So I bought a car that has this "auto start stop" thing that's basically a gimmick to artificially boost city mpgs by killing the engine at a stop light or stop sign and starting it back up again when you want to go again. If you think that sounds like a nightmare, well then you think the same thing everyone on the internet has been writing about it.
The only thing is, after driving around for a few weeks, I noticed, my car never did this. Not even once. So I started reading.
Apparently it works like this. You stop, push the clutch in, shift to neutral, let the clutch out. Then engine dies. When you push the clutch back in and put it in gear, it quickly starts the engine back up. That was when I realized why I wasn't having this happen
Who the fuck are these idiots sitting in neutral at red lights? Who taught, or rather, who didn't teach these people how to drive? You clutch in, stop, put in 2nd, then you leave the clutch in. I can't believe we've hit a point where car makers are even designing manual transmissions, the last bastion of masculinity, to appeal the these soy boys who don't know how to even drive.
So I bought a car that has this "auto start stop" thing that's basically a gimmick to artificially boost city mpgs by...
Leaving your clutch in at lights will marginally increase engine wear. That’s why I don’t do it. I go to neutral and brake in.
What this guy said. I don't even drive a manual and know that most shift into neutral.
This is b8
not doing it wears out the pressure plate
>put in 2nd
this has to be bait
OP is either baiting or retarded
i bet he press the turd peedle and drives 20 meters before actually stoping
Leave it in second? Where did you learn to drive? You put it in neutral. If you are going to leave it in gear, first gear exists for a reason.
I have a manny car with the same system, mpg boost is noticable
Also, you should put it in neutral to reduce wear of your clutch release bearing, this is normie tier common knowledge
If you drive a car today can't start from a stop in 2nd, then your don't drive a real car. 1st is reserved for starting on hills.
>Who the fuck are these idiots sitting in neutral at red lights?
People who appreciate the operation of a clutch throwout bearing.
People who reply are getting b8ed
This applies to the majority of Veeky Forums
>You clutch in, stop, put in 2nd
If I start in second I can't do sick skids though.
is this pasta?
Did you ever consider that maybe you're wrong and literally everyone else is right?
We can't both be right, and if I'm right, that means they're wrong.
Oh sure yeah let me save my precious clutch at the expense of destroying my engine and starter
>Buying a car with stop start ever
You can actually just turn it off so it's not a big deal.
Because it works better on automatic cars that don't have clutch pedals
Doug, is that you?
It applies minimal wear to your engine and starter you fucking moron
Bullshit, it's a guaranteed way to fuck your starter and ring gear, not to mention battery.
Yeah "minimal wear" several dozen times an hour to parts that aren't designed to have that done to them. Much better than wearing down an easily replaceable and inexpensive part that's being used in the way it was made to be used.
Heh, thrust bearings arent designed to be loaded for long periods.
No its not. There's no evidence of this at all. You're just supposing that because you have a huge ass confirmation bias
Assuming you drive a normal car, would you do that? Would you kill it and start it again every single time you came to a stop?
still not as bad as the bored friendless asshole who made the post in the first place..
whats worse.. replying to a dumbass or being a dumbass.. the latter of course
Long periods? Is 5 or 10 seconds a "long period"?
The car is significantly easier to start when its hot than when it's cold. The starter doesn't work nearly as well when it's cold. The oil doesn't stop pumping and neither does the water. You're literally A-OK. The battery just gets recharged this is such a non issue. You use more power rolling up and down your windows than starting a car
A component like a starter will have a certain amount of time in use, given normal operating conditions. If you drive a stop start car you're increasing it's use manyfold, from a few times a day to dozens, this will impact it's life, there is no possibility it won't and the ring gear is a wearing part just like the starter.
What the fuck isn't a "normal car"? Virtually every car on the streets is a normal commuter
you are supposed to shift to neutral because holding down clutch significantly shortens lifespan of the clutch, weakens the clutch springs and puts immense wear on the throw out bearing.
Basically you are slowly compromizing your clutches ability to detatch from the flywheel and trust me you wont like what happens when your clutch can no longer detatch.
>Sitting at light for 2 minutes
>Clutch in for light change
Takeoff you're thrust is loaded for say, 3-4s max.
That wasn't the question, I'm asking if you would do that to your own car.
Except you're not. The starter works way less when the engine is hot and fully lubed and ready to go. It's so stupidly easy it's a non issue. Your throw out bearings are far more likely to shit the bed from you holding the clutch in for so long at lights and that's way more expensive and way more difficult to replace than a starter
I rented the Audi whatever. Small car and has like 90horsepower when I was in Austria. It had this feature and it was miserable. If you push your break at a certain distance it will shut off the engine and it takes about 2 ior 3 seconds for the engine to start and get moving.
Your question is bullshit and everything you said has absolutely no evidence to it.
>Implying I don't sit in neutral like a human
Yes it's less loaded but it still has to dirty mesh like starters always do and it's still doing shitloads more work in a day.
Literally no evidence of this
Except that which is literally staring you in the face
You posted no fucking evidence and you're just making shit up because you have a retarded bias for it. All you have is anecdotes and superstitious bullshit
How many starts a day does a car do without start stop
How many does it do with start stop
How does a wearing component provide the same life whilst doing more work
Nice I like how you still have no evidence and you're only supposing to this shit happens. Congrats I'll wait as you frantically Google for shit to support your claim then you'll retort with "I don't have a confirmation bias I just Google everything that supports me and ignored everything that doesnt"
>See no evil
Just because you choose to ignore the obvious, makes it no less obvious
You ever think that maybe car makers who do this had rigorously tested to make sure their starters would withstand the extra use so they perform on par as regular starters? Have you also ever thought that it's not wear and tear that causes starters to stop working?
No of course you haven't because you're a stupid fuck who can't think of these things so you try and super impose bullshit because you have a confirmation bias and you won't acknowledge it let alone post any evidence supporting your idea
>car makers
>rigorously tested
Yeah, this sounds like car makers, who've got a higher return rate than laptop manufacturers and have been at the forefront of planned obsolescence.
Any evidence of anything regarding starters you've claimed? No? Well any claim without evidence can be discarded without evidence
If you have a manual transmission car, you are supposed to let it idle in neutral, and brake off unless you are going to roll. Only apply the minimum amount of brake to keep from rolling, and you should try to let off the brake entirely right before you come to a stop so your rotors can continue to move away from the hot caliper.
Wearing out your clutch and brakes early is dumb
You ever think that maybe car manufacturers wouldn't turn down another opportunity to have their customers visit the shop once the whole thing eventually shits the bed?
Still no evidence, loser
You realize manufacturers don't see a time of out of warranty service work right? In fact they pay dealerships for warranty work
Nigger, cars with Start/Stop have significantly more resilient starters and different batteries.
>car is designed with a system
>"parts aren't designed to take it"
... hmmm
If a car has auto stop start, then it is designed to shut off the engine at lights. It’s not unnecessary wear when the car was built with the feature in mind. For fucks sake. I hate the feature too but this argument makes no sense.
Stop pretending you know anything about cars when your only “manual” is a 2015+ with start stop, hill assist, and dual mass flywheels
No it’s not. Oil is thicker at operating temperature (unless its -30) and the cylinder has higher cranking pressure when hot
Instead of start stop how about half the cylinders are firing
>All these people appealing to authority
Just because a car was designed with a system doesn't mean the system can take that load.
Also when an engine is hot it is easy as fuck to start, and is already lubricated, so there isn't much more wear.
The real concern would be the charging system and battery if you lived in a high traffic area and did short commutes, but I would hope that the system would be monitoring the battery and and engine temps and only stop and start if both passed.
>Oil is thicker at operating temperature
You're so stupid it's almost heart breaking.
I know you heard that the first number is viscosity at -40, and the second is viscosity at 200, but they're not being rated the same way.
Oil is thinner when it's hotter period. This is what happens when you learn everything in a materials science class your freshmen year and have been told you're smart your entire life.
Kill yourself.
50% is more than 0%
Also a 4 cyl running on 2 cyls is wew.
>ecoboost 1.0 L
>3 cylinders with cylinder deactivation
How does changing gear on a 7 speed work? Is there a gate for getting into 7 or something? Left and forward is first, forward is third, right and forward is fifth, how into seventh?
this new pasta not very good
Are, are you being serious?
For Corvette's you need to push to the right pretty hard..
I can imagine for some cars you may need to push down on the gear lever.
Pull the fuse retard
Or don't buy new cars that have been thoroughly fucked by "what if EVERYONE had a car as un-green and un-safe as that?" engineering
There's a little "click" after the 5. You go past that and it's 7. Honestly if a car has that many fucking gears it's time to ditch the traditional shifter and synchros and go for a sequential dogbox despite the boomer whining ("THAT'S NOT HOW MY OLD MUSTANG WAS! FOUR ON THE FLOOR PLUS MORE!")
The corvette is a street legal racecar at this point so you might as well put a real racecar transmission in. Plus sequentials are easier. If my 12yo sister can ride a dirtbike and rev match into 1st at high speeds without skidding the rear you can do better in a car.
Ever heard of warranty engineering? I guess you've never owned a BMW then.
>amerimutts drivers
stick to your autoshit
Stop&go starters are different so is the battery.
Needle vs slide bearings is one difference.
Some newer cars even use integrated starter/alternator thing.
>not leaving it in first and holding the revs at 4k for a solid launch
Oh wait, you're just going to the grocery store. You don't need a fucking manual.
Op got told.
A Porsche 928 transmission is a dog leg and its at rest position it at 4th and 5th.
So that means there are two positions to the left of the restiing position.
Downshifting from 4th to third I don't accidentally hit first.
The alyout isn't a problem.
Do people really take off in 2nd? Or am I falling for the bait? My 4cyl has some death rattle type shake if I do it.
>You clutch in, stop, put in 2nd
you put it in first. what's the point of first if you don't use it to start. you only need to use second if it's wet or snowy or some situation where you easily lose traction.
In a 6 or 8 cyl yeah.
I take off in second if I'm facing downhill most of the time regardless of the car I'm in.
Torquey engines don't mind taking off in 2nd. Manual trucks have such an aggressive first gear that second gear is way better to take off in.
>most engine wear occurs within 30 seconds of the car starting
>Let's have the engine stop and start constantly!
seems like a good idea to me
That "most wear" comes from it being unoiled and cold.
Two things as simple as a block heater and an electric oil pump can reduce that 10 fold.
The Electric oil pump over the mechanical could run for a few seconds before you start your car and have essentially no lifestyle change yet make a huge difference in engine longevity, yet no one does it.
>Who the fuck are these idiots sitting in neutral at red lights?
Just fuck my thrust bearings up.
I rigged my ignition so I just crank the car a little longer before i start it
you're all retarded for taking this bait lmfao
>soy boys
How is this retarded shit not on an auto-ban wordfilter yet?!
trendy right-wing insults are the life and blood of Veeky Forums you soycuck
>my viscosity goes up as the temperature goes up
what the fuck?
Lmao you dumb boomer unless it’s a short light why wouldn’t you have it in neutral + foot brake?
>people think they're smarter than car engineers
>people think the engineers won't have designed the parts stressed by start stop to cope with start stop
mrs car has it, took some getting used too, its okay. i use it when i just miss the lights.
you are a baiting moron, end yourself
at least some people in here actually know how to drive, instead of using an inanimate object as a personal dick gauge
absolutely, positively, nobody fucking cares how you drive a manual as long as you don't fucking block traffic. Nobody, not even your strawman.
>>people think they're smarter than car engineers
What a dumb fucking argument and I'm not even OP. Yes the engineers are smarter than you. But thinking engineers care about you is fucking silly. They care about the money sales bring that puts food on their table. Ever heard of the term planned obsolescence?
Best b8 ive ever seen
>people think the engineers won't have designed clutches to cope with being pressed in
>city driving
pick one plebs
>baiting yourself this hard
kys in all seriousness
I rented a few cars with it and you can't, at least not easily. The last one was a ford with a button, but you'd have to hit the stupid button every time you started the car. I'd never buy a car with that bullshit in it.
T. Drive four speed ancient POS and haven't driven a newfangled vee-hickle
Pathetic b8
I know when I did my motorcycle test, you'd insta-fail if you put it in neutral at a stop (although this is what I do for normal riding at long lights).