/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

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How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, 31th of August:
1056 – After a sudden illness a few days previously, Byzantine Empress Theodora dies childless, thus ending the Macedonian dynasty.
1218 – Al-Kamil becomes sultan of the Ayyubid dynasty.
1798 – Irish Rebellion of 1798: Irish rebels, with French assistance, establish the short-lived Republic of Connacht.
1918 – World War I: Start of the Battle of Mont Saint-Quentin, a successful assault by the Australian Corps during the Hundred Days Offensive.
1935 – In an attempt to stay out of the growing turmoil in Europe, the United States passes the first of its Neutrality Acts.
1939 – Nazi Germany mounts a false flag attack on the Gleiwitz radio station, creating an excuse to attack Poland the following day, thus starting World War II in Europe.

# News
CK2 DD 28/08
EU4 DD 29/08

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod 1.1.1

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 18/07/2017

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

Old Thread

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this is my blob
say something nice about her

I will take a look, thanks!

No, the same rules will apply to all of Japan/China/Isolationist Uncivs

>Really? I need to go take a look at the files then, I must have misunderstood something.
Yes. If TPG is a democracy or constitutional monarchy it will happen it's bound to happen. That's basically the difference.


I will change how the Taiping and other rebellions work in the Qing empire.

As you said, it's random. So they can start with more or much less.

>HPM can you force Chinks to move capitol if you burn the summer palace as Japs?
Why would they do that?

>Also why not put in Nanjing provisional goverment from Sino-Japanese war decision after Manchuria?
You mean a decision to puppet Manchuria?

Reposting in the new thread.


Its shit

Did did you do the segregation stuff?

Jade emperor when

>Wanting china in ck2

Not yet. It will probably be left for another update since it's proven to be slightly more complicated than I initially thought.

When are you going to finish your DF mod?

He has one?

Did you fix that benis east of bessarabia?

It's actually finished, I just never got around to upload it.

What benis


What do you guys think about eu4 professionalism stuff?

>tfw you get 29 skill spymaster

Come on, lad, new version WHEN? I've been waiting for gross strasseriums DDRiums for weeks now.

Useless because merc spam is op

Time to assassinate The shit out of veryone

What map mod

Nice meme



Fuck off /Pol/

I will run a test game today with a few under-the-hood fixes to guarantee nothing is horribly wrong. I cut some stuff that will take a while to implement and if everything goes alright, I can release tomorrow.

No problem.


Thank fuck, me lad. Can you add the Meuse as well, pretty please? I can't form the grossest Germany ever without it. You'd be making my and a lot of other people's year.

Why would a post colonial nation exist if the place wasn't colonized?


Right now the priority is to implement the stuff the Druze/Middle East changes an user made, and that's already a lot of stuff. So I don't know if I will do any more province reshaping this release.

The Meuse is in tho

When I formed SGF as Bavaria, North German didn't appear as an accepted culture. I'm not sure why, going into the history files says that North German should be accepted. Is there a way I can fix this (in my current save)?

You can write a decision that adds it, but why would the SGF get north german as accepted?

As balance, since NGF gets South German as accepted

>>HPM can you force Chinks to move capitol if you burn the summer palace as Japs?
>Why would they do that?
Because nothing says capitol is safe like it getting burned. This is one of those Leningrad kinda questions, its far for Europe but for Japs its one leap away.
Chongquing was capitol during whole ww2 era just because it wasnt on the coast but inside.

They barely have north german pops in their territory.

The summer palace isn't the capital.

Hey do you know if there's any way to modify the font of the ingame map?

Release your mod.

For fucks sake, no one cares about sandniggers, HPM. We've been begging you for Meuse for years now, some user did it in an hour.

>no one cares about sandniggers,
I care more about historical shit in the middle east than your german blob.

Hey I took a look at the pops in Egypt and in the files there's 50 Greek clergymen but in the game they're nowhere to be found. But when I changed that number to 115 they appeared in game. Do clergymen automatically convert to the primary culture if they're a very small pop?

hey ßeter

>not historical
Lad, what do you think "Von der Maas bis an die Memel, Von der Etsch bis an den Belt," means?

Its next to Beijing,how far would you like it to be away from capital. If Versailles would end up burned down,nobody would say "thats not middle of Paris,its cool"

This was for my own run, though. I think there are about 1/3 as many South German pops as there are North German pops; plus to stifle Prussia's threat I had to annex some of their lands.

In roleplay terms, I don't think it'd make much sense for a Bavarian government to treat North Germans the same manner as Poles or Czechs.

>germany historically wanted the meuse

I'm sure Willy did. Bismarck was a klein shitter though.

The game does that to any small pop in a province with a lot of pops.

It's next to Beijing, but it's not beijing. Hell even if it was, that isn't reason enough to move a capital. They White House was burnt down and the US didn't move their capital.

HPM, I got all your flags ready but I'm not home yet. If you are still lurking in about an hour I can post them.

Any chance of altering the warlord era a bit so that way the player will have a chance without having annexed land outside china that won't get warlord cores?

French moved to Bourges during 100y war because Paris wasnt properly defendeable.
Washington was burned in a raid and wasnt even built up properly into a capitol until 1868 (and you didnt write a small flavor event for DC being complete anyway). It DC literally had 15k people back then.

>Powerful vassals
Have those assassinated.

Sure, I will be here.

Yes. I want to redo it so non-cores of China are released during the Warlord era and that both Qing and Taiping have a core region where no Clique cores spawn.

The French didn't hold Paris, it's a bit different than burning down the chinese summer palace.

>Washington was burned in a raid
That's the same thing that happens with the summer palace.


why do the scandis literally look like week old corpses in ck2?

welp, he died because of events, fuck me I guess.

I just vassalised some of the minors and he was a chief lol


Lad, can you change the current German colours as well? They're pretty abrasive. I devised a new commie and fascist colour, based on the old ones. the proposed commie one is just the current German one with a nice red hue to it, as opposed to the bright red version you currently have.
Fascist is still a grey colour, just not that god awful stand out black you currently have. It's more like the HoI3 colour now.
Numbers so you don't have to type them yourself:
{ 150 80 75 }
{ 100 100 100 }


do you nerds ever get King of dragon pass poster anymore?

>That's the same thing that happens with the summer palace
In European case sure,but do you seriously consider Japs will just torch it, take reparations and do nothing? There should be a set of deals you could do to chop parts of China, just like the Tanggu Truce zone,etc.
It would be crazy for Chinks to still centralize in both Beijing and Naijing when Japs are 3 footsteps away.

Rome user here. Someone asked if I was going to do a mega campaign. I did consider it, but the conversion to EU4 probably wouldn't work as well as I'd like, not to mention that it'd be very hard to not just blob and colonize all over. I might consider converting it to M&T or some other non-vanilla mod. But we're a long way away from that.


>There should be a set of deals you could do to chop parts of China, just like the Tanggu Truce zone,etc.
Japan never directly controlled big chunks of China. Burning a building won't get any close to that.

Yes you can, look in gfx/fonts.

I can take a look, but it's not something I'm particularly worried about.

It is time gsg. Any ideas for what colonies I should take?

It says it on the picture.
All of Africa.


>I can take a look, but it's not something I'm particularly worried about.
Lad, your current German colours are rough as fuck.
Also, make Britain pink already.

>Had my first hoi4 germany vs soviet union game.
>managed to lose almost as many men as the Russians, even with heroic encirclenents
>even with my best infrastructure efforts, my couple of million men in the field were constantly under supplied

What the fug.

So i bring you questions /gsg/, 1) how do I not lose so many men when fightan?, 2) in practical terms, what's the effect of low supply on divisions? And 3), as a follow on, is it more combat effective to pile on a doomstack of divisions at the cost of supply, or only field what you can feed?

My armies will thank you for any help

what are the best retinues? If I'm norse, should I just get the housecarl retinue or is one of the generic ones better?

Did you make sure commie Germany and the Soviets don't have the same colour?

How am I supposed to take Chinese states (as colonies) as Japs? The file says they need to have railroads in the state, which is incredibly rare for an uncivilised country to have.

I'm a GP, Congo decision isn't an option

housecarl best carl

Anyone knows where I can find a non-steam link for Kaiserreich for HoD and GOY$?

Then Nigeria

t. reddit

fuck off

does development change by itself over time? It started at 19 and I haven't touched it since. Also don't remember having events or w/e changing it


You got some events you dumbass.

>Yes. I want to redo it so non-cores of China are released during the Warlord era and that both Qing and Taiping have a core region where no Clique cores spawn.
Thanks, that's exactly what I wanted
While you're granting wishes, can taiping get some kind of a forced conversions modifier? A christian theocracy should be at least plurality christian by game end, yknow?

I managed to arrest my brother, what do I do?

Why isnt it possible to rape same sex prisoners?


What exactly does this decision require?

>all provinces under 2.0 militancy

Alright HPM, I made the usual set of 4 flags for each nation you requested, but I also made extra flags for Vanuatu and Zimbabwe for you to use as the "fifth flag" for some specific governments. It's entirely up to you if you want to use those flags, I just thought it could be an interesting chance of using them.
Papua New Guinea: imgur.com/a/0kC10
Vanuatu: imgur.com/a/NNzoO
Zimbabwe: imgur.com/a/JN6A0

In the case of Zimbabwe I decided to use the flag already in my pack as RHO_communist for its Communist flag. So I made a different RHO_communist (pic related) which, looking back, makes more sense for a Communist Rhodesia which still is British primary culture, so make sure to replace it, otherwise Rhodesia and Zimbabwe will have the same Communist flag.

All non Bulgarian provinces you own to have less than 2 militancy.
It's probably to simulate Serbs needing to be calm about accepting Bulgars.

i can understand bulgarians, but
>embrace albanians
might as well add an option to embrace every single culture in the game

>accepting Bulgarians
Imo we would probably strangle each other because Macedonia.

That triangle is way too small, lad. Also, communist post colonial flags should equally represent both the whites and the niggers.

>That triangle is way too small, lad
I based the proportions on the flag of Zimbabwe actually, and I really like how it looks, so I'm keeping it that way.

Which one looks better?

I won't be doing that anyway. Albania will be full of Serbs when I'm through

Left, otherwise you are left with two countries with the same fucking name.

Call it Reino Unido to differentiate it from the UK. You'd be forgetting about Algarves on the left one.

Right, but rename the other UK to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

REALLY made me think

>is literally white

Vic2mp discord, the more people willing to play,the more often sessions will happen.