>Heroes FAQ and links
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>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
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Is there a SINGLE updated tier list?
Cuckdeliafags LITERALLY SEETHING and FURIOUS that /their cuck/ whom they spent money on is LITERALLY outclassed by a F R E E unit.
You DO have an entire team of CYL units, right?
Dori is a-dori-ble!
Snuggly-wuggly super tsun!
What the fuck do I do with 2 5* Claires that are +Res?
They got no fucking skills worth a fuck
Stop putting pornography in the OP. My children look at these threads.
A five star Seth cucked me out of Roy. Could be worse though, I guess, I really like FE8, just wish Seth's art was better.
>Refresh gauntlet about an hour or so ago
>Says chrom is still weaker
>Guess I'll get another 110 points
>I missed the start of the hector bonus round by less than a minutes, and could only get bonus once
What is his body getting used to?
I think Echoes's poor sales numbers tells us that the fanbase doesn't want any more remakes for a good 8 years now.
Doing CC on Hard map 10 is the best way to farm for HM right? Need lots of feathers now
Kek. You could give Sophia a recipe book and she probably wouldn't realize it's not an actual tome
>tfw only have my free Ike and I've run out of orb quests
She is ready boys.
Do I dare?
This team is fun as fuck to train Broy with.
>WoM dance
>WoM dance
>WoM dance
Lady Lyndis doesn't bathe
Why's lobster there? Where's Roy?
>Michia's promoted outfit is worse than her tier 1
How good is brave bow for Lyn?
Pretty much.
If it doesn't have sim elements Normies don't want it. Echoes and Heroes are proof of that.
Kills me too user, I'd like to build him up but man his art bums me right the hell out.
I think it's the eyes.
>Hector available at 5* only
>Lyn available at 5* only
>Eliwood available at 3* and 4* only
what did they mean by this.
>pick red team
>people lead with a fucking red unit
>had 2 ikes and Ryoma on my team
I am taking out my Ninian and putting in Tobin with an iron sword fuck you cunts
This Florina's leg is broken. She will not survive the winter. We must put her down.
Fortify Cavalry is a waste on her unless you run double bladetomes. With Attack Smoke you are indirectly getting the same effect. argueably better in some situations because you don't to park your ass next to someone.
Turns her into a colorless Rienhardt
Fucking Soren's boipucci
Worthless marshmallow
I have all 4 of them, see?
Hey /feg/, daily Cloud incom-
W-w-w-w-what is this? Why are those girls k-kissing themsleves?
Smashing ass in the morning and taking names in the evening.
Should I put Swift Sparrow on Roy or keep his Steady Blow?
Sophia looks even cuter with that tomato tome!
What would it be like to cum inside Elise?
>lyn better
I like his art. I just hate that he's just a slightly better Stahl(who I also like) and so is just generally mediocre.
>Well, looks like it's just me and me
>atk Lyn better
>run best spd ike
>lucinafags end
>unit bonus brave hector
I wish
>Lyn better
>Lucina last
Better luck next time Luci
Slamming himself into Soren for several hours a day.
>Roy got ANOTHER bonus
Oh come the FUCK ON
S-should I marry my Mamui with Caeldori, user?
>Lucina Better Def Hector
The artist draws for otome games, what did you expect
The way he holds his axe is so dumb, I love it. Now if only he'd answer my summons.
>loli wants player
does that mean we all get a loli?
>shit rolls in Starlight Stage
>disappointment led me to waste orbs on heroes
>gets +def -spd brave Ike
Thanks for bringing happiness to me again /feg/
Reciprocal Aid, it says it right there.
Attack Smoke is pretty crazy because of how it activates on the enemy phase too.
Dragons with Dark Breath had to directly attack at 1 range during Player Phase to achieve their debuff effect, now you just need to bait a mage to attack Lyn first and she neuters the enemy team with just a C skill.
You just gotta live with what you have
I heard she's kinda shit in FE6 too. Why does IS hate her so much.
She could've been best friends with green autism chan
The artist got cucked out of Roy by lobster
I'm stuck in the Duma battle preparation menu of Echoes without any turnwheel turns. How fucked am I?
Wouldn't a quad build like Olwen be better, especially since mine is +spd?
>need meme merric
>There's no power creep guys!
>-ISIS and Blogfag.
I like my wife to be faithful.
I guess I am just old fashioned like that.
>kill Lucina
Excuse me, rude.
Please tell me you didn't save in the preparation menu when there was a spot in front of the door you could have used.
Is +DEF -ATK Ike salvageable?
It could have been much worse so I don't complain.
I'm sad that he can't inherit steady breath
Should I merge this cute shota boi. Or is grabbing vantage the smarter idea? I already have a lvl 40.
>qr reinhardt aether
that's scary
>Holds his axe how he holds his sword
>Holds his sword how he's supposed to hold his axe
Should I do it? so I can give his book to Leo
You need to be her teacher on love!
And your final test for her is popping out a Kana!
They will make enough money with Heroes to give some to Team B so they could work on the next remake. Also you should remember that Gaiden's fanbase was non-existant in Japan. FE4 is much more of a cult classic and has an active following for years so it's guaranteed to sell better.
So I just watched the Elsie reveal and why the FUCK do they spend so much time showing off her legs and panties? Are pedophiles really that big of a customer base?
Wouldn't Harsh Command be a decent answer to Attack Smoke?
im using hone too
I did. My other save was from over 3 hours ago.
>blow Innes Lucinafags
>rebecca retarded
>henry dump tier
this cloud is mean
She joins at Lv 1 in the most bullshit map, which happens to be Ch. 14, and while she does grow into something solid if you for whatever reason decide to give her exp, she's inferior to Raigh. For anyone without autism, she's unusable. I baby the fuck out of her every playthrough.
There are cheaper things to get Vantage from, if you're SIing him it should be for Brave Bow if anything.
>-7 atk in an aoe with no phase restrictions
Nice Balance
Is Lyn better with Luna? or i just keep dragonic aura?
>Roy win
Sorry, Ikefags.
Is this a good moment to start playing Heroes or it's too late?
>meme merric
>lyn better
>ike lucina last
>faggot jeorge
>camilla cyl
>getting aether
>lukas horse
>enemy user
>prf pick yes
>henry dump tier
>popular general
>awakening dragons
Thanks user I reached rank 20 with this handy guide
>Royfags don't realise that this bonus will put Ike in range for a bonus and will cuk him out of victory in the last hour.
She was wearing shorts
Why in the world do you have so many?
I'd merge them personally but only cause I like Gordin
Nice Brave Bow+s. I'm jealous. I got a few other archers that could use them too.
I liked that a lot of her attacks had little hearts and that her horse was cute.