Formatting Edition
Previously: >Rudimentary Map
>Hairstyles in game
>Where the fuck is XYZ?
Formatting Edition
Previously: >Rudimentary Map
>Hairstyles in game
>Where the fuck is XYZ?
just fought some guy who was level 26 dealing 1/4 my hp bar with each punch. bear in mind im level 30.
he knocked me out in the first round in two hits. is that even legit possible?
Oh yeah forgot about those guys
Jab is a god tier attack in a vacuum. but once you get to the tryhard zone, people are running so much counter-tech to it that it honestly feels pretty bad
i'm thinking of switching out my Y heavies into quick uppercuts that hit low, and then putting my actual heavies on my back-stances and accessing them with my strings. but that might just make my deck shittier. i don't know. maybe it's time to learn how to bait out The Big Fist and The Meme Sweep
>No levels in vit
>Eating the slowest attacks possible from war gloves
I mean I can see the scenario but the only way is if your retarded and let him do it
Made a school for those who are interested in playing with their feet.
Search for Voerman I suppose. Or something, I've got no clue how to actually join a specific player's school.
>that feel when 1v1 is filled with staggers because that is the only way to progress through the school.
Any NA pc calbot users? Add me if so
you cant spawn with war gloves, this was as soon as the match started. he was just dealing regular punches that took half my fucking health bar. i have enough points in vit and decent armour.
must have been cheating or hacking cause that was fucking bullshit.
>dude runs away to pull out a blade
How do I get better? When I win I feel like I got lucky, I never feel like I won fair and square. For example, I wear the heaviest armor and have like 80 blunt and cut resists. I can't dash but I play khalt.
I feel like I am not learning though. I am doing shit. Like how do I grow as a player?
Anyone know where to get the quick axe kick? The one that doesn't break guard
Is there any fucking hint as to when the 'parry' window is on parry moves?
I thought maybe that ridiculous 'twist parry strike' would shine some light on them but I get my teeth pushed in no matter how far through the little spin I am.
Apparently you can only join the school of players you encounter, so you'd have to post where you're sitting so people can search and join your session.
Is anyone here willing to buy me the game? I just got an appendectomy done and I'm pretty much stuck at home for the next 2 weeks.
Sorry for begging but I just don't know who else to ask for this.
Holy shit this game is unfuckingplayable with the lagg, sweet baby jesus this is the most frustrating way to lose
Decided to make an image that pretty much sums up the classes so new players could have an easier time picking.
>there's a footfag school
come to the Colosseum in the next 30 minutes if u want an ass kicking
Or to join my boxing Khalt school/ this footfags school
I would like to join but I still need to master Stagger school to learn its style permanently
EU or america you fucking mongolid
NA you negroid
i cant join that
Also, To permanent learn the stagger or any other style do you need to get all rewards from it's school or it doesn't matter? All you need is to dodge attacks with the offensive dodge until you fill the style bar?
wats ur steam name, I want to join
I feel like all of the extra move slots are a newbie trap.
The fewer moves I put in them the more control I feel. The directions start to make sense to my simple monkey brain.
It's visible in the picture.
Any ps4 fags here? I want to join a foot school.
Sounds like a lot of people need to join the school then, so it'll spread
Let's take that leaderboard bois
Holy shit u lag so much, cant even get a hit in
Perhaps when they remove the region lock, we'll have a fight to see who's the best dojo around, in the style of Ip Man 1.
It's really play style. I don't like loops that loop all your attacks. I prefer having 4 distinct loops rather than 1-2 big loops. I also manually change my stance mostly. I don't like flowing into other stances because you can lose your place and throw out the wrong alternative OR sonobe can spin around you and shift your stance.
>tfw internet is being very sick
Looks like the boxer has been rung out
Footfag is still there if someone wants to kick punch his ass for me
Wait we can match by keyword?
>/asg/ fightclubs
If you're friends with a school leader, you can join through the friends list.
I wish I had your superpowers.
On a real ntoe I should feint more first round was less laggy but still issues. GG either way
fewer moves is better when you're starting out. it's easier for you. later on, it becomes somewhat of a necessity to load your moveset with utility move later on, but don't worry about that for now. honestly, you don't need to change anything about your moveset if you feel that it works. if you feel that it is lacking something then start tinkering with it
Should i be fast while playing with stagger? i've just picked whatever clothes looks cool so im usually at normal mobility
holy fuck i sound retarded in this post
i need to proofread my shit
What region might you be in? Unlucky for me I cannot see a Voerman anywhere.
I'm in EU.
>those Dragonball Z movements
Christ being on the recieving end of lag is a nightmare.
GG. Lets have another battle of the schools some day when Trudeau decides white citizens can have fun too
It's all good user, just get Grammarly or something haha
fuck, should have assumed. Guess it's back to farming unless I can find one in west NA
so if i want to invest in stagger style, what points should i be focusing on and is all foot moves viable.
Wait wait wait
You can turn off those random encounters?
When you are fighting multiple enemies, how does the game decide who to swing at?
Sometimes there will be two or three npcs around me and i'm focused on killing the low hp one, but it keeps swinging at the other two i'm not even locked on to. What is the mechanic here and how do I make sure I swing at the target that I want to hit?
>beat the gank zombie dude for the second time to get his mask
>get his stupid coat instead
Only have to do it one more time my dude
search for
near coliseum pc eu
I'm really not looking forward to fighting the final boss a second and third time. The only reason I won the first time was the AI being retarded and falling for an infinite one two jab combo, which I suspect will not be the case in the second and third rounds.
fighting her again is the thing I want the most
im pissed that you have to duel to be able to unlock them again
What the other guy said, sec time is his top thirdhis mask.
Second for twins is shoulders
Second for boss is top third is mask
All I know so far
Why did you move to Veeky Forums in the first week. It's a niche game that actually could need the extra attention and it's notorious Veeky Forums is where communities die down.
Why do you hate the game?
i'm at the place with /asg/ as my invitationals keyword, i don't see you
i need more good forsakens to play against, feints are endgame
.. So make a thread on /v/ as well, then? The mental gymnastics on you people sometimes.
That's odd, there's someone with me here.
how the FUCK do stat points work?
the 16th point in vit gives me +10 hp, but the 17th gives me +21.
how am i supposed to plan out what points to put where, when this shit doesn't make any fucking sense at all
What abilities do you have in your school?
>Make a thread on /v/
>No discussion because people are posting here
>People who don't know about the game just see a ded thread sinking to page 10
You could at least pretend to not be new.
Heal, shockwave. Thought they were the most commonly used to help people level up faster
>spend hours making the perfect deck
>spend even more time practicing it, theorycrafting combos and switchups, etc
>all that goes out the window when people start rubberbanding around the map
This game is gonna die real quick if they don't fix the fucking connection issues, there's no fucking point in even trying to play every time you run into lagg shit
Props to guy with /asg/ keyword I just joined. Still learning and picked up some stuff quickly. Thanks.
If anyone cared about the game they'd check Veeky Forums
The only people were missing out from not being on /v/ are the people who, as you mentioned, don't know about the game nor care
So, you want the game to get more attention, but you don't want there to be a general. Thus, making a thread to people who already know and play the game, instead of trying to get more people to play it is a bad thing, because we're already talking about the game here.
Somewhere in your logic, someone decided to give the order to set the house on fire and lock the doors.
please administer a jackhammer to your thick skull
Oh I didn't think about that of what would help people with leveling.
I did Silence shockwave since thats what I use, but maybe should switch it to heal for the younglins.
user who was dueling him here. That was totally on my end, wasn't gonna play today since my internet is being shoddy and didn't want to ruin someones experience but I wanted to bully a kick only deck
>fix the connection issues
Here's a question that's gonna blow your mind. What type of networking do you think Absolver PVP uses?
>He doesnt want P2P
>In a duel simulator
If you cared about the game you would not have migrated all discussion about it in the place no one checks new game out.
Instead you did, because somehow you think hiding a niche game with zero marketing from people who just don't know about it is a smart thing to do when you want it to succeed so you can keep playing it.
Do you genuinely not see how retarded your logic is?
To whom are you referring?
>/v/ poster doesn't see absolver on his containment board
>goes to the general
>immediately derails game related discussion and shit posts
I wonder why people wanted to migrate
So go make a thread on /v/ about it, and make people interested. You know that basically any new game that comes around will at least have an attempt at a general the first thing that they do.
This one stuck.
Either try to do something about it, or stop moaning about it. One is helpful, the other is just a waste of posts.
Are you seriously saying /v/ is a containment board compared to Veeky Forums?
Please explain how making threads on Veeky Forums in the first week is helping the game to be more well known.
Is there a boxing school in east coast NA? Or at least can anyone post a solid boxing moveset? I'm trying to make my own but it just ain't working out.
Got a Discord to help make groups, co-op, and learn moves from each other and shit. One person already has a Windfall school started.
Also collecting information on all the moves and other random shit. Very much a work in progress, but maybe someone will find it useful.
Here's a bit I learned this morning: if you want to minmax and don't care about Tension Shard rates, go Kahlt.
So what the hell is going on with the lore of this game?
>alternate universe
>has highly coveted resource
>can use it to make masks that make you immortal
>but using the masks eventually make you go
>corrupt cult of martial artists send trainees in to fetch some immortality rock
>rebellious high ranking cultist decides to kill anyone the cult sends
Did I nail it?
Every time someone starts a Absolver thread on /v/ it just gets derailed with people calling people shills and people denying accusations.
Why don't you just post this stuff here instead?
Also sick charts. Make one for equipment values and I'll do my part to help fill it in
>Absolver players are perfectly willing to talk about the game
>Do it in the one place where no one else but them would go
>Your fucking solution is, instead of keeping a good thread on /v/ to get more people interested, we should concentrate the posters on Veeky Forums because fuck trying to build a community, 29 uniques ip is surely enough to deserve a general.
The objectively best solution is to go to /v/. You cannot deny that the more exposure a game gets the better chance it has to survive and that introducing new players to the game is the best way to make the threads hold off the cancer.
Didn't expect the death knell of this general so early.
I have diacovered that """fast""" is not really fast and the difference between that and normal is almost inexistant
Dress how you like, my man.
I wish strength actually increased mobility with heavier gear on. I know its a lot of defense and there has to be a trade off, but still.
These generals are for continued discussion. Feel free to post a thread on /v/, but there's a reason generals go to Veeky Forums
>Get my ass whooped by a guy
>Copy his style
>I am now the ass whooper
I seriously haven't lost in like 10 matches
Not really
The cult are like the bodyguards of the world
The rebellious high ranking person is only killing people who get sent because everyone that is sent is an assassin. As a new prospect they want to train you to be strong but your goal is ultimately to kill her.
Lots of prospects lost their way and apparently you are some choosen one MC who puts everyone back on the right path.
In the story update we will get some evil organization to fight and will go to a new land to fight them.
Post deck bb
'till the next ass whooper comes along
oh fucking come on, im not that user but we all know how things going on /v/, new game releases, and 75% of posts are garbage shitposts from people who didn't even have nor played actual game but still want to shit on it because it suddenly appeared before them or something. We have some of that here too but for the most part people come here because they want discuss\ask\share something.
General wouldn't hurt anyone, but if you really want go and make absolver thread there, i bet it will either be deleted with less then 40 posts or exactly what i described above.
Cheers to the two for the fights at the coliseum just now!
I'm surprised I didn't get parried to hell and back
I started a boxing school.
I've been seeing pretty great success with my deck, it carried me through to combat trial level 66 with minor adjustment. To stay true to the theme I haven't included any leg sweeps which makes catching windfall dodges a bit tougher than hitting a button
This is the 4th unique discord poster the generals seen. Just do your part and tell him off
>You cannot deny that the more exposure a game gets the better chance it has to survive and that introducing new players to the game
Which is why I'm telling you to make a thread on /v/ instead of arguing about it here. We've had continued Absolver talk in every general with very little exception, until you came along. As someone else said, generals are for continued discussion. Which is what we are doing. You want to promote the game - go and do so. You have our blessing, Prospect.
/v/ threads are "shut up shill" "shitty version of For Honor" and "ded game lol"
Veeky Forums threads are actual game discussion
go make a /v/ thread if you want to so bad, but the general isn't going away. sorry.
Veeky Forums has increased posy limit because it's supposed to be for big communities games like pubg where so much people are interested in it that it's better for discussion to be centralised and present longers. It's not made for niche games with small playerbases, and especially not in the first week of the game's existence. Name me one game general from a game comparable in playerbase to Absolver that didn't turn into pure repetitive trash fast after coming here. You are quite literally doing yourself a disservice by insisting to stay on Veeky Forums and thus severely reducing the flow of new players interested in the game. Sure, anyone can make a thread on /v/, but it's better if the people who actually like the game post here too.
are there just not enough punches for you to fill out a deck completely? or did you choose to only have half as many moves as everybody else on purpose
That's strange, I couldn't find you when I searched.
I'm gonna try again over in the bridge in a second.
holy fucking shit you don't have to use all the slots?
you just blew my fucking mind man holy shit, what have i been doing with my life in this game
So like 3 shitposters posted their pastas that didn't manage to fool anyone for half a decade and for you it's sufficient to move to Veeky Forums and effectively doom the threads about the game to turn to shit?