>Heroes FAQ and links
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>Heroes FAQ and links
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My boy.
Burger King WHEN ?
Brave Lyn was able to help me get past the horror that was Lunatic CC 11-3 but then I fucked up on 11-5 and barely scraped by until the very end, by which I was unable to get through how fucking GIGANTIC the stat inflation is on the final map.
Tobin has no fucking business being that beefy.
nino is cute!!!
If the Negro Night's Eclipse is inheritable, do you have anybody you are planning to give it to?
Why do people hate my waifu?
Autistic whale gets cucked by every possible thing on the block and progressively loses his mind.
What is she saying to Roy??
Don't forget the most important quest this month which is completing 7-3 on lunatic with a blue unit!
So Reinhardt?
I feel like smol-chan died. In any case, I saw that there never was a mounted Camus
Leo is +def, -special
Ike is +HP, -at
I'm sure I got cucked on Ike but I'm happy. I have another worse Leo, should I go for the +1 or just feed quick riposte to someone?
Mating press my best friend!
What does the point difference have to be to get a loss bonus in the Gauntlet?
I really wish Camilla destroys in this gauntlet so that we can get that one artist to draw her pegging everyone she defeats.
put your trip back on thotfag
>I still don't have a Leo
>Diving into colorless hell
Why do whales have so much money but so little intelligence?
>september 2017 already
what the fuck is happening I need help
>it's this guy
>he's getting bodied by bad luck
lol rip
>gonna be up all morning finishing all of these fucking quests
>phone will likely be set ablaze by the end of this
>+Res/-Def Lucina
Is that ok? She's there to just buff people, right?
wife sheep
Good night!
Depends on how long the charge is. Honestly, though, I'm thinking about giving it to Ike, because he can get it charged mega fast.
>The first battle you do in a new month where you have to tap through 12 different quest progressions
Feels like I'm actually doing something :^)
yeah, stats for buffbots and dancers generally aren't too important. there's certainly optimal IVs, but it doesn't stop them from doing their job.
>11th Sheena
>Directly into 5* Jakob
Is the bottom right meme real?
he got a +atk -res lucina why would he be mad seems fake for youtube
didnt check what else he got only saw lucina randomly skipping video
you got a whole month man, let your phone breathe
What chapters have the most level 35+ cavalry foes?
Got Lucina on the free roll yesterday bottom right
I say yes
>if there were to ever be a FE show it'd be like GoT
not sure how to feel about this.
>Roll my last 20 orbs I got from these new three orbs
>Brave Ike
>+def -hp
I am ok with this.
Thank you gacha gacha, now I have Ike and Lyn. Only thing left on wishlist is the Roy, but if I don't get him it's ok because I am happy with this.
No ;_;
So what's the best build for a cav meme Lyn?
>there are people in this thread right now who have ever rolled multiple 5* from a single summon session
I want to know what it feels like to be a luckshitter.
lol I lie to you enjoy your 3* faggit
Don't take life too serious, "like GoT" is such a broad term that you can apply it to a good portion of shows. Just enjoy it or don't.
The only time I did I got both a Faye and a Priscilla
>got to feel that last banner
>it was Jakob and Merric
Monkey's paw'd, so hard.
I haven't gotten two 5 Stars at once in forever, but the one time I did was indeed satisfying.
So FE4?
Brave Lyn
Mirror Strike
Sacaes blessing
ATK smoke
Mirror strike is unironically better than swift sparrow on Lyn
Farming SP for the boys with my dragon wife!
Her default skillset is more than perfect.
you got nowi!
>people save up 40 orbs and get who they want on banners
>I always have to save up 70 and get nothing.
When will our time come
>have rolled 2 5* in the same session twice
>two of them were seliph and -atk sheena
I would've rather gotten good skill fodder desu
are you just flaunting the fact you braved colorless hell and came out with an optimal lyn?
where's that screenshot by the guy who got sheena, merric and jakob in one session
it was the trinity of FUCK YOU summons
>waste all my orbs sniping blues for Lucina
>5% pity rate
>have 9 orbs left, give it one last try
>2 blue spheres, pick the first one
>fucking 5* Effie destroys my pity rate
>mad as fuck at that point
>what the hell, use the last 4 to grab the other blue one
>it's fucking Lucina
>Get some orbs to roll for Roy/Seth
>Puff of smoke
>+Spd -Res Katarina cucks my low pity rate
Okay I guess.
Thanks for the advice user. I'll try to be more lighthearted
I mean, the best I ever did was Ike and Genny in one session from the last hero fest. But with upped rates it's not much of an accomplishment
I only managed that from rerolling.
Never got more than 1 5* in a session ever since.
And I usually don't do full rolls anyways so that might be one of the reason.
Wait you're not Roy.
Hey, it's the weird Celica I got.
>no more orbs
>not a single CYL hero
>no more real avenues to get orbs from
>saving my wallet for Nephenee
Well, this fucking sucks
congrats on your ike and lyn killer, you'll need her for the upcoming arena shenanigans
I am also seethingly jealous of you
No, I don't even have those IVs, I'm just theory crafting
With mirror strike and her b skill she can safely attack any unit.
Was trying to find units that wanted mirror strike and sturdy blow over more offensive variants
>It was found by "feg" from reddit
Are we not memeing about mysterious data miner /feg/ anymore? at least he said reddit
>Obliterate all my orbs on the brave banner to get what I want
>Just have twenty again
>Struck with the urge to try and roll for Hector, simply because I want to make Zephiel the best he can be
Must resist
Do you snipe? Because I do and I never get multiple heroes, but in the first hero fest I was opening everything and got 2 5* twice.
Made blonde Lyn from the video.
other bows can still ruin Lyn's day, sacae's blessing doesn't protect her against those. she'll also suffer pretty heavily at the hands of the perennial scale tipper.
where to farm fliers?
I love this game.
+def -res. Is she still viable?
>a whale that's retarded
I think even Reddit said that it was from 4chin
Whatever, thank you hacker feg for giving us chibi's
shit edit
What to do with 2 Bravecina?
One is +Def -HP
The other +Def -Atk
Still very glad I got Lucy and Lyn yesterday, I'll now be saving for a possible halloween banner. Hope we'll get cute catgirls and witches!
>Not a single CYL hero
I want to imagine you opened the "Free summon" banner and you got 4 orbs with pictures of Sophia, Barst, Odin, and Wrys
I think I need to get my eyes checked, because that looks brunette
your bane is in her dump stat
she's good, not optimal but good
now remove the ponytail
>dumb Youtuber thinks our name is cute
O-oh my!
I swear I must be the red mage pussy magnet or something, I keep getting them when I don't even try that much for them. Sanaki is neutral so she looks fine enough at least.
sumimasen, user-san
I'm starting to feel like maybe people are genuinely retarded when they ask if good IVs are good and they're not just fishing for (you)'s. Am I going soft?
Why does Lyn have a Chinese dress? Why is her nickname an actual Chinese name?
>No defense
>Lyn killer
I want to knock the teeth in of everyone who sends a unit of the same color as your leader into the gauntlet how brain dead can you be
>Four of his Six 5*s are off-banner pulls (Alm, Clair, Sheena, Jakob)
>my 5*s were off banner pulls as well instead of Brave Roy and Brave Lyn
What the fuck is with this banner and non-focus units?
how can you call yourself the red mage pussy magnet when you can't even separate lilina from her husband gonzales' monster dick
Some people just don't understand this game. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if FEH is the only FE game they've ever played for that matter.
>tfw STILL rerolling for Celica.
I'll actually get her some day.
>enough orbs for a full summon
Do it do it doods