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Previous thread Happy Birthday Ishimaru edition
>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)
>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 8/25/2017*
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>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc/Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair:
>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls:
>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe)
>Danganronpa Interviews and Articles
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mikan with A Dick
Angie and her beloved Makiroll!
Would it be fair to say that DR2 is the more solid game but DV3 has aspects that are better then it
Happy birthday Ishi!
>inb4 the metaposter was Godposter all along
makirool reminds me ofmaca rooni
>tfw next class trial based game will get rid of 2D sprites for 3D models like ZE and AA did.
Made a gif of some V3 Video that contains spoilers:
>just once i want someone to be eating during a trial
>people are trying to talk when suddenly there is this awkward chewing sound, no one can figure out who it is
>everyone notices the culprit
>they just keep chewing slowly...
>what? i slept i this morning and didn't have time for breakfast!
Akane was ripe for such a joke.
I wouldn't mind but i think the next class trial game should be its own thing and not Danganronpa
Thanks, I will use it spoil people!
Honestly i would like someone to make a new class trial game with 3D Models and a different name/style and not have it headlined by Kodaka
I have been debating this with a friend - Kiibo's feat at the end of the game is City Level most likely which would significantly upgrade the verse from being Large Building Level to City Level
Wouldn't be the first time a chunsoft game got 3Dified
But a Kamaitachi X Danganronpa crossover would be sick.
If I can grope waifus then I won't mind.
Then what would it be called?
That would be nice. Kodaka can go make his fighting game and someone else can go make another class trial game.
>City Level
You're confusing me so heckin' much right now user
Your mind = blown
Well that and Zero Escape switched from the 2D sprites from 999 to 3D models in VLR/ZTD.
not him, but i would want to see dooku in distrust even if its not really him but someone in appereance.
the only 'psycho cool' was ouma and korekiyo and maybe moogi
What the fuck, Kodaka? I thought everyone was going to unlock their inner crazy alternate persona.
Fuckin' blue balled.
That's what I was thinking about V3, that they'll use UDG-type 3D models.
>it goes back full circle
I'll be happy with this.
You're saying it like every DR1 character was psycho pop and every DR2 character was psycho tropical.
Well, the only character who wasn't tropical was Tanaka.
I get the feeling next game will though.
That's actually ...true, user.
I want to put Bunko, Bomaeda, Bikan, Bouma, Borekiyo and Boogie in on room together and watch the chaos unfold.
Distrust would be perfect. Honestly that's the ton i would go for
Right now Danganronpa is at Large Building (Nekomaru)/City Block but with the Chapter 6 Execution of V3 is a City Level feat
How is Chiaki tropical?
Iruma was steampunk cool
Could it have killed them to add another spanner in the works though?
One more madman character?
V3 CH6 spelled the end of Danganronpa but it's not like they couldn't continue with other VN style games - maybe even use class trials
Aesthetic for a salty Saionji! Hopefully I didn’t make it worse but taking so long.. Anyhow I hope you like it
Steampeak Danganronpa would be cool. Still hoping for a Danganronpa game set in the 1920s
>tfw this fan re-design is better than the one we got
Could have gone all the way with Miu desu, but we had to get another seifuku variation.
I know they /are/ high school students but still! Still!
You mean best!
I wonder if Kirigiri will ever get her own game, if they do, they better use v3s engine
Yeah seriously let them go with Distrust. They had an interesting setup going for it originally anyways. Just this time add onto it while keeping it different from Danganronpa.
Too steampunk-y for me
Class trials are boring.
She won't.
why did the demo end before we finally found out that makoto did the right thing and murdered yasuhiro
Because it was fake
Some ideas I had been throwing around for my most 'indulgent' DR concept would be a game set around a 'new renaissance' where after a dark age ie caused by V3, vintage technology, architecture, ect was rediscovered and hailed like it was new and even 2010 fashion is 'retro'.
I'm talking London streets meet Roman architecture with Dubai markets and old world stuff with main themes such as hedonism, excess, glamor ect..
Japan also ends up taking lots of immigrants so its an excuse to have multi race Japanese characters DR characters with fashion and sensibilities from different eras in different countries.
Music is jazz and swing with world and steampunk.
Maybe a bit much though...I think it was that fanart that triggered it kek
Koko! Personally, I prefer V3 over the other games, by a long shot even without DR3, but I acknowledge it's flaws and I still love SDR2.
don't give up skeleton
Toska is a cutie!
Can i see a link to the fanart
As long as the models look like this
Would this mean we get animated sprites?
No fuck off, DBZ games are shit
I just meant the Steampunk Miu, user.
The rest is my ideas.
I would like to see a moga-style student! Classy lady.
They could just create new killing games with a completely different style
I hope you guys are ready for Shuichi Saihara Investigations 1 and 2.
I think the AA 5/6 is what i want in terms of a 3D Models in a Class Trial Game
That would be cool. Also Zak did nothing wrong.
DR games are far worse.
This is what i hope they do
Following on from the conversation last thread what dogs would the characters have?
I imagine Chihiro would get a husky, they are fluffy and cute
So, i wonder how kodaka wouldreact if a killing game happened IRL
Posting best girl!
My only concerned - would Spike Chunsoft have the budget to make as good 3D Models as AA5/6
That cuck isn't coming back.
Its gonna be cel shaded like on top of 3D models. Though AA models would be cool too. I liked them.
>dr characters drawn and animated in this style
Don't know what this game is, but I want something like that.
Can you imagine Mikan in this style pulling her hair? Syo spinning her scissors? Souda screaming in horror? Korekiyo 'subarashi'-ing?
Saihara would get a Black Cocker Spaniel
>black cocker
>black cock
>Zak did nothing wrong
I was hesitant about the transition to 3D at first but it ended up looking really nice and fluid.
It's from the 6th mainline Ace Attorney game, Spirit of Justice.
Junko would probably have a poodle or something.
As long as Kodaka doesn't touch it then I'm cool with it. I'm only hyped for Zanki Zero because he's not involved with it.
Komaeda Samoyed.
Good boy! I wonder what present he would like...
Also, shit! If you live in Kyoto and you saw a toucan with a nekomimi Mikan keyring in its mouth flying past you today, I'd like you to inform me.
I leave him with my friend and he tells me this happens... It's nowhere in the house. This is why I must take him for trips with me.
I'm not joking
If you were designing the next visual novel style game after V3 what would you change/implement in
Even though it's not killing game?
I think they'd save those kinds of models for the fighting game instead.
>not playing AA
Explain how he was wrong.
Less story more trials.
Trials while you're investigating.
Less things that aren't trials
more brutal executions such as drowning in shit, if a killer escape only those blamed will be killed in which case they will be lynched, everyone is a protag at one point but mostly during the trials
2 survivors, one who kill the other then himself
DRV3 sold quite well, right? The main issue is finding an artist - the design notes for the 3D AA games show that they sketch out each key frame of the animation before they render it in 3D, so it depends on how skilled Komatsuzaki is at animating. I dunno if executions really count as 'animation' since they rely a lot on tweening.
Because Kristoph did nothing wrong.
Shinguji would have a borzoi
Yes because V3 made killing games uninteresting for me.
>mikan user
Oh, how's it goin?
That sounds hilarious. Wish her safe travel kek
By the way, I was that Mikanfag who asked you for that picture of her operating. The reason why I didn't respond was because I was tired and went to bed, I only saw your message the next morning. Should have let you a message before, sorry.
If it helps, it was this artist:
nnnyuuu @ tumblr.
Otherwise, nice to see you here and appreciating Mikan again. I am curious, what do you think of people who ship her with Nagito? Are you an only TsumiHina fan?
I don't mind a darker tone - in terms of tone for the next class trial game i would say the Zero Escape games well at least the first one
If they were more brutal, wouldn't they lose their creativity?
Dangan must balance horror and humor. Too dark is too much and out of character.
But DR has never been a full on horror game: it's black comedy. It's all about striking a balance between comedy and horror.
>Syo spinning her scissors
Breakdowns in Ace attorney are the reason they have animation in the ifrst place
Hey Mikanbro, can you tell me what this ship means? 葉隠康比呂生誕祭
Also I find it cute how Junkomaeda ship's name in Japanese is "Left-handed Lovers".
black comedy then, they openly take the piss at the deceased.
Kristoph did everything wrong.
>muh court system
Some of the breakdowns in the 3D games become more like DR executions though. Like Paul Atishon.
You could always add a supernatural element to spice things up like Nagito's shinigami title, Akane's sinner title or Mikan's zombie girl beta.
But then it could make trials difficult if you add magic and shit unless you just set limits of powers and stuff.
If you want a real horror feeling, think about what the game would feel like if this beta was used?
I feel like it highlights the reality of her abuse too much which is why it was scrapped for something more 'normal' looking.
Morning. Posting best giri.
Happy birthday, Ishimaru!