Overwatch General - /owg/

Chocolate edition

>Season 6 starts on Thursday, August 31st, at 8pm EST (5 pm Pacific, 1 am on Friday in the UK, and 2 am in Europe)
>the new competitive season is bringing a few changes with it:

>Here's that Mercy rework that made everyone lose their fucking minds last week:
>(you actually have to git gud to play Mercy now, no more hide-and-seek)

>New escort map JUNKERTOWN is now on the PTR!

>Deathmatch is now LIVE, accessible in the arcade
>Win a round of TDM and FFA, and get a free lootbox for each!

>Did you get all of the Summer Games items that you wanted?

>Dev Q&A stream highlights:
- Mercy / D.Va reworks (see above / patch notes)
- Lots of secret back-end changes for Season 6
- SR calculation changes coming eventually; no more gaming the system with off-meta one-tricks
- No solo-only queues or search preferences coming (for now)
- Maybe map voting / rotation someday
- See-through objective markers "soon"

>Latest cinematic, "Rise and Shine"

>Latest comic

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20972920
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

>Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



You realize India is probably one of the most advanced countries in the OW universe and Symmetra is basically an indian Green Lantern right?
And she is hot as fuck

>people want mei to be meta

Happened once before and it was terrible.

>gold damage medal with 3 of the highest dps on my team
>i'm playing pea shooter orisa
avoid player when

>First font in MS Paint over an old meme
>OP news is starting to get outdated

Eughh, a bit of effort would have been nice

>people want more than 9 heroes/1 compostition to be meta
Shocking, right?

Never, otherwise people will avoid the widow mains again and dare to have fun with the game.

Behead those who[Embed]

Don't rush OP's just to get your reddit image in

I want Symmetra to poo on my loo

>year old stats

>Nobody is taking Quick Play seriously and it's just DPS shitters and Support mains too bad for FFA dicking around
>Arcade is ded sans FFA
>Nobody playing off-season

I just want to practice for the new season


real new thread

>person picks Rein in DM
>another person does
>soon the 6 people are playing Rein
>there's still a tracer and McCree not playing him

cancerous cunts

>stomping on FFA as Sym
>guy towards the bottom switches to Sym after I keep rolling him
>plays like shit
>keep baiting him into my death room
>"gg, you were the better sym"

Samefag leave


>Alejandra pic

Nah mate, leave it be. I made it, but I don't want thread wars going on. Just leave it to die unless pedoshit starts popping up here or something

source or gtfo

>2 seconds apart
Pottery. I'm gonna check out the new thread instead

How can I be a better sombra? I really like her design and personality and I just bought golden gun for her

avoid as teammate
what about that

Begone filthy fucking pedo samefag


Mention ONE HERO who is more heterosexual than Tracer. I mean, Tracer fucking LOVES COCK. She takes COCK in literally, and I mean LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE ORIFICE. She LIVES and DIES by men's dicks.



pedo with the quick edits

>pedo lolishit

Just kill yourselves, stop trying to derail the thread take it to where it fucking /b/elongs

Do we have any info on how hard the Mercy main grill gamers have been hit by the rework?
Is the average Mercy rank even going to go down? On one side it seems like Blizzard has fucked over all those braindead Mercy mains who just hide and rez, but on the other hand maybe the average Mercy will do even better because all they have to do is rez every time the ability is off cooldown. It seems like Mercy is going to be on the battlefield healing more and having more impact without these big swing resurrections.
The ultimate rework doesn't really complicate things for Mercy mains.

try me

Should I post more lewd OW lolis just to trigger this guy?

hhahaha triggered xD like feminist get triggered XD

I want to be dominated by Symmetra

>open box
>3 shitty sprays 1 shitty player icon

thanks blizzcucks

OMG Haha so rekt!!! upvoted for more pedo

Now Ladies and Gentlemen, watch the samefag reply with a 'Yes' just to justify derailing himself the thread!!!


literal hivemind


Is this a pottery thread now?

Now this, this is what we call a thread

>make thread 70 posts too early
>this is what becomes of it

pull yourselves together lads

Looks like someone got a perfect prediction It was image limit I think. There was a better OP, but this OP's faggot rushed his extra quick just to get his 'poo XD' meme in

I wanna be Mercy getting her face slapped by 6 fat uncut DPS & Tank cocks from both teams

>they don't win deathmatch every time they play

Why is it that Mercy being a healslut gets me harder than anything else from this game?



What's everyone's goal for season 6?

Diamond in placements then never touching it again

Thanks for stopping the train from derailing mate

I wanna get atleast 3k and if I do that then i'll try to get 3.5k

I haven't been playing for long at all but I managed to get to 2.7k+ and then stopped for a bit. I'm still not sure what role I wanna main but i'll figure it out.

reporting all griefers and people who has bad teamwork

So, about making Orisa a bit more interesting to use. What if Supercharger gave Fortify to everyone around the totem?

Orisa is a defensive tank, so it always seemed weird to me that her ulti was an offensive one, and a pretty bland one at that. Even if it's kind of useful, it's still just extra damage, pretty uninspired. Kind of like Blizz didn't know what ulti to give her so they just went for something easy.

If we look at the other tank's ultis, we see an obvious pattern in all of them, some degree of crowd control, and not so much about the damage you can do with them, with the exception of D.Va's ulti, even though most of the time is more used as a deterrence to keep people away from the objective than for it's massive damage.

The most interesting mechanic Fortify has in my opinion is the inmunity to movement-hampering abilities, such as Hog's or Rein's ulti, but most importantly, Zarya's graviton surge, which, after the recent buff, barely has any counter at all. With this ulti, it would also give a better chance to escape Mei's Blizzard to characters with no movement skills, such as Orisa herself.

This would turn Orisa into a bit of an anti-tank/anti-crowd control that I think would finally allow her to make a difference, something that she clearly lacks right now.

Now give me some Reddit Gold you fucks.

to maintain plat

Don't tilt.

finally getting from Mid Masters to GM hopefully

I'm thinking of either autistically maining a character, or picking stuff that I find fun to play like Torb, Mei, etc. Last seasons I've tried hard to gain rank but I always drop back down to mid gold and stay there all season.

To get as high as I can and not go on a loss streak of more than 5 games past a SR boundary before the event ends

So give everyone nanoboost+unmovable, but without the speed buff wait

Need help with that, user?

Not necessarily keeping the damage buff. Just the Fortify would be strong enough I think.

>when nanoboost had the speed buff

To play more heroes that I normally don't.

That means less filling support/tanks and more DPS.

this is the season where healing babbys try to dps and throw games

Y-Yes please...

>Chocolate edition
That's not even Chacko Sonny. :(

not get forced into playing tank or support
I just wanna shoot people and not watch retards too stubborn to switch with bad aim

Actually get from high diamond to Master, or even GM if that's possible. Also thinking of maining DF for this season.

I hope you and dyke tracer user fight to the death.

Reminder every OW hero is gay, no exceptions

Including Tracer? wtf

Does having an uncut cock up your ass feel different than cut?

>try playing ffa
>every game has at least 4 mccrees
wow, fun mode

Whoops. Here comes T.Racer!

Ζεηυαττα is not gay!

>like to play meme tier heroes
>naturally bad in most situations
>get angry
>angry fuels stubbornness, keep playing them
>get more angry

How do I stop myself from doing this?

Don't play meme tier heroes

>i suck
>i can't win so i'm going to bitch and moan

wow, fun to be you

I wouldn't know since i'm still pure, but why would it? They're just nicer to look at and play with.

Unless the foreskin is insanely thick or your cock is phimotic it's gonna feel the same.

I don't know about my ass but uncut feels nicer in your mouth, it's just a nicer texture.

I'm moving to a third world country so my goal is "Hope I can manage a decent ping".

I haven't been there for two years but I remember even streaming YouTube was fucking torture.


Post YFW one trick mercy mains are getting BTFO.

god off season is so fucking boring

You should try it with your ass and come back here and tell me all about it.

They both feel the same with condoms on anyway.


>not S76

i've been placing top 4 as lucio and ana but it's frustrating to have 0 chance if i happen to run into one around a corner or something


Waiting for the last week-end to do my placement matches and get free points. As always

Dude you are purposefully gimping yourself and you know it.
Of course it's not "balanced" and unless they do individual changes for this mode it's never going to be.

>try to do a sneaky flank
>everyone turns around immediately
>2 tanks are in my face before i kill anyone

>enemy tries a super obvious flank
>our 5 squishies die one by one
>some of them don't even turn around

How do you feel about this GENIUS BLACK GIRL replacing Lucio on the posters in Numbani?

>So, about making Orisa a bit more interesting to use
Make her walk faster. She has 4 damns powerful robotic legs.

My goal is to do just the placements before the Dva nerfs, and then drop the game.

>lore moving forward
>complain about it

any lucio mains here? do you use a special config or standard?
it feels so weird to constantly press space bar

She's african, Numbani is in Africa, and she turned a killing machine into a protective mommy-like robot.
That's more logical and deserved.