just get really good at optimizing?
I hate 90% of hunter armor and aesthetics, but the 10% that I like, I really really like.
I like the more military looking scout/recon stuff, not the edgy ninja shit.
Titans look awesome, but I don't know if I like how they play yet.
I only want to play as one class and I can't fucking decided.
Anyone else still /keeping watch/ or have company?
that is actually cringeworthy and pathetic
sadly im the only one here
already uninstalled the beta but the farm was comfy
The guy with me just left, so I'm in the same boat now.
Did anyone else have some vendor dialog glitch in during the beta at the farm? There was a disembodied voice by the soccer field that said something like "there are 60,000 families fleeing the city; what can I do".
Appears so, Females flip it up into the air as a loop.
>female in the preview, select it in a heartbeat,
>turn male in-game
>male in preview
>snaps to female once I select
keybinds are awkward, destiny 1 pvp was much more fun imo
That was in the PS4 beta too. Sometimes you seem to get the opposite of whatever was in the character select screen. Especially with Titan for whatever reason.
Do none of you look through the settings before hopping on Veeky Forums to complain about something easily fixed?
is it just me or do warlocks feel really weak compared titans, especially dawnblade
You can switch them yourself, dumbass.
Has anyone on PC experienced horrendous mouse lag? I can't even get past the class select screen.
I can't remember what was the crucible player sizes in Destiny 1? I feel 4v4 is too slow and boring. Make that shit for comp only and I hope they have some ground war tier 6v6 or 8v8.
obviously i looked through settings and made things as comfy as possible, but it only registers one mouse button. pretty fuckin weak.
6v6 is kind of trash, way too hectic in dedtiny.
Feels a bit faster in 4v4 since the maps are smaller and you're always fighting.
Do what I did.
>Bind key to mouse button
>Bind action to that key
>Whenever you press the mouse, it will register as that action now
So difficult dude.
is OBS on fullscreen and other software monitoring being b& final?
>bought some of the destiny 2 poptarts
>the promo starts in 24 hours or more
At least I'll get a dank 1.5xp bonus for 20 minutes or whatever.
why is it that the more casul the game the more angry the player?
>implying the ones who said it was coming aren't the same ones doing it
>release Destiny 2 on xbox and ps4 in 4 days
>release PC in 2 months
Who thought this was acceptable? I know they want to make it perfect but holy SHIT how far behind was the PC development team?
Warlocks are not supposed to be front line fighters, the rift incentives you to play defensively and hold points or certain parts of the map, and their kit helps with area denial or making sure whoever rushed at you also dies with your burn
And dawnblade is arguably the most difficult roaming super to use, since it has no lock on like sentinel or arcstrider but instead relies on you timing your swings right and abusing the big AOE of your swings to kill enemies, so you want to get them on the ground
Warlock is absolutely awesome when you are on the objective of a map, but using them as flankers doesnt usually turn out well since titans can wall off flankers and hunters have better mobility to evade your shots, and if you are cornered, you cant titan skate or dodge so its easier to hunt you down than other classes
its probably more likely that xbox and playstation paid to have it come out when it does for them
I can deal, because the PC version will be really well done based on the beta.
It will be synced up for all the dlc after though.
how people will manipulate shit through them even
It's more likely that bungie wants their first pc release to not be shit.
The only thing a company has paid for with the game is exclusive content.
If an early window was paid for at all, ps4 would have earlier access.
Fucking shadowplays always on background recording is fucked by their shenanigans.
It doesn't make much sense at this point.
Its not that they can be used as a middleman for an attack, but that anything that injects it's own code into the game for an overlay or direct capture is blocked to prevent memory injection from all vectors
if it actually works
or you can just play titan and do all of that and more
shadowplay is allowed
I dont mean an early window, I mean an exclusivity window like you stated, sorta like rise of the tomb raider being on xbone 12 months before other platforms.
Im not saying bungie dont want the best possible pc release, but im fairly confident that there's money involved in regards to the console release date being so locked in stone
Do you think you'll be able to get your mobility up to high numbers as a Titan?
It was 9 on my Hunter, but i can only get it to like 4 on Titan.
OBS is pretty solid however some aim bots use the same method that OBS uses to record, to cheat.
Probably, Luke Smith said in a video on Wired that you can go fast on all classes with the right build
is there any indication if PC beta's gonna get an extension like console beta did?
How is Hunter this time around? I know people are memeing about them not having team support shit but are they good or bad compared to D1?