Leaguoo of Loloo General - /lolg/

loloo forever v3!

elo hell is real

guess i'll give up and try again next season

>elo hell
>not silver

Need a new name for my smurf, post ending in 64 chooses

go back to /b/ you tard

I hate the gameplay of this game but I've been playing it for months, I've gotten used to playing with other people but I want to do something peaceful like minecraft or something


Low elo bab detected. Anyone who reached plat can easily climb out of silver

When will my pentakill virginity be taken? I keep on getting cucked by my team. Just once, just only once. Also shields are op as fuck

Shit the webm got cut short, is there any way to lower the size of a webm?

>morg provides blackshield, 2 second root
>3 enemies
>filename is kayn 1v5

If Fiora parries Darius Q, will she still get a bleed stack

>get horrid pain in intestines every 30 minutes
>tfw know full and well massive shit is on its way
>tfw get into game an hour later
>tfw need to shit and in game mid match
>go afk
>drop the literal biggest shit of my life, a fucking sentient shit in the toilet
>go back with tears on my face and likely tears in my anus
>relax and carry
>am now diamond for the first time
wew lads

I love you Lendo

>enemy team has taric top and janna support
>with a kog adc
>cant dodge because its promos
how much lube should i use lads

lulu a cute

>trade fb with enemy talon at lv 2 cause hes a fucking idiot, i get the actual fb
>wave is frozen in the middle of lane
>jungle ornn comes in to 'shove', just spends 30 seconds clearing all 5 of the minions so that talon can have 2 waves when he comes back
>it doesnt even make it to turret
>i'm literally half a level of xp behind him eternally now beacuse ornn decided to deny me a whole wave for no discernable reason other than an awful attempt to deny talon
>spend the entire game playing catch up, always a level behind, talon hits 6 before me [whereas i had hit 2 before him when i got fb] and insta1shots me
>as soona s i tp back to lane ww is there to ult me
>spend next 10 minutes sitting under tower and farming
>eventually just become a huge assassin and go around the map 1 shotting people but still extremely fucking salty about ornn literally losing me my lane
>tell him off in post game chat
was I right here, /lolg/?

xth for Syndra

Reminder that Miss Fortune's proper build path is Duskblade>Edge of Night>Infinity Edge

You should have tricked him into saying Nigger so he'd get permabanned.

>assassin tears
I bet ornn did it on purpose, fuck your lane and its players.

No, but darius still heals

cait buffs pls

I konw I'm a shitter for playing an assassincuck but in what fucking world is what he did ok
I literally got fb and would have dominated and he just decides it's his job to lose me the lane

when will Riot properly balance Nidalee?

did he fuck that cat

do you think Adam Lyon ever did?

i wouldve fucked the giraffe

any sane man would have

he's probably played with a midlaner on his team before and knows how hard they throw when they're ahead. He was just making sure you stay grounded.

Which champion player base do you hate the most?

>Hey I'm azir and I can't be countered by ANYONE
>No no it's not overpowered cuz he's hard to master xD
>Hahahah no man he's really hard bro xD
>No man this took me years to master xD
>Dyndra? No syndra's fucking shite man hahahaha xD
Azir players are cancerous NIGGERS

your really not alone
Giraffe and Nurse Gazelle.....

League of Legends

Yes. I get retarded junglers like this every now and then too, but they mostly come to gank ignoring where the wave is and what I can realistically contribute to a gank and end up suiciding.

sooooomebody just got given the Shuriman D

I remember my first penta kill
I was playing Nasus against a Renekton. Did nothing but farm while he went roaming, joined a team fight about 30 minutes in. Got a penta and won the game after that team fight.
I miss season 3.

You have sivir issues, user.




That was the riven that fucking destroyed last game, feeding out the asshole

I hope it's my college so I can hit on you

Ban Yasuo if you want to climb

Draven players. Just due to them either carrying or being completely fucking useless. They don't say anything when they win for the most part, but anytime they don't win it's only due to their support/jungler.

the "hard to master" part is what gets me everytime, just like when Riven mains say that

>yordle midriff
>silver 5
look at the support thinking it's people

How do I play support Kayle

>I'll concede this one
>yes, climbing

Play Taric, literally does everything she does as a support but objectively better

You don't.


Ahri and Janna fags.

I only play qt girls and futas my dude. Get on my level.

>mistake my roman numerals
alas, it is I that am the fool now.

what do (you) think

Well then enjoy the inferiority

Give me source please?

read that as "hit you"
i am terrified of both of these things
my schools mascot is a woodduck

Then play Janna, Soraka, or any of the other supports. Kayle isn't a good support.
>inb4 I picked it once and it worked

I love Camille

>Strong women need to be represented in media more often summoner!
>I heard summoner Anitivia Arkesiana was making some real headway for women in Runeterra!
the fuck?

How do I win games

No. AP Ekko is perfectly fine. Have you seen what happened in the last NA finals?

Guys anyone got that in a higher res?


bruh you in Minnesota and going to community college

who are you quoting

When will they fix quinn?

You right click the enemy nexus until it has no hp

should have added this too for more context

that's probably why you don't win games desu, you're not playing against bronze where you belong. It'd be like if instead of teaching children to ride bikes when they were 4y/o we put them in a transport truck and said give 'er.

Let me help you friend!

>privilege must be preserved at all costs
>affluent white and hates poor people

I would pay money to see you two shitters duo together.

Just like the majority of radfems under the surface.

Nerf her ass to the ground.

Why didn't that lulu die tho?

fug m8 u got me

Well I can talk Jinx so I'm gonna talk Jinx. You'd have more luck going BF>Hurricane>IE instead of immediate IE, also I'm guessing PD had a reason and if so fair enough but with Jinx you'd be way better off with Shiv/Rapidfire. Is laning phase tough for you? Warlords may sacrifice kill potential but its sustain when played right is magnifique. In a tough heavy poke lane shield start can also work in place of blade but thats very contextual.

I wanted to add the webm of Jensen sperging out, but I deleted that shit long ago

>Precision is the difference between a good hunter and a ZAUN NIGGER
>My skills eliminate the KIKES of piltover


CertainlyRaimi went a bit overboard with these quotes...

i wish i was a girl


ur not climbing at all tho

silver since season 2 and negative winrate is not climbing thats just the ladder forcing wins upon u

another example

t. bronze
thats veigar?

truly, we lived in different times

>ult doesn't hit the veigar
>for some reason the second vulnerable proc doesn't pop on malphite
that's rough

Why isn't it popping that second proc?
Never seen that before.
Hidden cooldown?

i wish u were ded

It's been a known bug they said they fixed in 7.3 (hint: they didn't actually fix it) that happens if you cancel an auto and immediately requeue it on a harrier target

>man wishing it was a girl
your wish will probablycome true sooner or later

Put on a skirt. I will treat you like the whore you are.

me too :(

before the age of 35/ within 5 years of attempted transition, statistically.


it did hit him it just does like 0 dmg
no cd its just a bug that completely fucks u over
its been here for years they dont even bother at this point

AP ekko is useless shit anyways, his damage is very subpar compared to most other assassins, it's also not as bursty because Q needs to come back (which is easy to dodge btw) and you need to get your 3 stacks. It's also good to land a decent stun but it doesn't do any damage by itself which is a fucking shame for an assassin. Unless ekko player is actually very good (and is lucky enough to lane against a total shitter who throws free gold at him) he isn't scary at all, more like slightly annoying. I was abusing tank ekko when it was the big thing and this shit doesn't even compare, it's like a weird assassin-bruiser hybrid that rarely works out and needs to be executed perfectly.

They moved a decent amount of damage from his burst to his ult, nowadays he's more of a waveclear mage that can do some burst if the stars align than an actual assassin.

yeah, definitely feels bad liking Quinn since her release and having to deal with her shit bugs on top of people hating her for thinking she's useless.

the object to your left is now changedslightly to become a champion

what skills can we expect, and are they cancer?

its really too bad riot keeps trying to push him as a Assassin and not just AP Slayer.

make his W bonus damage threshold scale with AP so he has access to it sooner and remove the burst damage from R.

>Assassin needs 5 damage abilities.
Practically every assassin in the game has one of their abilities do no damage and instead offer mobility, cc or survival.

>pack of cigs hero
>still less cancerous than fizz

>top laner shifts from Garen to Gnar
>After the enemy Riven already picked
>Feeds lane, moves into lane with Zed and refuses to leave
>Zed becomes meals on wheels and jumps into the enemy team just to die
>Zed wanted to play Yasuo before game so I shouldn't be surprised
>queue up for another game
>Gnars on my team
Why is it that despite admitting that they were intentionally feeding (they weren't together) that they won't get permabanned on the spot? This is actually a case where zero tolerance would make sense.

Also, when did you realize that AD Assassin mains are literal subhumans?

>MF sells her boot for Rylai's