/wpsg/ - WoW Private Server General

SHIT TANKS edition

/wpsg/ guilds:

- Gamer District, Alliance x7 (x14 weekend)

>Where can I get game clients?

>How do I connect to [server]?
1. Register on a private server that hosts the same game client you have.
2. Copy their realmlist URL. This can usually be found on the main page of the website or on their registration page.
3. Look for a realmlist.wtf file in your WoW folder. This may either be in the root folder, or inside Wow/Data/enUS/
4. Open the realmlist.wtf file in a text editor such as Notepad and paste in the realmlist settings of the server. Make sure it starts with 'set realmlist' followed by the realmlist URL.
5. Launch the game from wow.exe and enter your account info.

>I have set the realmlist correctly but it still connects me to XYZ server/says invalid login info.
You will need a clean wow.exe and dll files if you downloaded your WoW client from XYZ server. Check the clients section above.

>How do I stop my client from auto-updating?
• Start the game with wow.exe - not launcher.exe
• Don't use your email for logging in, use your account name.
• Find the patchlist file in your installation and remove it.

Other urls found in this thread:



second for W O R M S

Twinstar's fresh, international cata realm is releasing on September 16th!

Start making plans for it, there'll be /wpsg/ guild, alliance side.

It's going to be shit like everything else twinstar

Their Czech cata realm is amazing.

Are you guys still alive?

Fuck cata hairbringer of doom
wow is ded
privs are ded
This thread has no point
"We" you and me friend have no memes and trannies to keep it up even for a day
Prove me YOU CANT

we have evolved from wpsg to wow private server discord
nobody cares about reading threads anymore

Yeah discord is basically the thread except no anonymous shitposting for days.
Kind of nice not to have to deal with fags shitposting 24/7

If you mean mandate discord, then guys are definitely not alive anymore.

how do you get new blood into a game discord though


Twinstar spreadsheet when?

Why is there NO HYPE whatsoever? You fucking retards shilled NC for ages knowing it was going to be a shitshow and you don't really care all that much about one of the best servers in terms of quality scripting out there?

I'm interested in the twinstar catabab server but I got bad memories of cataclysm
The talent trees are really what pulls it up

not them
you kind of don't, there were some threads before but they 404 really early. discord has 100+ online most times, some just don't feel like playing wotlk so they're not participating.

Is there a big Cata server like Warmane or Elysium level big?

>hype for cata


dead as f

just waiting to launch 2 25 mans desu

any decent wotlk servers? got burned out on outland :/

we're raiding ulduar on GD alliance



When did this shithole return

>my gd characters are both horde
Well fuck you then

hey someone other than me made the thread thank god

I heard GD horde is kinda dead, how true is that?

any classes you might need?
i have some things on GD alliance but i don't think i have non-cheater gear on anything now.

No clue, haven't logged in for years broski.

Hell, I haven't been in this thread for years. Thought wpsg was dead / replaced by nosg.


when i last was playing in wpsg on gd i had just gotten my quel delar, im stoked to pick my pally back up

>another alliance cata guild
what the fuck

What tier is breh doing currently? Also, link to the discord please.


Who /warmane/ here?

>cata server
is it going to be bugged as fucked isn't it

Horde niggers get out.

PRISTINE Czech quality.


who /warmane medivh/ here?

isnt mediv dead as fuck?

>the lazy man's x5000 cash shop servers always have massive populations
>very few people play the true blizzlike superior x1 servers
fucking kill me please

it's pretty comfy but why is linen cloth/health pots/random grays dropping so often? and from random mobs too

played recently on warmane tbc. horde is a bunch of retarded faggs that cant do shit in pve and just go for lowie ganking. aliance is somewhat ok but require a shitload of gayscore for every shit like 2400+ for fucking kara. besides that, im waiting for 2.4.3 because of fucking revered required for heros. is there any decent wotlk server or even a decent mop server?

Is Northcraft shit?


what is the point

when i logged in to send something to my alliance character I saw maybe 4 people in orgrimmar

T8 25 man HMs


Dalaran was a real good option

you didnt listen, you just didnt listen....

if i have a fresh 80 warrior i have no chance of doing anything right