The truth edition
League of legends general /lolg/
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tfw no nazi gf
When is EoN getting buffed? It's fucking trash right now.
>enemy team fp riven
>top locks in yasuo
>"can we swap mid??"
>someone dodges
thank the gods
xth for faggotry is cancer
Riven vs Yasuo is a skill matchup though
Reddit cried it out of the game, expect it to fade into the same category as Wit's End
better question is how would YOU fix it user?
>Reddit cries EoN out of the game
>cries crocodile tears to keep Renekton in the game
Why would you buff it?
The only thing keeping lethality in check is the tank meta. Once they're nerfed they'll need to nerf assassins
>tfw play all day for two days and only gai`n 38 lp
It was fine on release, don't be a bitch.
>tfw no musician gf
Make a new ap item and/or alter a current one
EoN is fine as a situational item, and serves it's purpose. It doesn't need anything changed.
>ap itemization is garbage
>or mages are weak
>there are ""people"" who want viktor to be good again
t. I just lost to a Viktor
do you want every game to go into 40mins because a giga nigger deletes every wave in the game with E? do you?
>can't tell if good at bruisers or just die less because they're tanky
AP itemization IS garbage
Flat penetration is completely lacking
Void is TOO good
Deathcap is a "mustbuy"
meme mask is forever in limbo between meme item and actually good because its just so fucking wonky.
Hextech items share cooldowns for lackluster reasons (I should Totally be able to get gunblade and protobelt together)
Nashors is too niche
What elo is this post?
>Queue up for ranked
>This guy shows up
>Guy kept splitpushing all game, never grouped and singlehandedly lost his tiem the game
>"lol trash team don't know how to help splitpush"
>First team to finish Vow-Locket-Gargoyle wins
Is this the worst meta in League's history?
Vlad does way too god damn much damage with no items.
>Forgetting censer
Feels good just won my last game because I bought locket and vow completely shutting down their burst damage
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
I want Elves!
Janna the Shieldslut exist.
how much do you wanna bet that laci exclusively takes big cock from guys exactly like she describes as stereotypical or whatever
release feral flare was the worst meta in league history and I loved it
>Enemy tank builds locket
>Their adc becomes literally unkillable because she has over 1000hp worth of shields on her from locket and her shieldslut plus arden
Yeah pretty much. It's awful.
>be genuine silver shitter in s4
>feral flare yi and udyr carry me to plat
> get fed with Jax 4/0 2 levels ahead
> Jungle is semi fed just 1 kill
> Still lose 2v2 vs a trist with a finished IE and an ardent censer lulu giving shields
I'm not even going to bother playing this patch anymore until they fix supports / ADCs. This shit is just unplayable. You're absolutely useless as top, it doesn't even matter if you feed your ass off if your botlane wins. Every team I get behind a lot and my bot wins I autowin. Every time I get ahead but my bot loses I auto lose.
I imagine only ADC players enjoying this patch. Can't imagine main supports love to play unskilled crap like Janna and Lulu.
I want pure Elves!
>no blink where you temporarily disappear then reappear in a new location with two clones beside you to trick enemies and fuck over auto attackers
>no samurai champion
the fuck riot
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
lulu w
He's in an OK spot right now. Not too terrible, but at the point where even the slightest buff would have pros picking him up, and inevitably gutted.
Holy shit I just realized how extremely cheap all the ADC items have become. Previous seasons IE was like 3800 gold. ADCs should become monsters when they have around 3+ items finished. They should not be allowed to destroy bruisers in the midgame. That's just retarded, who even likes playing this season?
>carry toplaners in 2017
Nice joke user, you're doomed to play tanks so your adc can connect dots and kill carries
I feel you man, toplane sucks for me too rn
ADC main here
I like this season
Don't act like infinity edge wasn't a complete fucking joke early in this season though.
play jayce
bring one thing from current League and place it back in season 2/3
how fucked is the game
I love Camille
Probably plants.
Since riot has a constant 1 up mentality I can't even imagine how fucked the current jungle would be.
Duskblade + the patch K6 was released
No soul.
For the junglers what are some things as a top laner I can do to make your job easier?
I was master previous season. This season I've been stuck in diamond 4 unable to climb my playstyle just doesn't work. In season 6 I wasn't even playing meta cancer, I just played aggressive stuff like Darius and would constantly force the enemy jungle to my lane to break freezes or to try to kill me (so he would lose out on jungle farm). In the meantime my jungler would get farm fed or pressure botlane.
But this season that doesn't work at all anymore, junglers can freely gank constantly, jungle pathing doesn't really matter anymore. So you pressuring junglers to do something is a little bit useless. I'm not asking for the full farm crap of Graves / Nidalee / Rek to come back but jungle should at least be a bit more skillful than just being a gankbot constantly doing 2v2's and 3v3's.
Another thing I like to do is controll lanes if I can't pressure junglers. This way I can usually get a 40-50 cs lead going and a kill if I'm better than my opponent. But in this season doing that with stuff like Renekton it feels... rather useless and of little impact to the game. Sure it is nice to be a little ahead but it's nigh impossible to snowball that lead into something. Especially once the botlane just switches to toplane. You can't beat a botlane 2v2 with a top + jungler anymore when the ADC gets his IE and the support the censer. I think those are pretty big red flags for overall game balance.
ADCs that get an early double kill with the support usually get censer + IE around the 12 minute mark. And from there on out you can't do anything anymore against the ADC + support. Usually this kind of power happened around the 20-25 minute mark.
Even as tank I feel rather useless. I just dump knights vow on the ADC and go in and spamm CC. But if my bot has already lost I might just sit in base buy tears and spamm FF.
Don't have a third of your opponent's cs
not feed
don't interact with anything but minions, and the enemy jungler if he's invading me
is riot giving keys on a specific day now? i just got 4 key fragments all at once after not getting any for like a week and a half
Hey you see that level 3 Darius with full HP standing in a stacked wave?
Yeah, don't gank that.
>impllying cs score matters as jungle
guess ill clear kruggs all game then
What rank do people actually know how to play this game?
>reading comprehension
As a top laner retard, learn to read
Don't think the winner is the person that pushes the hardest.
whats better right now, zed or talon?
Ezreal doesn't feel so shitty with Reaver>Zeal Item>IE, built just like generic ADC, yeah you could just use an adc that actually benefits from crit but sometimes you just like Ezreal you know?
Talon for that quick snowball.
These are basic fundamentals for top lane and sure it can help you indirectly out since I wont be shit but what are some actual things that can directly help you out, like warding in specific spots or something.
What if Garen's W stacked infinitely?
Best husbando!!!
riot pls gib me keys!!!!!!!!
He's a good boy very cute dindu nuffin
diminishing returns
would be cancer mid game but manageable late
Follow your laner when he heads my direction
>wake up
>see this
>Lulu still has seal of purity
>Ahri has basically the opposite
wat do?
xth for Syndra
>wake up
>see that pic
>Lulu looks like a kid-ahri instead of a weird purple monkey
>feral flare carry my ass form low gold to mid plat
good times
Here you go
So how slutty do you think the new eve will be?
Burka outfit.
What is this Icon i randomly got??
who is this gizzard lizard?
no you dont
I do have a guy on my friendlist that claimed knight's vow was overpowered / broken in 7.10 and that you would just play a tank in the jungle or toplane with vow / locket. Thought he was full of shit since it was fiora meta. He got from diamond 2 to now challenger 500 lp just abusing it while it was sleeper OP.
Ardent censer , knights vow locket and redemption meta builds around the ADC remind me of the feral flare season. Except the feral flare is on a ranged champion now. Game is in a worse state than release black cleaver. Worst of all is that Riot wants to go to worlds with the game in this state tiptopkek.
Can I build Leona bruisery and still be useful or is she one of those "THIS IS A TANK YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DEAL DAMAGE" tanks
Salazzle. You can look but don't not touch her
Evelynn needs a Salazzle skin pronto.
Lulu does not lookg like a monkey user
Youre hurting her feelings
It's for getting at least 10 honors
So basically everyone has it
How do I beat a Jayce when I am playing Darius top?
wew, i got it while chat restricted
Lulu is a worthless cur and everyone should spit on her
Can I touch her with my dick at least?
Buy control wards every single back
Even if you have a control ward up put one in your inventory
Find a place to put it you can defend
What did I just say? Double bonus,
she's always 100% female.
League of Legends
Its a female only pokemon that creates harems with other males (pokemons) by secreting pheromones everywhere.
im not joking
Bruiser Leona is fine although I personally like Braum a bit more.
Braum has better sustained damage but Leona has that medium range iniation.
kys fag
no keys bc you're a fag lol