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y-yrel thread
First for Hughejarse
You have 3 seconds to explain why Blizzard's devs are not retarded, cock-sucking, cum-slurping incompetent niggercunts.
Does /wowg/ like dwarves?
Because they arent the Bitch that is under my table right now.
SPriest main here.
If you raided NH we've only had very minor changes.
Switched over from PI to mindbender, which isn't as painful as I thought it would be, and SL to AS now. Thats the meta. We've still got pretty mediocre ST, no AoE and pretty significant ramp up time, but there are more fights in ToS where we're useful.
KJ is a cancer fight for us, and we're still painful to use in M+, especially in M+ affixes like the one this week - Explosive.
I hope those horns and hairstyles become available to players next expac, along with more customization options for all the races.
Anyone been getting really high pings lately? Normally getting
Sorry boys, Fareeya is claimed.
Hello. Looking for that one sad, comparison pic that shows a guy and his big guild from like 10 years ago and a pic of him with 1-2 other players now
Very much, yes
New Thread, same Dwarf!
How are things going for you in 7.3, /wowg/?
In the evenings I've been getting retardo periods of 3000ms on Draenor, complete hangs, etc. Last about 10 minutes then everythings fine again.
Silvermoon and Draenor have both been crashing hard, too
Unsubbed a month ago. Still unsubbed.
>some people who have started playing wow at the same time as you are already dead
>you might have communicated, cleared dungeons and done pvp with them
why do you come here then?
>Queue for random minigame
>Their team is all melee dps
>Our team is all ranged dps
Damn they really outplayed us
and this is why i switched to a frost mage a couple of months ago
you are kind of reliant on procs but you deal a shit ton of burst damage (which shadow priest doesn't have) you have a TW and are pretty much desired in every key + affix combination
i still find shadow much more satisfying though as it requires almost double the effort to deal the same damage as, in fact, a frost mage
My spec got 0 changes so i'm happy and sad at the same time.
>playing on containment servers
Sorry for asking again in the new thread, but please suggest me something fun to play. Was thinking mage or hunter.
>like the look of the new seasons combatant gear
>decide to do some minigames to get it
>games are decided by who gets given more healers
Great system you got here minigamers.
I know one who died at the end of classic ;_;
Finding the playstyle fun and unique is basically the sole reason I have stuck with it this long. I think if we had burst I'd be completely happy, because burst dps is pretty much required for every type of content and we have none.
I have a mage/rogue and either one becomes a more tempting prospect to main every day. I think we were allowed to be ST machines in Emerald Nightmare and now we're full no fun allowed mode
bm hunter and get cute pets
I'm actually just a Ouija board hooked up to a mouse
Yeah, I would pork a female dwarf.
Especially the bread vendor one at ironforge.
>guild only has one hunter
>as he is a hunter, he sucks mad dicks, has a low dps and dies every single fight even on farm fights
>he only has one eye so people won't tell him he sucks or replace him
pics of her
Same old waiting for timegates to unlock.
>like the look of the new seasons gladiator gear
>decide to do some minigames to get it
>only get combatants
Why is this happening to me? Before this season I got gladiators all the time did they change something??
Woah, didnt even see your earlier post!
C U T E !
And yeah: timegate sucks.
How about getting porked by one?
Thats not all bad at least!
>Horde gets red recolors
>tfw i like red
>tfw alliance
opposite for me, i like blue but im on horde
So whats the deal with the Alliance being so shit in PvE this expac? For every raid now the top 50 have been 80% (literally) Horde guilds
and no, I don't want some retarded "X faction was always full of 12 year olds!" answer
a lot of ally guilds broke up during EN
alliance are busy farming mounts
Should i sell my empyrium now or wait?
really Ion? jesus christ
Please hang yourself.
Would you ever commission someone to draw your character?
Does anyone have that pic?
>each month an event in the calander, (remove pet battle one) if you kill the end boss of the current raid on normal or higher, you are guaranteed a legendary
there fixed it, kinda like BoA weapons from Garrosh
>Win another BG
>Another Combatant's piece
That entire scene looked more like rape than anything else.
The personal loot in low level dungeons is a nice change.
About to brave TBC dungeons which are always hell because tanks are retarded at this point.
How's things with you?
That would take away from that epic feeling you get when you finally see a legendary drop.
thanks a lot
>How about getting porked by one?
1 is my transmog generic?
2 if i was your girlfriend would you tell me its pretty and give me a kiss on the cheek while grabing me from the back of my seat
they have personal loot in low dungeons? that's why I wont get q items
What's the context of this? Besides the obvious feels.
Good to see you around!
You know, just doing bgs to grind some achievements. And hopefully IoC wins, if it ever pops.
How big are we talking?
why is that pic so fucking sad?
1: yes.
2: I would tell you to get out of it like the slut you are, and after im done with you i would give you a kiss on the forehead and tell you that you are a good girl.
everyone has former friends who quit wow and never came back
>Win yet another BG
Came in with the patch, but it seems like it's only vanilla dungeons since it's not happening in TBC.
Where my AD niggas at
My man
Right here
Just got my final legendary Prydaz. Now I don't have to worry about getting dismounted in Argus.
why is alliance so horrible at playing BGs?
>trying to decide what relinquished token to buy
>boots would be guaranteed higher ilvl but if it has a haste focus it'll probably not be an upgrade
>relic would be an ilvl increase but it could be a defensive trait and not be an upgrade
>trinket is the biggest gamble in the world
I don't like this gambling meme
What about TWO dwarves?
>tfw literally nothing is an upgrade from him unless it titanforges
>oh no catch up gear is irrelevant to me, what an awful position to be in
the only BG that is an almost guaranteed win for alliance is AV, everything else is a coin toss
I have all these coins and nothing to spend them on.
Idk, i seem to be doing fine.
Im up for it. Im not taking tho
Buy more WoW tokens
Wrong coins
Argus is a garbage zone without flying.
There is no appeal to being on the ground anymore. World PvP is pathetically bad and out of combat bugs are more annoying than ever.
If you still like no flight, then I'm sorry but you're a fucking smoldering neckbeard.
>yfw retail wow has more stuck in combat bugs than a shitty pserver in 2007
>being this mad that you can't point in a direction and click auto-run to get everywhere without trouble
u on the right
>still caring this much about a video game
fucking smelly nerd, you are disgusting m8
have you even gotten near a pussy in your life? WoW must still be the most important thing to your fat-encrusted heart
>Win BG
>Fierce Gladiator's Ringmail Leggings
The only two pieces in the set you can't see are leggings and bracers............
>its another crying flyshitter
wow ur mad holy crap
I like the addons that announce to the raid when an item drops thats an upgrade for someone else, I've never enjoyed enchanting so much.
at least 600 lbs of fat between these 2 posters
I find Argus to be a really calming zone. Maybe you need to git gud?
this is easily the most retarded post I've read today
What kind of people play Alliance?
What kind of people play Horde?
I play on Horde because I like how Forsaken look in cloth armor.
And I'm a mage.
white knights
this is me, so I suggest backing away slowly now... or ur gonna get hurt
poley taking a dump
i love cataclysm timewalking, never gets old to see retards dies to Ozruk or Assad
Anyone having any success selling stonehide barding?
what talents for prot pala for outdoor argus
>white knights
What exactly is white knight about Alliance?
>he's a lightcuck or fedora hunter
>he isn't an Unholy Chad
lmaoing @ your lives
the oldest and most definitive image on the topic
>can't transmog the bloodsail stuff
fuck you blizzard I want some swag threads to go with my new title
Oh look, Wowhead-Cuck is back.
>app for a mythic 4/9 guild
>95th percentile logs on every heroic boss, 3 mythic bosses
>geared well stat-wise, enchanted, gemmed, etc.
>have mic, consumables, all that shit
>app gets denied because I don't want to play 3 alts on top of my main
is raiding a meme?