/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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i have +spd brave ike someone tell me its going to be ok

same bro +spd -def. is this shit useable?

>another Lyn OP
Fuck off.

Dori is a-dori-ble!

Lyn is shit.

Could be worse, i have a -spd +hp

So I guess with this new lyn meta titania and julia are useless then?

So how do you think Burger King GHB is going to be like?

>defense for 5 turns of continuous reinforcements
>shows up in the middle of the map on turn 6

Thank you Lynbro! You got my back

Severa's a cute & sweet girl made for cuddles & snuggles and lots of love, okay?

>pulled a 5* Sheena and -Atk 5* Hector off of the Voting Gauntlet banner block A
>pulled another 5* Marth and a +Atk 5* Brave Ike in the CYL banner
My Summer Tiki is getting way more use than I ever thought she'd get

how is that worse ill take that over mine

>get Roy and Lucina
>get Ike
Am I being pranked by the gacha gods or something?

Serious question. For people who know anything about archery (read: Not me), what's the functional purpose of that breastplate thing CYL Lyn and several other archers wear?

>both special edition Lyn's have exclusive anti-counterattack B skills
What did IS mean by this?

same fucking thing as me -spd roy +spd ike

Why is it actually impossible to pull any of the focus units in the CYL banner?

do i just embrace the fragility and go LaD? Or something like Darting/Death blow instead?

I want to take a dump on Severa's chest

at least they're not blaming all the other fanbases for their behavior this time

-atk +res Brave Lion reporting.

Anyone have a Get Smoked Juila edit?

i pulled all 4

Lucina is a buffbot, she's servicable with bad IVs because her main value isn;t direct combat.
Roy is usable with bad IVs because cavbuffs offset them. He still breaks 40spd on initiation with Hone.

>Flyer meta got all high and mighty last week
>Now they are all hiding in fear


Is it worth it to promote a +Spd -Res Nino in the current Thundercock Saga?

Honestly, I really have no desire to roll any banner further after 100-120 orbs with no 5*. When do you usually stop rolling?

Archers don't just wear that.

It's to protect the heart

>expecting to use about 2000 orbs on the Christmas banner
>using the summoning simulator on the CyL banner since it has 1 red and 1 blue which I can only hope is the case for the Christmas one
>best I've gotten was a +10 and a +6 for both characters at once
Please let me be a luck shitter and not get cucked by a million Seliphs and Peris

>Lyn's lead increasing at a snails pace.

>do i just embrace the fragility and go LaD?
Yes, you have to hit as hard as possible.

>letting Takumi reproduce

I want to lick Snacki's cute toes and armpits!

Came back for a free Lord, I'm staying for other free summons. Is this locked away until the next north-hemisphere Summer?

>w-we may be second place but at least we aren't getting completely BTFO like Roy is

the bow string goes back and forth after you shoot an arrow like a guitar string.
probably hurts if it hits you. just a guess though, since i also dont know archery

-spd roy here
What do I do? Is he utterly useless?

Cum inside Tiki!


yes but only if you feed her life and death 3

>200 orbs
>-Atk/+Def Linde
Kill me

2000 orbs? Christ do you have like no units?

140 orbs, no 5*s. Made the mistake of blowing 40 trying to get Summer Corrin last night. Nothing but regret and a +atk 4* Reinhardt

That's bad.
Lucina needs it to rise faster so she can get another bonus.
Is this your first gauntlet?

+spd Nino is great as long as she isn't -atk

>Lucina is a buffbot

Does any of you retards that keep parroting that even looked at her stats?

Lyn gets destroyed by spring Camilla

She is a good big sister.

I want to massage her soft feet and have her reward me with a footjob.

It's part of a traditional japanese archery uniform. The original practical usage was probably just to protect the heart, since their archery stance is profile, but now it's largely just a ceremonial thing since archery remains a fairly big cultural sport over there.

Roy is right behind Ike.

I got myself a genuine Roy /feg/!

He blows his whole load of them on every banner with his """"waifu"""", still hasn't gotten a +10 of her yet, and sends home every unit that isn't in his list of four units that he likes (to include 3 or more Snackis, and a handful of Ryomas)


You're talking to Tharjafag, the one who sent many units home just cause they weren't his shitty waifu or self-insert.

Do it and add an atk seal for a nice 60

I'm gonna whale hardcore

use fury and bring spur res +4 along with +2 res seal if you're so paranoid

so basically when anna is on rotation with her spur res its ok :^)


Yes, just nuke him first :D

Still would like a few more lucinafriends invites please!
My ID is 9632774471.

>implying your kuso wife's alt won't be cancelled after Camilla btfo's her this round

500 orbs in I've gotten ONE brave lyn and ONE brave roy

also a Peri, Ogma, 2 Alms, a Seliph and a Lucius

Kill me please

That's a shit spread, barely enough to not get doubled by most red swords not to mention blue mages and she doesn't have the Lukas tier defense to make up for it. Maybe if she had something like 37 or 38 speed.
She's pretty bad but as a buffer she can make other shit units great.

So what's the verdict? Will lyn surpass reinhardt as the most used? Will people use both lyn and reinhardt? If so, should I just kill myself rather than battle in arena

>raul going to whale for a staff unit

>bared legs
>big boobs
>talks about having children
Why is Lyn such a slut?

I don't like Lyn, but I can't help but be amused by the idea that she's telling competitors that they can't even touch her.

Tharja and Camilla are not mentally sound. They're mentally ill. They're both yanderes whose very existence is to pander to waifufag autist retard neckbeards, and they're just "wow look at my boobs". They exist solely to suck the self insert's dick so said neckbeards can feel good about their miserable, pathetic lives.

Tharja is going to be colorless.

Bad for Lyn. Lucina won't get a multiplier for a long time, and when she does she'll be able hold it for a good amount of time and ride it to victory of it's not too early.

Wow, you got the whole collection. Impressive.

>no adult snacki with powercreeped stats

Not including the +Hp Olwen, +Res Merric, and a Neutral Celica. I want to conclusively say that I got fucked for my 80~ orbs

>Free Lucina summon
Yay! Now I get to self-insert even more as Robin in that fic you guys posted where he fucks Morgan in front of Lucina

>implying getting doubled by reds (!) means anything to a blue (!!) unit


Look, it's fine if you don't like Lucina, but spouting misinformation isn't cool

Is this bait?

Your lyns are shit. Merge them all to the neutral one

>decide to actually try reclassing my characters rather than just treating Strategist Felicia and Sky Knight Selena as memes
>they're actually performing
Well hot damn, didn't see that coming

I'm a flatfag and I'm still attracted by their personalities.

>getting GRAY'D off banner

Yes, "-res is bad" is a meme.

No, bad for Lucina, the gap isn't increasing faster than the number of points needed for a bonus.

Press F to pay respects to all the Gordons who died for lyn

>80 orbs for 5 5*s
>1 5* every 16 orbs
Fuck off luckshitter

o-okay, I'm gonna do it.
I guess if I ever find a +spd -def Nino down the road, I'll make a +1 dummy, not like I have anything else worth promoting.

>Sent home Ryoma
>Sent up snacks
Jesus no wonder Mexico is so fucked up with """Mexican intellectuals"""". Didt he send home fuckign Celica?

Off course ,they're flat too.

So what did you get today? Are you satisfied?
>free neutral Brave Lyn
>+atk -res Brave Ike
>+spd -res Brave Lucina
>fodder Brave Ike with no good IVs
>neutral Brave Roy
I didn't spend as much orbs as I did to get one summer Robin and I got all 4 of them.

Me on the far left

Reinhardt is better than Lyn. She needs a brave bow to come close and Rein is still better thanks to his prf brave tome.

>They're both yanderes whose very existence is to pander to waifufag autist retard neckbeards
>They exist solely to suck the self insert's dick so said neckbeards can feel good about their miserable, pathetic lives.
Thank you for pointing out the obvious but why is that a bad thing?

Horse emblem can save any iv

>and when she does
Your error is assuming she will get one. Lyn's lead could increase slow enough that Lucina is unable to get a last-minute multiplier.

The free hero is neutral right?

Also how bad is -Atk+Res Brave Ike?

Got a five star seth rolling for roy.

I've only spent 60 orbs so far, though

>sent home ryoma
who the fuck does this

Link to the fic?