
mfw YouTube only monetizes 10% of the videos on the site
because of the amount of trash uploaded

plus they're barely profitable

what would Veeky Forums do to improve YouTube?
>making the site/app more user friendly
>reducing the amount of garbage uploaded to the servers
>making the site more appealing to advertisers
>getting more people using the site
>anything else

Allow and monetize porn


Allowing porn makes a site less appealing to advertisers.

its absurtly amount of trash

they get 400hours of new content per MINUTE, probably at this point more like 500

I've heard that an hour of video is uploaded every second
(60 hours a minute)
but never that much, source?

nevermind I just learnt how to google
thats a fuckton

mfw google cia owns most powerful new media propaganda tool

How old are you? Like 14? The things you mention are things YouTube has always been working on. Under your management however, YouTube would collapse in half a day. Your advise is so general that it applies to basically any website in the world, even Veeky Forums.

>your advise

I actually haven't given any advice* , fucko

This post was about asking Veeky Forums what THEY would do to improve YouTube

You clearly had no friends throughout school
cus high schoolers don't chit chat about
>corporate strategies,
>appealing to advertisers
>improving user friendliness

>making the site/app more user friendly
>reducing the amount of garbage uploaded to the servers
>making the site more appealing to advertisers
>getting more people using the site
>anything else

All of these are examples of your advice, because any reasonable person wouldn't go for any of those to improve YouTube.

Besides, no one is giving you an answer because no one likes wasting time here. Not even Google would spend a second reading advice from Veeky Forums.

>implying having friends in high school is in any way a good thing

The single best way to improve YouTube is to allow anyone to report/remove any videos that are duplicates of theirs and have been uploaded at a later date.

>being this autistic

None of that is advice

Those are all inherent goals a company must consider when running an app

You clearly don't understand the difference so let me explain it simply for you

App Goals
>cut down on expenses
>make app as easy to use as possible

Advice (to achieve above goals)
>reduce annual marketing budget because user acquisition cost is too high, other steps to acquire users must be taken
>hire an experienced designer to simplify the UI

Here's an actual bit of advice YouTube should take and use

Implement a night mode,
so many other apps do this, and for good reason.
White is such a blinding color, so this deters people from using it at night time or immediately after waking up.

>he realizes he can use another device to make it seem like someone else is defending him
I can do that too! (wait for it)

>being this hilarious
>top zozzle

>i forgot to turn off wifi
>youre still a funny guy

That's actually a good idea, thanks for contributing

Still, that's no good advice. YouTube isn't just an app, it's a corporation. You still believe YouTube needs a better UX when they already have one of the largest user base. When the amount of people who visit your service is almost the amount of online users in the world, there's no point on using marketing money on it.

YouTube and Google work on data mining and algorithms that display continues videos with he most potential to be liked by each of their users. Something your mind couldn't even begin to grasp how they do it.

Yet here you are giving advice like you are a tycoon from the 80's.

the bit about user acquisition and UI was hypothetical dipshit

Sure it was. I'm sure the night mode idea was just a mouth slip.

No that was a legitimate bit of advice that I'm surprised they haven't implemented.

See, you are not YouTube. You don't have the data, and you don't think like a corporation. They probably figured people are watching more content at night, so the brighter colors make them stay awake longer while browsing in bed. Sure, they are deteriorating their users' lives just to squeeze an hour or two more from their users. Because they don't care about what's best, it's about user retention.

Idk about you, but if I couldn't fall asleep because I was up late using an app,

I would quickly re-evaluate whether or not i should be using it late at night.

The sorts of people who need to sleep at a particular time, tend to have jobs.
Those people can't keep their jobs if they keep going to work late, or getting there tired and being unproductive.

They would quickly be pulled up by their manager, saying
>hey bro, stop coming here late / tired or you're fired
>that rhymes

Funnily enough, the people with jobs are the people advertisers want because they have MONEY to spend on products

So if YouTube is intentionally fucking with people's sleeping schedules, they're giving people these options

>stop staying up late on YouTube because it's negatively impacting my work (less ad revenue for YT)
>person may start using an app WITH a night mode, because it doesn't fuck up their circadian rhythm
(even less revenue for YT because they may just start using a different app altogether)


>person continues to lose sleep watching YouTube at night,
>and as a consequence loses their annual bonus or gets fired - forced to settle for a lower paying job
>this means the person has less disposable income to spend on goods/services.
(Companies notice that advertising on YT is less effective compared to other platforms, because people on YT aren't as likely to buy their products cus theyre poor)


YouTube would only benefit from adding a night mode

>people with high paying jobs tend to be responsible
>advertisers want people with high paying jobs to see their ads so people will buy their crap
>responsible people wouldn't let an app fuck up their sleep schedule
>they might do it once then stop because it affects their work
>net result of having no Night Mode - less valuable viewers watching ads.
>average user value drops

>People who aren't retarded just use an extension like stylish or lights out to make all white backgrounds black

Deluminate not lights out

Apart from those who have careers in IT / app development / social media,
Most people making serious money wouldn't have the technical know-how to do that,
or they just use iPhones

YouTube shouldn't rely on their userbase figuring that out

Limit videos of new accounts to SD quality
Ban gaming channels (literal cancer content)
Prune/archive videos

>limit videos of new accounts to SD quality
Yes! That would save a lot of money p/m,
Except some people would be angry they can't upload their 4k tourist videos

>Ban gaming channels
I don't see the point in doing this, it would massively decrease revenue

>Prune/archive videos
With 300 hours of video uploaded a minute, this would be too difficult to do manually or algorithmically
Because the whole site was branded as a video-sharing app. (At least for the first half decade)
So how would they decide who is / isn't allowed to share their videos?

>Massively decrease revenue

True it would lose them money, but it would get rid of a lot of trash

>So how would they decide who is / isn't allowed to share their videos?

Inactive channels that haven't had any views/interactions in the past x years I wonder what is costing them more money; storage or bandwidth. If storage price is negligible then this strategy wouldn't really help.

That's because they're using that huge databank of videos for their AI experiments. They have the greatest resource ever to teach computers how to differentiate and build meaning out of comment from a wide, wide variety of sources.

All those videos of racoons in the yard, babies singing to beyonce, homebrew and moonshine videos, old television shows, the diffrence between the same movie on VHS and a BluRay source... maaaaan... do you know how valuble that information can be once they can build algorithms.

Think about this, you have an Android phone, you take a photo of your granddaughter, suddenly you're inundated with ads for baby socks, or Pepper Pig merchandise, maybe banks with offers to start a college fund?

Google Now overhears your watching an old VHS rip of Battlestar Galactica, cross-checking with everything else in the profile they've built off of you they start alerting you to the fact that REO Speedwagon cover band is playing in your town, because you're a boomer.


Allow webcam girl streaming

$1 per year charge for video uploads.

They have this already and it is one of the largest points of contention on the site.