Sauce on this car? Spotted it on google maps in England

Sauce on this car? Spotted it on google maps in England

Nissan Skyline BNR32 GT-R

3k civic

with a few simple mods

Hillman Vogue
Post moar challenges

Some sort of old Rover or a Hillman?

Singer Vogue. 1961-1966

>inb4 fiero with a bodykit

I'm looking my dude, its pretty difficult to find rares like this

this ones too easy.
all i could find though.
not OP btw.

Its a tough one actually. It's not a Golden Technologies Patriot, ir is it?

mk1 escort

come on dude

Its a Toyota but I'm not sure which model

shitbox model, like all toyotas

every indian in america that owns a dunkin or 711 owns this


it's a kymco super 4 with aftermarket front basket cover.
looks like it might be running aftermarket springs too.

It's a Camry, late 80's to early 90's.

You're a legend

1st gen Chrysler LHS



Acura legend

Legend in japaneese. AEC Regent