>Heroes FAQ and links
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>Heroes FAQ and links
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I'm actually surprised to see Lyn in the lead.
Is there a document for the gauntlet with predicted bonuses
Roy's our boy
Why is Camilla beating Tharja?
Because she has bigger boobs
What a fucking STUD
Did you level your Ike yet ? Post em
inb lyn gets out of range at last hour and activates bonus
the fire from lynfags would be amazing
It's not going to happen, her lead only stretches by a minuscule amount so essentially the contest is dead.
>two people link a new thread at the same time
>it's the same thread
>and an old thread
I'm proud of you /feg/
>yfw Eliwood didnt come
Multipliers are a retarded mechanic.
>Ike vs Roy is actually kind of even
I'm surprised, Roy was getting buttfucked big times at the start. Is this the power of continous bonuses or are they actually putting up a fight?
Ara ara
I'm rank 19 with 4583 score. what do i need to get to rank 20?
Where's my corrupted Heroes, IS?
I'm actually pretty happy that Elise made it in since she's one of the few Fates characters I like. But I'm not surprised by it and her inclusion isn't enough to even make me consider getting the same. She's still cute as always though, if I ever get the game for free then I would probably play as her.
A higher arena score.
Who's this mysterious dancer?
Poor Hector.
First his brother, then his best friend get fucked by sickness at bad times.
whats the cutoff?
You stole this from Reddit
It's 100% bonuses.
Ike would have 4/5x more points by now if Roy wasn't getting constant boosts.
They are both le dark hot girl, but Camilla is not an abusive mom.
>14 base atk as 3*
Yes, i did.
This is a 14 years old girl.
I love my mommy! She always reads me a bedtime story, and gives the best hugs!
Because more of the people after feathers thought she would get a lot of bonus multipliers and be an easy bracket to stay on top of with everyone flocking to the actual popular people. They were right on both accounts, by the way.
Roy's slated to get a last-minute boost and overtake Ike according to the document,
please god don't let it happen
I'll be using Hector in a non-armour infantry team, alongside Eirika and Nino (who are running Hone Atk and Hone Spd obviously).
......what the fuck do I even give him as a C-skill? I'm not really fond of sacrificing my 5* +HP/-Spd Luke just for Panic Ploy.
>Can't read at 14
Pls no Alters, Lucina's enough of an FE version of Saber already
Bonuses are a joke. It shouldn't be possible for one side to get absolutely beaten the shit out of, but keep catching up and actually win due to bonuses.
This is a 15-16 years old girl.
>Alter garbage on FeH
No thanks
Link to the document boss
I'd pass my lineage to Lyn!
Isn't she using an FE6 weapon? This may well be after she fucked off back to the plains for one reason or another.
Who gets to cum inside this?
>no more multipliers for lucina
>Masked Lucina
>Bunny Lucina
>Brave Lucina
Bern is in Switzerland, though.
>Europoor education
Fortify def for Nino
any more bonus rounds for Roy?
why does she have a bigger bust than lucina?
Yes, IS's Lightning.
I guess Sue, Dayan and Shin will be rocking a Silver bow+ now.
Felicia is the cutest! She makes me the happiest person alive! I`ll always be there for her no matter what! I`ll be there to support her with whatever she needs! I could never want anything more! I couldn't go on without her! I love Felicia!
I would suggest any Lucinafag here to stop playing if you want to get a multiplier.
Of course, it probably won´t make a difference because reddit won´t stop playing.
It's a dumb bandaid they made to fix the fact that the first couple of gauntlets were just the most popular character stomping everything.
What they don't seem to realize is that all they have to do is just NOT INCLUDE OBVIOUS WINNERS for Gauntlets to be more balanced. Now we're stuck in this rubberbanding bullshit where either the more popular character keeps a steady lead and wins or the less popular character gets a last-minute multiplier and wins that way.
I hope Severa can come to Warriors with her mom, and her best friend Lucina!
People actually listen to this shit?
Not another one.
*sipping tea*
>Eriize announced for Warriors
>Camilla still winning her round
It's another good day!
Lancebreaker or Swordbreaker for +spd Brave Lucina ?
Eirika is already using quad-buffs, Rally Defense.
I was actually thinking about Fortify Res or Spur Atk.
>14 years old girl looks 10
>16 years old girl looks 20
Never change Japan.
I'm just glad to finally have an ike. Thankfully his skills don't rely on attack like heavy blade
>Shin gets a Short Bow+, which is 1 range.
>Dayan gets a Wo Dao
>Sue gets a Slaying Bow+
>both Robins on the SE character cards
>but just Femui, smack dab in the middle so you dont miss her
Yikes. He was only 21st. Chill out.
>Wo Dao on a non-myrm
Am i the only one that finds CYL Lyn underwhelming even on a horse team Don't know what everyone is raving about i think i made a mistake picking her instead of Roy
Elise has a manface.
Honest question, which FE girl would be most into cucking me? And I mean full sadistic mental torture.
Please post some tomboys, they are the best.
Remember to play that shitty browser game so we can get more free orbs.
G Tomebreaker or Quick Riposte for my soon to be MVP Raventome F!Robin?
>17 defences in 3 days
i'd love to get a decent IV kagero right now desu
the only one i have is a -atk 5* i got from day 1, never even bothered to SI her
Post your current CYL units, i am 3/4 so far still looking for Roy.
>-atk +res
I'm sorry for your loss. tfw have the exact opposite IVs
How good is CYL Roy? I have the other 3 and I'm thinking of just saving the rest of my orbs for Halloween
I didn't pick Lyn because bows are and always will be trash inferior to tome users so I believe you
>roll +spd -atk cyl roy
i-is he salvageable /feg/
You ungrateful bastard
Do I switch to Brave Bow on Lyn if I have Cav memes?
>rolled green ike +HP-DEF
I think I got one of the worst IVs possible for him
Your Ike looks a little weird
Don't forget to play the browser mini game
7.5 multiplier for Roy predicted, we can still win this.