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Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.
/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General
>get matched with two pickle rick faggots and a third redditor
>they never, ever stop talking
>shoot me in the ass multiple times
Fuck me, I like when people communicate, but god damn.
valk is cute
i want to use IQs foot juice as lube!
>teammates spam chat with variants of pickle rick
>eventually "accidentally" fuze them
I want "Rick and Memey" to leave
Mira / New-Valk / Ying / Frost > IQ > Caveira > Ash > Twitch > Hibana > Ela
IQ saw alot of play during the finals, how come you autists dont shill her as good aswell?
i love how you try to imply pro leauge and ranked have any similarity on what is goes and what not.
the best part is the fact you echo autists sit in the middle to low ranks with trash stats and think you have any idea whats good and isnt despite the rank and stats outing you as a shitter.
the issue here goes beyond viability, if kapkan saw play in pro league you wouldn't suddenly think hes good because its obvious he isnt in a ranked standpoint but when it comes to echo its on a personal level for the /a/utist that desperately wants to play his anime character and desperately wants to believe hes good.
in the end for those who end up with a crippled autist on their team they have to deal with a shitty rook that sits on cam all game instead of contesting the attackers push all while he insists that the drone (if it wasnt destroyed yet) is somehow helping.
meanwhile valk exists that gives you 3 cams that everyone can watch and a C4 along with not being fat.
lets not pretend that stuttering echo autists even give callouts.
You know, I just realized something: with having his own personal cam, it would actually make a reasonable amount of sense if Echo had access to nitro. Would that make him viable?
not as long as hes a 3 fat
>Would that make him viable?
He already is viable, just situationally, and that's mostly in bomb.
And having a nitro might help, but I don't think that alone would make him a top tier pick like Smoke or Valk.
His real issue is that he's not as strong in the intel department like Valk, and all it takes is one bullet to completely destroy all of his utility, and then you're just a 3 armor fatty with a decent secondary.
3 armor buff when
when they remove one-hit-headshots
new op - helmet
rook armour placeable except it's helmet
headshot causes DBNO
yokai able to mark enemies when
>can't sleep
>drink to relax and eventually sleep
>decide to play
>pretty tipsy
>6-2, first time playing sniper dood
i might be better at this game drunk...
you should definetly be able to atleast do the yellow ping
he'd just be a must pick you dumbass.
>you should definitely be able to give free intel to your team with little risk or counter-play
Yeah, let's make Echo braindead, that's what he needs.
user his drone can be killed in one shot and he only gets of them. it needs a decent buff
only gets one of them*
so give him two and reduce their sonic burst capacity and recharge rate.
Let him toggle between the two of them with a quick-switch button.
And if somehow that's not good enough, let teammates look through his drones, but only when they're on the ceiling. No pings, and Echo gets priority of course, they lose control and continue to look through its perspective once he takes control himself.
And as a side note, I think they should have more operators with unique secondary gadget counts, like Bandito and his wire.
Echo could get two deployable shields as a minor buff to his campy/defensive playstyle.
Reminder that Mira is literally useless
pretty bad bait desu
yet you still replied
As a warning, to all of the newfags that might've taken it seriously.
>so give him two
even worse than that other guy's idea
check out this ebin b8 people will take regardless
lmao PCucks testing out the new patch on the buggy TTS make make sure it has no bugs for us consolebulls
haahahah get fucked PCheaters
PCucks playing dead game
smoke mains on suicide watch lmao
smoke confirmed useless pcuckcuckcuck
Give me a good reason as to how giving him two Yokais would be a bad idea.
Just kidding, you can't, otherwise you would've made a proper argument already.
yokai is already very powerful and can deny a plant effectively. with proper teamwork, you can halt an entire advance. two is far too much, especially allowing him to toggle between two areas.
Why so much spoilering?
Nitro would be nice to have, Barbed Wire is already alright though so it wouldn't be a huge buff.
Really he should get 2 Drones like Twitch. Can have both out and everything. It would make him fairly more powerful though.
chanka/echo/kapkan/blitz/blackbeard/monty removed from the game when?
useless/broken operator that would make the game better if straight up removed
>blackbeard, monty, blitz
Why does the speedy jew have a choice between an assault rifle, and a slightly different assault rifle?
Why doesn't she have the FBI shottie? Did they plan on her having the grenade launcher slapped on her guns? That's a great idea, why isn't it in the game?
illiterate copper, i said useless/broken.
broken as in BB and shields
>Make speedy jew even faster
>great idea
Everyone that suggests an idea for the game is a fucking retard.
With IQ's pickrate already rising steadily point in pro, and likely to be going up even in pubs due to the new def ops, Echo's gonna take a hit to his Yokai's survivability. Giving him two drones mitigates that issue slightly, and reducing the sonic burst capacity and recharge for each drone would help stop him from being "too good" at stopping plants.
Plus having two drones is primarily intended as a buff to his intel-gathering capability, something the defenders need if we ever want to see someone other than Valk picked for that role.
Nerf the sonic burst into the ground if need be, but he needs more flexibility and utility staying power, those are his main weaknesses right now.
>denying the vertical grips from the jewcannons
>bad idea
yeah sure
they were broken when BB had a 600hp shield and shield ops could be killed by a c4 no matter the angle.
git a clue. You're either god awful or have no comprehension of game balance
ok silver, BBs ability to shrug off 2 bullets to the face isnt broken.
thats not actually considering the brake delay that absorbs even more headshots.
They should just remove shields and breaching charges
Remove sledge too
Make all melee strikes work like sledgehammer
About time they streamlined the game down to the only thing it is good about aka gunplay
So stop trying to fight him head on...? ~Git gud with high ROF weapons or flank him
>He doesn't use high ROF or sneakiness to get around the shield
you got tricked, ash only had 1 (one) weapon choice, its a clever disguise you see.
the G36C has a lower rate of fire and lower damage per bullet than the R4C along with taking more screen real estate, but surely the G36 has to be more accurate and controllable right?
nope, the G36 has a horizontal heavy recoil pattern meaning that it wont pull up much but will kick hard to the sides randomly.
thing is horizontal recoil cant be predicted in this game because it has an equal value to each side (unlike BF4) so you have a completely random directional kick with every shot.
the R4C on the other hand is a vertical heavy weapon, meaning all you have to do to make it a laser is to pull down on the mouse, slap a flash hider on it and you have a very accurate burst weapon with easy recoil in general, slap a compensator and you have a straight up kick on sprays that stupidly accurate as long as you arent limp wristed.
>le laser sight meme
>le lord meme
>le potato meme
>le pickle rick meme
please stop this
i missed this meme, shitposting used to be decent before.
how to play castle effectivly?
Bunker up somewhere, cut off attacker movement without slowing your roamers, let fuze kill your entire team because you castled the objective window like a nonce.
barricade the team inside the objective while they pick up rook armor and draw IQ foot fetish art with bullet decals on the walls
Fuze cant puck you if you dont defend the bombs
>Black man headtapping
*Fuze cant puck you if you dont defend the hostage
why is mira so useless?
This. She really needs a buff.
Those threads are far from perfect but they're still pretty nice!
dear ubisoft, pls buff mira
i want to feel bucks muscular arms rescue me from being a hostage taken by terrorists
Wow gaaaaaaaaaay
>thinking im a guy
guess again fuckboy
i am
post feet
dont actually post them
Daily reminder that "na bosaka" = barefoot
Mira > Ela > New Valk > Ying > Twitch > Hibana > Ash > IQ > Caviera
You can only see IQs eyes you faggots, she could have a major snaggletooth below that mask.
No backsies for Waifufags
Do you think Mira has long hair or shot hair?
>Ela that high
she's deformed user. she's fugly and you know it.
No hair due to data limit
Why are so many of the chibi charms inaccurate to the characters?
Where's Frost?
cos ur gay
Placing Ela in there has already made your opinion invalid.
worst girl, probably has ugly feet aswell.
I want to make a medical study about this, I swear.
You're like the third person I've seen say that recently, and I feel that way myself. There's a trend here and its worth looking at, especially since its such a focus-important game.
Can somebody post the Ela chibi again?
its the random stupid plays that people don't expect
probably after Ash.
I don't like the way her face looks w/ holiday headgear though
This. I don't think /r6g/ ever realised Ela's family name is literally foot fetish
>never used frosts shtogun
>use it
>its fucking amazing
i can only iamgine what it was like before it was nerfed
It was shit
>being this new
>lying, only drawing attention to how new you are
The Ubisoft Corporate Guide to Balancing
>IQ is shit and has been shit
>Try to buff guns
>Didn't work
>Give her frags
>Doesn't do enough
>Continually add an ever increasing roster of characters who have quite literally zero counter play other than IQ whose abilities range from 10m of real time wallhax, to tiny itty bitty cameras placable on any surface of the map, to an actually invisible camera, to proximity trip mines on any surface, to a fuck ton of time floor trip mines that are also invisible and notify the defenders when they are tripped
>hope the community accepts IQ
>if not, add another defender that only IQ can counter
I've been here since beta. You can meme all you want but frost's shotgun was shit. Not the worst, sure, but that doesn't mean much since all shotguns are piss compared to ar and smg.
t. bronze
t. butthurt
All they have to do is give her Jackal-style visor to freely use her primary weapon.
Let her share the fucking info easily
Let her tag them for teammates with charge up or somrthing
IQ players and ubisoft need to just accept that IQ is and always will be useless
>new supernova stats
what gun buff?
the AUG was nerfed to shit awhile ago for no reason, it had its first shot recoil increased by 40% out of nowhere for no reason.
Sure buddy, totally believe your retarded ass. You can say whatever you want but it doesn't change the facts.
well the poles are too busy crying about Ela's hair dye and genitalia to let us non third worlders know shes a natural born foot goddess.
>If it runs on batteries, I'll see it
>can't see laser sights and red dots
no one uses lasers and red dot runs on tritium.
chegmeig athist
>third world
You use terms you don't know the meaning of.
>he doesnt know laser sights are powered by love