TF edition.
update for preaseason
League of Legends General - /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
this is now a thread for best wife
Give me ONE reason not to main Kled
*breast wife
>the city of lulufag
xth for Syndra
play less mechanically intensive champions, you hardstuck trash
>the city of lulufag
tfw no nazi punk gf
Who master race here?
just like get good dude
Lulufag is the ultimate cuck lmao.
I have no idea how Kled is even played, I never see him.
Xth for pedofags on suicide watch
Do you like the new splash or do you prefer the old one?
Imagine being the autistic Luluposter.
cass skin soon hell yeah
rate me
Yeah my MMR is garbo right now, I went on a massive losing streak once I got G5 and dropped out of gold the other day but to be fair I was fucking around a lot.
Everyone else in that game was silver, so yeah. Also
>mechanically intensive
whoa... the mechanical intensity of spamming q every time it's up because you have no resources and all your skillshots are straight lines...
Star Guardian Syndra is a cute! Post cute Star Guardians!
I like the new splash but I prefer the old skin. The new one just feels off.
she is!
>all your skillshots are straight lines
isn't that like every skillshot except for Diana Q?
As long as you don't own battleshit Skarner pretty good top 3.
You asked for a reason and I obliged. I don't actually give a fuck.
Depends on what you define as a skillshot. Galio fires that weird arced thing that meets at the end, Malzahar's Q stays in place and has to be timed so it closes correctly, things like that.
So faggots, riot wil change ip to blue essence and shit, so go farm ip right now. they will change ip in preaseason, and in preaseason will be a short time when you can buy wards,icons and chrome skins with that blue shit.
>wanna funpost
>mods are here
remember when EU got btfo at Rift Rivals and lulu fag spammed the thread with (You)s?
I member
i wish i was a girl
>Mfw I can literally dodge every fucking projectile fired at me by multiple people on instinct and knowledge of that champion alone
If my team and my cs wasn't holding me back I'd be challenger right now.
I'm sorry but Lulu doesn't qualify as cute. Poppy does though so I guess the image half passes.
>shitter pedo is from EU
checks out
can you stop shitposting and just ride this dick already
Do you think you'd be better at League if you had a vagoo instead of a pee pee?
Aight fellas what do I save here ? Im thinking the Lucien and wukong skin thus far
Or I fucking just go full teeto
Why people even play nocturne and skarner? They are so fucking boring. I can understand shaco, he's got very high skill ceiling, lots of interesting things in his kit, and offers unique playstyle, but those two? What you find in them?
or you can just meme your way into current blue essence to get mad cash
But she does,
>flying across half the map and killing the ADC while everyone freaks out wondering who's getting ulted
excuse me
the hot meme is guy + girlfriend + another girl
please reformat your meme to ensure it is up-to-date with meme culture.
Genuinely curious anons
What mode do people seem to give the most honors in ? I can literally suck the foreskin off my team mates and get nothing
You just murder the shit out of the enemy laner once you're level 2, because his W is an insane auto steroid and his q drags them in, neither of which have any cost.
Nope. Lulu is ugly both in game and in splash art.
>doesn't even mention macro
nope, highest you could ever get is d5
I'm getting the cute Morgana icon
i wish i was shyvana
Go ham. Always.
Stop begging for honors and you'll start to get them more often
>not deleting the enemy ADC on cooldown and watching him melt down in all chat
i pity you
Skins worth getting:
>The only Sol skin
>Frostfire Annie
>Lumberjack Sion
>Nemesis Jax
>Omega squad Teemo
>Project: Lucian
>The only Wukong skin not in the vault
Shota champ when?
Rift Rivals wsa a happy memory for me.
Can't wait to win again next year and really drive home who the better region is.
and i wish i was J4
best feet
How though? I never ask but usually i get people saying "sorry I would of honored but my duo"
And im like "why even fucking tell me this out of the blue then .."
We have Nunu and we can't have more.
gotta push it just a little further.
also jinx players are entitled faggots
There are people in this thread right now who dont want to fuck dragon Zyra
I love Riven! She is my CUTE and PERFECT wife!!!!
Can you tell me why you don't like Battlecast?
>following a slut's channel on pr0nhub
>she does cosplays and posts vids of her bf fucking her while she's in a costume
>lots of Overwatch cosplay
>did Shyvana like 2 weeks ago
>mdw there's mating press position in the vid
Skarner isnt boring in my opinion (he is pretty strong) and the same goes for Nocturne.
I have these two
point out that you get literally nothing from honors within your premade
lolg needs that channel
10 runepages -6400 RP, you get 3 R A N D O M skins for it. Ok rito it realy fair, i just want some crabgoth skins
>3 R A N D O M skins
you get 3 random epic skins entitled faggot
mid laner that snowballs to hell and back and then roams a lot to shitstomp other lanes. a big source of toxicity in this game is how people associate all positive attributes so if they see you being good at the game right in front of them they will automatically assume you are a good person (contrariwise if you are losing offscreen they assume you are an asshat for being bad at a videogame)
is this true? I hate playing with my two other friends but they are both 4 and im 2 still?
xth for mods are stupid
loloo will rise
why is soner eating pizza
she's fat enough as is
she's eating maokai
trees don't make you fat silly
Wow 3 epic! Skins! Its still 3900 worth of Rp and its still random shit. How about u give me back all of Rp so i can get skins i realy want?
>Really shitty skin for the price
>Doesn't fit him at all
>Plenty of other champs would of been better off with a battlecast skin
>Earthrune and guardian of the sands exist
Battlecast is pretty shit but at least you have one of his good skins to make up for it.
I miss pre-juggernaut pre-nerfed into the ground Skarner.
She is good but she has some "hard" counters that make your life a lot harder. Don't play her as support.
no one told you not to waste rp on rune pages
then post different lulu pictures
>saw a really cute skinny girl in Sona's dress today
I said her costume was really cute and she said thanks
and it wasn't that awkward forced smile either, it seemed like she appreciated it
There's so many hot girls cosplaying but that girl stood out since she probably liked the character and didn't dress up based on looking like her, which is extra cute!
i think i would be a higher elo support main that gets thirsty e boys to carry me
>Can I game the system and boost to level 5 by constantly playing with a premade and honoring each other every game?
>That’s a great idea. Luckily, we’ve broken a few systems in our day, too. So we specifically built Honor so potential exploits like this give you (and your friend) literally no benefit.
it will give you the little loading screen swag and if everyone on your team honors someone then you still get the bonus honor, but you don't actually get the regular honor points if it's from a friend.
of course, telling them this after they already honor their premade doesn't do you any good.
It's not his fault he's old now.
How many eggs you have to give her before she is satisfied and lets you rest?
same that would be nice
>Play top lane
>Never get any honors because only good junglers see me.
you will never see her again. how does it feel having 0 chance?
>zyra growing bigger from leona's sunlight
muh fetish.
But to be honest with you, i like the battlecast one more (sound effect wise)
Just got the full suite of honor icons. This common or was I apparently super honorable?
> play top lane
> got used to getting camped so I can play around being behind
> get tiltproof honors
haha faggots.
I want to adopt loli Nami!
hey, there are still like 4 days of con, I'll keep an eye out for her.
but even if I never see her again, that's fine. I wish her a happy life.
Play support and pretend you know what you're talking about without contradicting or embarrassing any of your teammates.
I wish user was a girl.
I wish you all would stop shitting up the thread, go use discord for that.
>implying she is ever satisfied