Look at the salesman's face.
all he can think is:
>"I can't believe I actually sold this fucking thing"
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Snapon is fucking ridiculous, could have bought an e92 M3 and a C63 for that money, or like 10 miatas in perfect condition
he could of bought a fucking house for that.
yeah in some shitty mediocre flyover village
But he wouldn't have the tools for the constant repairs that both of those cars need
if I needed something like that I'd just buy operating room storage cabinets from a military liquidation auction
90% less and it does the same shit
>Implying any of the BMW/Merc special tools come with SnapOn CashTrolleys
90% of that toolbox will be touched less than twice.
I doubt that dude in op bought that thing for personal use. If he did he fucking stupid
Regardless, someone did and despite the no iffs, no butts warranty, they need a new accountant.
>he doesnt know that shitty mediocre flyover villages are the best places to live because they arent fully of dumbasses from everywhere else.
top kek
I love the snapon meme.
they really aren't
you can't even put anything on top of it
you are absolutely right. go away. were full.
he could payed a welder to make a cheaper one kek
the bad part is that salesman wont get shit in return.
>Someone trashes flyoverville
>"n-no its really great there's no niggers trailers are cheap we don't want you anyways... b-but its really great incase you want to come he s-senpai
I bet you get overwhelmed by people honking. i want to kiss your forehead.
i get pissed if people aint related to me. wtf you looking at? get yo gas and git out.
gay, stay in cali, were full.
where the fuk can you buy a house for that
>mfw a shitty house here costs 10x that
no one wants to move to your town, stop being tsundere.
not the original guy you were talking to just pointing out you should stay in cali coast cuck.
do you really think anyone wants to move to your nothing of a town?
well all you cali fags are flooding texas. I dont know about anyone elses town but you can certainly fuck off from here..
tons of people are moving here unfortunately. your shits dead its living off an echo of its past success and when that fades every body is gonna run.
that's just all the poorfag trash that can't afford to live here. no one with opportunities moves to flyoverville
>I bet you get overwhelmed by people honking.
Well yeah its fucking annoying. Why do you glamorize living in a dump, that person honking is probably from Pakistan
>"I can't believe I actually sold this fucking thing"
My chevrolet dealer and its mechanics have cabinets, but they are all small as they are for the obscure tools or tools that must be protected. The great majority of frequently-used tools are hanging or cradled openly on "tool boards" for fast easy identification, retrieval, and replacement.
I bought this setup for 2600 ex tax for my shop. It was on sale. Without tools offcourse.
Literally took this shit and the greentext from leddit.
looks flimsy
I gotta agree, those castor wheels don't exactly scream LOAD RATING at all.
Wtf is it made out of gold or what is it going to transform into a repair robot and help fix the car
I was afraid of that but reviews thought the same but ended up pretty desent according to them
so you haven't even received it yet?
no its webshop only, comes over 1 month.
At least it comes full of tools, right?
what is even the point of snap-on's warranty when literally everyone offers free replacements now
Sad Soy boy
And the award for best goy goes to...
Dude, the box is big enough to live in.
That’s the price before tools.
Damn snap on salesman, you're good.
>he could of bought a fucking house for that.
>where the fuk can you buy a house for that
Print it.
If you have the property, you can build on it cheaply with modern techniques. Large scale machinery is now able to be controlled and navigate through a floorplan. Thus, houses can be "printed" cheaply out of concrete. Steel framework can even be accommodated as many of the best modern houses now incorporate some steel beams.
The first model is unveiled in Austin on March 12. Jason Ballard, one of ICON’s three founders, says he is going to trial the model as an office to test out their practical use. “We are going to install air quality monitors. How does it look, and how does it smell?” Ballard also runs Treehouse, a company that focuses on sustainable home upgrades.
Using the Vulcan printer, ICON can print an entire home for $10,000 and plans to bring costs down to $4,000 per house. “It’s much cheaper than the typical American home,” Ballard says. It’s capable of printing a home that’s 800 square feet, a significantly bigger structure than properties pushed by the tiny home movement, which top out at about 400 square feet. In contrast, the average New York apartment is about 866 square feet.
Hell, even if it turns out to be $20k that would be enough for people to seriously consider demolishing and rebuilding over all the shitty unmaintained uncleaned blight that makes up most of my city. It might not make for the most desirable of structures but those areas are full of shit people who don't keep their houses or anything else clean anyway.
The purpose of something like that is probably to show off as opposed to being a practical tool storage unit. I've noticed that some places that have customers inspect work areas or offer tours will have extra fancy infrastructure items.
And the owner of the facilities might be one of those "fancy car garage" nuts. So this type of purchase wouldn't be out of line for that owner's personality.
I was thinking more along the lines that all those people who say "impossible" sometimes are shown to be incorrect. That's the problem when people make statements based only on what they know at that time. That's fine because everyone can only make statements based on what they know. But it's irresponsible to make statements when they stopped educating themselves 5 years ago.
But politics will of course stop the use of highly economical home building methods in the USA. My city was going to build more cheap apartments with partnerships with builders, but the NAACP filed lawsuits wanting more and better free housing. Just can't win for losing when the people getting free housing file lawsuits saying it is discriminatory to get housing of less prestige quality than the rest of the city. The taxpayers just can't afford to keep paying more. We have a 30% property tax hike in just one recent year in order to deal with the poor people issues (schools, alternative schools for problem children, homeless education, expansion of schools due to african migrants, social welfare issues, etc). I almost want to move out now (white flight).
>you can't even put anything on top of it
A hoist system would cost less than SnapOn tool cabinets.