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Last Thread: >Latest TF2 blogpost about stupid jokes

>list of good comm. servers

>Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf | steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

Sites: scrap.tf | tf2outpost.com | backpack.tf | bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf | trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf | scrapbank.me
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
AusFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (Asia): asiafortress.com
FBTF (Brazil AHUE): teamfortress.com.br/forum/


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also reminder that the ESEA S25 Invite grand finals are TONIGHT @ ~11PM EST



Comp TF2

3nd for engie mains

The ESEA Invite grand final is happening tonight, boys. Ascent vs. Froyotech. The format will be two Best of 3s, Froyo only needs to win one because they have the upper bracket advantage, while Ascent will need to win both to take home the prize. ESEA matches also never start on time so look for it to start around 11:45 EST. Here's the link: teamfortress.tv/43265/esea-s25-gf-froyotech-vs-ascent

Should I do my "rape culture" presentation for my bullshit requirement Ethics class on Suprise Butsecks?

>Fox news isn't controlled by Judes
Rape culture is easy to write in a way that you find hilarious and that professors won't see the irony in. Surprise buttsecks is harder to pull that off with so I'd go for the safer option

This is my second semester of utter bullshit classes nobody has ever really cared about. I am well versed in remaining composed while lying through my teeth.
I mostly want to know if you wise men think it would be good méméry or cancer.

Maybe you shouldn't have chosen a meme major if you didn't want to take the classes. Why would you force yourself through classes you have no interest in?

I hope these people know that putting biased shit like "fox news is a propaganda machine" in textbooks is propaganda/indoctrination in and of itself

leftist hypocrisy knows no bounds

Only if you pastebin the essay afterward and let us read it

Blue Horseshoe loves Neon Annihilator.

One pottis PLEASE

>meme major
More like meme state to be born in, I'm an actuary. This is a universal UC/CSU requirement, and it's not worth the out of state tuition increase to escape or god forbid commit utter financial suicide with a decent private college.

It's an interactive presentation, I stand in front of the class, show them the video, and then break it down for them.

Okay which are the best community servers in EU? I want to play with nice people and want to avoid bots, russians and other scummers.

You should do a report on misrepresentation of Trump by the media and then fart in your professor's face

>Streaming when your game looks like shit
wew, lad.

need a dispenser here


*distant YEE-HAWing*


who did you hear


a fucking whinny scout


Soldier. They always hurt themselves rocket jumping and typically have a macro for shouting "MEDIC!" every second for when they hear a Kritz is ready to charge.

Demoman. His call is the loudest and most fun to spam with 20 fellow gaymers

why is the "wait" command disabled on practically every server?
is there some sort of exploit you can do with it?

There was a lot of controversy with scripting once, especially scripts that used the wait command. I don't know if that's why Valve disabled it by default, but maybe.

It's a good hook for malicious scripts, as it is a command about nothing that can be put into a legitimate sequence easily.
Turning on your aimbot when you scope in and turning it off after you fire, for example.

Let's see those classes you play

>maining classes

Only gay bois main classes

>playing TF2

I hope so

dickem is 15

Ban him for life

dick him for life

i'm 19

"Present premises that support your claim." - Le French Facts Turkey

dick me daddy viva

"i am going to carve your flesh like that of a cornish game hen" - le french sneakman

Why 80% of Germans I met over the games act like lead poisoned degenerate idiots who's going through men-struation or psychosis and how come rest 20% is cool af?

Someone post that one furry map where most of them are from Germany. They've lived for entire generations being told they couldn't be proud of their heritage because one guy decided to gas a fuckton of Jews even though historically it's one of the best countries in the world. They have a lot of the same issues the Japanese do. Also, immigrants.

hi i am thole and im 18 and im gonna have sex tonight. i playee some tf2 yesterday and owned in mge. I'm really high and on drugs right now. and i need some good feedback or some nice words right about now. thanks pals.

bump please say something nice




dude bonk lmao

Tell me why I should spend more than a dollar on any one virtual item for a game

tell my why i should spend a dollar online

You are free to spend your money in any way you so choose, however don't expect people to 100% support everything you do if you feel the need to talk about how you spend your money.

>spends money on community-made TF2 items where valve gets 75% of the profit
>"gee i wonder why Valve doesn't make quality updates for this extremelly profitable game with microtransactions and market tariffs"

I had that exact same textbook
My professor was a massive fag, the class was shit. I thought philosophy and logic would be free of those screaming retards

>Philosophy and logic
>Not expecting to get memed on by bleeding hearts
Maybe a hundred or two hundred years ago you would've been right.

You're like those underage asshats that would put a level 2 Starly on the gts and demand a level 100 shiny Arceus

I'd like to thank the Academy...

We The Best

>Saturation: 500

I don't think I will ever understand what is with this community and it's fetish for terrible map design. Is it because only it's the only type of map the bad/bland classes are good at or what?
>DR shitters benefit from randomly placed ammo packs everywhere
>Engineer shitters benefit from cramped corridors leading to massive open spaces
>Heavy shitters benefit from the tight corridors and lack of proper flank routes
>Sniper shitters benefit from long open sightlines
>Pyros benefit from cramped and tight corridors making their actual role as an ambush class easier
Meanwhile, the proper fragging classes all get shit on.

>Soldier and Demo shitters benefit from funnel points to spam blindly

Would you consider some maps to be crutches? Maps like 2fort or Gold Rush or Dustbowl, for example? The poor map design encourages bad habits, and people who actually aren't that great at the game perform better due to the maps being made in the very early days of the game.

We're all waiting for your masterpiece.

I've never designed a map, I was just pointing out that a lot of people like maps with bad design. There's some good maps, and while 5CP does have it's flaws, it really is the best we have, because most KOTH maps are also pretty bad. Just because I can't make maps doesn't mean I can't complain about existing bad map design.

CTF is shit
also there was a koth de-make of gravelpit, i hope the guy makes a 5cp version eventually too.

all valve maps are good because they have areas where each class shines

(((official))) community made maps are fucking autistic because they only cater to le meta classes by being really open and having tons of high ground

-plays scout on Dustbowl offense-

I feel like having a "low-popularity maps" selection in the matchmaking menu with a steady rotation that changes each week at the top of the map selection thing would help a lot. Also a "popular community made maps" section would be nice as well. It doesn't even sound that hard to implement. Just analyze what the least popular maps are each week, put those maps into the rotation and steadily switch it out.

Match time got moved up. It's scheduled to officially start at 10:30 now(in roughly 25 minutes), but I still don't expect it to start on time, so probably around 11 PM still.

>all valve maps are good
sorry i cant take the rest of your post seriously
also you're probably thinking of community made maps that were made official as valve maps since you have no idea what you're talking about

>Responding to low quality bait

It only takes a fool to point out something is wrong, it takes a bit more to say what's right.

? ? ? ? ?
What did he mean by this?

It wouldn't be hard. They have the majority of the legwork done already in their other titles like Portal 2's perpetual testing initiative. It has weekly rotations of most popular community submissions. Wouldn't be too hard to tweak that to work with the current map-popularity meter MyM introduced.

t. the retard who made suijin and / or swiftwater
*responds to u*

haha ; )

ITT we post cringe
>Sniper's Point and Click Adventure

this one?

sniper literally is point and click adventure: the class. hitscan is the easiest possible thing in the game and it's almost nauseating how many people pretend it's hard to click on someone, especially from across the map where there's no danger involved.



Sniper takes no skill if you're playing against retards*
Just like every single class in this game.

that isn't an argument against how easy it is to hover your crosshair over someone for a nanosecond and press your left mouse button as any class with a hitscan weapon

are you seriously saying hitscan is hard at any skill level vs. any skill level players?

Literally every game in this class is "point at someone and left click." If we boil it down to just that, nothing in this game takes skill and TF2's skill ceiling is about as high as Overwatch's skill floor.

turbine is a community map, i bet a valve cocksucker like you loves that map
actually most official TF2 maps are community made
2fort is a remake of a map from the late 90's that was very popular among modders and appeared in hundreds of games of the time

Grand Final stream is up, but it's not starting yet, just posting the link for now.

im bored, post a crate# and roll a 7 and ill obtain, then open said crate (cant do salvaged / holiday crates etc)

you fucking retard

hitscan is LITERALLY INSTANT, as in you CANNOT DODGE IT. there is no trajectory or prediction involved at all. if you miss it is entirely player error.


marxist cast good cast
how long until froyo are taken out of the equation and theres actual competition for first place in invite?

Not likely to be anytime soon, to be honest. The issue isn't that Froyo are there at the top, it's that there just aren't enough teams to truly challenge and push them to their limit due to the shrinking competitive scene. I don't think much can be done about this, to be honest.


more like the fact that any decent players will accept being in froyotech rather than try to beat em.
or maybe people are too afraid of them to not tilt when playing them like what happened with epsilon for like 7 seasons straight in europe

the problem is all of the actual good players aren't ego driven meta circlejerkers and have no interest in comp. froyo being the best team is like getting a 30 hour world record speedrun on a game nobody else has played.

>mfw a clueless pub player jumps into a serious discussion about top invite TF2
ah yes, im sure the top 8 teams of the whole NA have no interest in comp
can you fuck off to your 24/7 payload server now?

haha you sure showed him buddy : D

Is there any data showing the competitive scene for TF2 is growing/declining ?

>He only plays pubs
>Thinks he can judge skill
l o l
b4nny can play just about any class at a top invite level and still lead his team to the top. Then he has several players widely considered to be the best worldwide also backing him up.

Judge how many top players no longer play at all and how many teams sign up for UGC/ESEA/ETF2L year by year.

I actually have pretty high hopes for Ascent tonight. Especially considering that Snakewater is Froyo's worst map by a long shot and they got absolutely dominated on that map. I wouldn't completely say it's Froyo's game yet.

When should I use the Quick Fix?

When the other team is bad and you want to make them cry.

When you're in a pub and you're getting stomped by a pyro main.