/ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station

Last Thread: Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
> Vox Autism
> Shit Fucking Blows up
> is Goldmin going to fuck up again?

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs + Discord circlejerk

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>Round Stats

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

Other urls found in this thread:


first for having cute op pictures

Second for post funny chat logs

Nth for Maya Durmon, the norwegian cutie!!

I need more thicc in my space.

>I believe everyone was tired and just wanted it to end so that they could focus on rebuild their countries and bury the dead, especially in the East, where so much had been lost.

>valuing human life
>being effected by loss
they literally tried it in 1918 after getting biblically spanked by the germans and having a revolution
the Red Army was only stopped by a miracle in Poland




1918 isn't 1945, Trotsky isn't Stalin, and "waging war on ex-Russian provinces amidst a civil war" isn't the same thing as "turning on our allies for 4 years of long, painful and devastating warfare which took as much as 25% of the Belarusian population".

>valuing human life
>being effected by loss
Russians, much like Nazis, were humans and these were absolutely crucial to Stalin. He only hold the country together by appealing to defensive sentiment and couldn't wage an offensive war.

The popular sentiment right after WW2 was extremely friendly on both sides.

Oblivion Guards.jpeg


is he still unredeemably retarded?
I joined around the same time as him and remember him being awful

is anyone else /newfag class of winter 2015-2016/?

Whoops, meant to quote

Is Rambling Maniac a good?

i have never actually played with poop.png

Rambling Manic is a valid name and you can kill him on sight.

He's a good at being dead


>disable ling in preferences


hey.. its been months since we spoke. im too shy to say hey

message me sometime?

I'm glad that autistic depressed neet weeaboo retard is banned

This ain't space


Is this game dead? Is it worth it for me to invest my autism into a game that will be dead in six months?


>dead in six months

I dunno it's been out for like 15 years now I'm just assuming.

>dead in six months
this game exists since 2001 and only got more active since then

If autists can still collect valids after 15 years, you can probably assume they won't stop

It has about 300 players at any given time which means probably a few thousand players worldwide.
These players are heavily dedicated and invest a lot of time in the game, sometimes even learning code.

We use to have an almost semi-professional level of coding herein. Sadly they left to work on a remake, but we still have good coders.

I think the game is far from dead, in fact, the server's population has been steadily rising over the last months.

>dead in six months
Yeah I don't think so.

>The popular sentiment right after WW2 was extremely friendly on both sides.
The Germans and Soviets were also extremely friendly once...

Also I think you are overestimating the agreeableness of the allies at the conclusion of the war. The soviet Union was in the process of breaking all their promises they made at Yalta regarding central and eastern Europe. In 1945 Churchill ordered that plans be drawn up for invading the Soviet Union following the defeat of germany. His war planners basically told him that the that the western allies would get crushed because they were outnumbered something like 3:1.


Soviet War Plans of course haven't been declassified, but I would wager they were drawing up similar contingencies, and the major reason they weren't carried out was the spectre of Atomic weapons. (they had no idea how many bombs the US had in 1945)

The game is far from dead and it will only get more popular.

Hopefully in a better shape than now.
SS13 is a literal frankenstein monster of code.
>13 years and over a hundred people worth of spaghetti code

i dont like non-roleplayers on Veeky Forums

please go to one of the other dozen no-rp servers

This game has been going on for over 10 years if it was going to die it was going to die back in like 2004

No why don't YOU go and play on one of the HIGH roleplay servers you BAYBIE KEK FAGGOT

But who art thou?

human business partners are a good investment

Agreed, the clown was a big help. Admittedly they had no concept of value and ended up trading the disk for a hat, but you take the good with the bad

>Please No Hit Vox Burger

this comes off as sarcastic but it makes a fair point

if you don't like the blend of no rp validunting and medium RP players we have on Veeky Forums, you can literally go to literally any other server that caters to your particular sensibilities.

l o n e l y

I like Veeky Forums because if you want to roleplay, there are people that do, and sometimes they are pretty robust, but if you want to keep interactions minimal you also can

Best of both worlds, sometimes

>tfw no servers appeal to me

tfw no vox bf or gf

>Its another episode of science cult converting everyone

The problem with NT Default is that it was written for a server where laws don't have precedence.

post 3 ded players/statics you would resurrect

Let's dispel once and for all with this FICTION that Celt doesn't know what he was doing. He knew exactly what he was doing.

>protectstation module is designed to make AIs kill anyone who damage the station
>it never gets used because popular interpretation of NTdef is the same but worse


yimira scarlet
angelite entyshak
vulgaris magistralis

Do coders count? if so
>a second bauds to help the first one

At least goldsteel had the decency to discretely try to get someone removed, instead of naming them and trying to start a witch hunt.

>Importantly, however, I think Clusterfack is not a bad person. In the words of bauds, "I've always looked up to him as a smart guy, and the one who knows the most what he is doing."
>But there is no denying he is stubborn, and has a certain feeling of superiority when presented with the view of the players. To continue that quote from bauds, "That idol falls out of the sky when he gets real thick about stuff, though."
He's not exactly wrong.

>Already, we've lost very competent coders such as Bauds and Kurfurst.

Just about everything in his post was entirely wrong. This WHOLE forum post was a powerplay to be made a collaborator.

really shitty taste my dude

how do I get a bf in spess

that is the joke though i was serious about vulgaris


>celt claims we were "stagnating" under cluster
>cluster leaves
>we have 1/2 of the number of PRs being made as when he was in charge

Find a gun, aim for mouth, press on the gun and wait

celt was just le sneaky jew trying to take power by doing a hitpiece and getting the playerbase against someone. Kinda like what happens in the threads but instead of anonymous there's a name behind it. Also he was apparently underaged and probably larping hardcore

cseru or thingolus
make spessmen remove two ribs so it can suck it's own dick again

Like him or hate him, clusterfack was the only collaborator that left the github running like a well oiled machine.

celt banned people he hated, shitposted, made hit pieces, organized armies to deadmin people.

celt was goldsteel prime.


Holy shit i haven't heard that name in a long time...I still have him on steam

Honestly can't deny it, he's a good coder for sure

I don't think so, he seemed to care a lot when he was head of trialmins

He was underage yes, which probably lead to some degree of immaturity
Because I honestly can't understand how and when they started to hate each other.

At least he knew enough about laws to use the upload?

celt adminned KOLUTH

it's that time again folks!
let's see what the twitterverse is saying about our little game
first off...

what the fuck I love unionists now

Yeah he probably had some idea of "him against me" being underaged and all

Can silicons operate the ID computer?

It was on the old discord back when they were one
>Cluster says I wont merge anything from you anymore until you fix the planes bugs
>Celt says Ill have other merge my stuff then
>PJB says he wont either
>Celt spends the night writing the hitpiece and publishes it the next day after crying to pomf in direct messages over being bullied
(if you read between the lines you can see parts of this conversation in his hitpiece)

After that they always seemed to be directly confrontational

I really wish I could spectate on my phone

I don't think oney even wants to talk about THAT mess

If Box Station could get an asteroid like Bagel Station's
that'd be great.

The shared outpost for science and miners isn't that great, but the sheer size of the roid makes up for that.

Well they can't pick up ID cards (unless emagged MoMMI) so what would be the point?

>Exploding clown enters genetics, pricks the geneticist, and explodes
I don't know what I expected

This is the one that gets me, other things can be forgiven but this was unforgivable

that video probably fucked up some servers for a bit, thinking it was just some deathmatch stuff. I also heard a funny story that his personal server got a codebase switch to something better by a nice guy from TG but he hated it because he couldn't grief his own server that well and forced it back

>spectate on phone connection
>play on wifi connection
>metagame without being banned

How about, no.

That was one of the darkest moments for the entire community in recent years.

Has the new bagel roid set up finally forged friendly relations between miners, xenoarchs, and traders?

Oi vey, vhat a hit piece. Slim mazel.

nothing even happened

Didn't have enough time to find out.
shuttle call less than 20 minutes in

YES! I'd love to have someone as intelligent as him make a video on it!

No. Until Miners get instagibbed every time they destroy a large artifact, there will never be peace between Xenoarcheology and Mining.

But if you stick your own ID in, can you use a silicon to change the access?

The funny thing is I heard Nuke or whoever was headmin supposedly set up a policy that admins/coders weren't supposed to publicly bash each other before this too.

Thank god ss13 and dorf fort are too autistic for most people

You need the authorizing ID still, silicons don't bypass that. Might as well do it yourself.

Suggestion: Xenoarchs getting kill objectives whenever someone does that.
We always need more interdepartmental interactions.

>not only is there a furry agenda but they want fresh meat now that the old guard has been purged

The admin team has been taken over by skin walkers

Great spess Rivalries

>Silicons and Carbons
>Humans and Vox
>Assistants and Security
>Xenoarchs and Miners
>Cargo and Security
>Cargo and Traders
>CE and CMO (do we call the shuttle)
>HoP and HoS
>Wardens and Lawyers
>Janitor and Detective
>Clowns and Mimes
>Clowns and security
>Clowns and Captains

what am I forgetting