/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Shitty marketing edition.

Shadowverse is a fun, free class based CCG for people who want a big steamy carrot on their chest.

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Nerf announcements
>The gold Runecraft follower Falise, Leonardian Mage will no longer have the effect “Enhance (7): Evolve this follower.”
>The legendary Shadowcraft follower Demonlord Eachtar will now have the effect “Necromancy (8): Summon 2 Zombies. Give all other allied followers +2/+0 and Rush until the end of the turn (whether Necromancy was activated or not).”
>The bronze Bloodcraft follower Big Knuckle Bodyguard will now cost 5 instead of 4.
>The silver Bloodcraft follower Scarlet Sabreur will now have the effect “Bane. Fanfare: Deal 2 damage to an enemy follower. Then restore 2 defense to your leader.”

New Take Two rewards

Leader poll results

Official Website:

Deckbuilder and card database

Useful Links: pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi


Other urls found in this thread:


Elves are for tickling.

What a shitty pun.

Time for steamposting. Your average western fanbase, everyone.

We will never know how.

It's not a pun, ESL-kun.

help kudasai

Wait. Did the marketing team really just equate Shadowverse to shit? My God does the Japanese management know about this? These guys should be fired!

Cygames should hire me as the next intern-kun.

>no carrot sleeves
>no frogbat sleeves
>no pepe sleeves
>no tove sleeves
Why all of my fucking why

Is he a fellow /svg/ ungaturd?

concede please!

I want Ultimate Onion and Ultimate Leek to be actual cards.

>b-but muh Albert

>that whining
>no shadow

Most likely shadownigger, bonus points if midshadownigger since he complains with mass removal.

please delete this thread

That really depends on what you're hoping for.

He's right though.

If dragon highrolls you're pretty much done.

oops, sorry for making you wait so long
I was looking at another screen
thank you!!

That's 1 hp you're never getting back.

I was worried that there was gonna be scat judging from the comments so I'm glad to see otherwise. Too bad that chest looks terrible though, it's like they wanted to go oppai loli but pussied out.

>the absolute state of abushcancerfags after corpse+assassin

>implying he wasn't dead before that or they had other ambush followers up

>implying you know the games I play better than myself

Tell me how you act against Vanguard > Palace Knight > Frog > White Knight > Kunoichi Master then, senpai. Going second at that.

smash dat mother fuckin concede button my dude

if we're talking about perfect curves

I play Sybil.

That's more like xmas land, moroz.

>played against that exact same opening myself yesterday
>actually won
Turn 1 goblin, turn 2 feria, turn 3 kiss, turn 4 shield lyrial, turn 5 albert threaten lethal, turn 6 win.

>I can list a perfect curve
>but you can't nu-uh

>before it was bloodshitters
>now it's swordfags
well, svg truly is a dumpster

>perfect curve consisting of a playset and 2 copies of a certain card
Keep in mind that resentment can only remove either vanguard or the palace knight, so the next lurching can hit either the frog or the remaining follower. Read: You still get faced

Which class when rampant will make you happy?

you can survive with a less strict curve too and once you get to play breath/khawy you're done anyways, I was just replaying to something that had nothing to do with my op to begin with

Perhaps if you go first, but your chance of survival going second is next to none since you cannot interact with all those ambush followers in time.

Can Eachtar still be made viable?

12/40 of my list is non targeting removal so I have no clue why you're having this argument with me of all people. I know that if sword highrolls and I don't I lose but I'm still using one of the decks with most comebacks for that

Erika is CUTE!

Just started playing, I fucking hate this game so much

Finally a new place to call home


show rolls

is everybody mentally ill here?

>turn 5 lion in double tigers
>turn 6 teatime into 1cost lion into free teatime

Some moreso than others.

Only the mentally ill visit Veeky Forums, enjoy your stay.

I've been the guy posting the shitty budget blood aggro deck, got D3 so far today and opened a couple extra packs from elite gold and korean shit. Instadusted two Dragon leggos to crqft my deck without any regard for future value

hi i just transferred from hearthstone because druid meta is a cancer

which is the meta cancer here?
I like the spooky girl so far
is she decent?

What's the post nerf Aggro Blood deck. I don't why you people say Sword is good post nerf but mine is in a losing streak.

Nerfs just happened, the meta is currently being reshuffled so nobody knows what's tier 1 yet until the latest reports this sunday. Ambush sword turns out to be the most popular deck based on most people's experience.

>>I like the spooky girl so far
>is she decent?

right now aggrosword
neutral sword
and neutral haven
aggroblood is fine too
All this doesn't matter untill you reach AA3-masters, play what you want

Luna is the best!

>posting pre-nerf mid shadow

you're very few vials away from a dshift deck too if you feel like going combo/need a rune deck for dailies


Holy shit

>using a meme deck
This was literally shown last thread and it's a battle of memes (by me no less), and what does this prove?

Oh shit really? Mind providing a deck/telling me a place to find budget decks? I mostly play combo and aggro, my favorite classes in hs are Mage Rogue Hunter

this link is for tournament decks but dshift is budget by definition since half of the deck is always basic cards
the only place that has budget decks is gamewith but they suck most of the times compared to what one can usually put together with some-but-not-every leggos

It's funny to me that people will watch this video and complain about Hector, when Bahamut was far more broken the entire match. Shadow only won because they had a greedy as fuck list with resurrects, hectors and thanes on top of it.

>when you lost your status as a legendary when a gold spell that summons you is printed
>when the next expansion brought a new removal spell (a Bronze at that) that completely overshadowed yours
What did she do to deserve this?

don't listen to him, never play dshift ever

Nep decks still run Pact

Luna is my wife!

Free Masters account with 83k vials

883 956 745

password Pervert11

>neutral sword
Errm, no.

Both her and Andras were fucking robbed. They are actually borderline playable cards that just got replaced with strictly better Neutral cards.

this is lulu all over again isnt it

Maybe when the meta is back with x/4 she can one-shot with reliably. At the moment, the ideal removals are party and temptest to deal with the board flood.


But I'm already a dirty Freeze Mage/Token deck player, mind as well

Carabats with more burn, it's been working pretty well

Sometimes you just gotta believe and wait.

t. D0

>only 1 loli card

The absolute state of this game

Guess I will settle with this list for the time being.

tell me what is the most common combos for neph?
Like i can't differentiate neph from other shadow deck, only if they play ledger or khawy

The only way to differentiate them is that some of them have more removals (resentment and pact) than the common midshadow. At least it's not as ambigious as Rune.

>lurching and khawy
Prime ptsd material.

It's a necessary evil if you want to provide enough targets for Demon Eater. So far, it has yet to fuck me up royally yet.

i just lost to neph with dark conjurer that's why i'm asking

Conjurer is good because she goes well with Lyrial.
I suppose a good rule of a thumb is whether if they drop Skull Beast on turn 1 or not. Like, if they have played more than 4 varied PP followers, it's not way it's Nep unless piloted by a madman.

I tried a list like that but after some games 2478 looks like it fits the meta a bit better. Is not being able to trade too big of a problem for attendant? Chimera was great with all the pings in the list when I tried it
It can be pretty difficult, but some surefire ways to tell midshadow apart from nep are skull beasts and noticing that they have 2,3 and 4 pp followers


not as mentally ill as /wfg/ but still pretty bad. Just be aware, regardless of the class you play or your rank, you're a shitter and a cancer tumor for playing your class.

isn't lurching corpse in nep a bad idea

Its usefulness in earlygame vastly beats the random chance of negating khawy for me

Those attendants were initially Chimera. Usually I will mull them away going second unless facing slow decks like Dragon or Haven. I consider trying a few more games before swapping those Chimeras back in.

Yours does look interesting, but why Sarge instead of Lyrial? Her ping is just too important these days.

>people are saying that polyroar is a """"wincon"""
>literally pass 9 pp
>only 5/5 next turn with storm

>lower the pp
>7pp polyroar


That's because I want to be able to have a chance at breath 6drop after squasher / tempest 3/4drop, and teena is a better evolution target (considering you usually want to keep 1 EP for morde later on they're relatively scarce of a resource)
In general if you're using pings in a control deck you'd best fill your deck with them (like in yours with tempest, aotw, lyrial, and chimera if you decide to put that back on, hell people even run necroelementalist on that list) which in turn means that here lyrial is not as strong

yeah too bad this card is complete shit :^)

Yes, it needs to be buffed asap.

Shhh, Luna is sleeping.

we need a better wincons
without fucking neutrals

A happy marriage with Dorothy

>try to count what drops opponent plays
>mostly 2-3 drops, liches and whatnot
>Eachtar lethal
fuck this shit seriously
just delete shadow completely

/a/ here, just want to let you know we switched back to granblue fantasy since we all quit this shitty game.

>not shitty