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Lucina can win!
Impregnating Awakening Tiki and starting a new dragon clan.
Epic thread /b/ro!
When is ISIS gonna add L'el to the game?
Lucina is unironically adorable and as an oldfag I want her to win.
Rule 64 Marth? Before Awakening people here would love the idea.
Then she became popular.
>Camilla projected to get a last hour bonus and win
>only way to prevent that if we do get a second to last hour bonus is to not overshoot and knock Camilla into weaker range
>but that can't happen since retards dump all their flags the second they see a bonus
God fucking damn it, just let us get a last hour bonus.
>ike babbles can't handle bantz
Dori is a-dori-ble!
Just got ptsd from vantage Taco after trying to kill him with Camilla.
Good on you, Lyn fans, and I mean this genuinely. She didn't win first place for nothing. I'm backing Lucina but she's got no chance at this point.
>The current state of Kikemilla fags
How does he look?
>tfw +Spd -Atk
Should I go back to rolling just to get a salvageable one?
It's not like Tanith and Jill will be coming out soon, right?
I want her to save fliers
I have Boey +des-pd too but he needs more investment.
Maybe Frobin is good option for Thundercock counter
shit, i'm sorry user
reminder that ike will win
Honestly if ISIS didnt relentlessly shill her and her fanbase wasnt so massively cancerous i wouldnt mind her at all. What a shame.
>Luis this assblasted about his mistake
*tips fedora*
thank you, fellow redditor!
Her fan base is fine. Tharja, Camilla and Lyn are worse desu.
Replace his B with QR or Vantage
Right, I noticed my mistake instantly.
That's a cute Velouria!
Someone that isn't a girl winning gauntlet when?
Probably the last Cloud today, unless you guys will produce new thread before 1am... (its 11:30pm right now for me).
Have fun friday night then /feg/!
Is +SPD Pricilla worth a Wrathful staff? Her offensive stats are only a little worse than Elise
That's what you get for using dead fliers
of course, any obnoxious lucinafag is really just a falseflagger
drinke the waer lol
>Should I go back to rolling just to get a salvageable one?
If you have the money to spend, sure.
Don't be sexist. Women are always 2nd place to men in everything, so why does it fucking matter if another woman wins this? Fuck off.
also this but for lyn
Who else is running bowbreaker on their lyn besides me?
I got one of those too, user...
Surely Sacred Coins will allow us to reroll IV's right? Right? ;-;
Gotta get creative. It's salvageable if you build around his speed. Give him the +1 speed seal, pair him up with Brave Lucina and a buffbot Eirika, and you got yourself a 40+ speed Ike.
Reminder that Tipton > Bailey
Who is this?
It's true.
Ok, who the fuck is Luis? I swear to God you fucks come up with these spanish names just to justify your shitposting.
Ephraim's wife.
>kill brave Ike
>bad since team Roy
The cloud hates both of you Smashsuckers
post results
Ephraim's wife
>Royfags blew their loads just to watch their boy slowly lose to Ikefags saving their flags for Hector/Lyn/Lucina
Oh I am laffin
Whatever you got to tell yourself.
I would fuck the shit out of her
>trying to do one of the 10th stratum quests and HM gring Ike and Hector
>they keep doing shit like leaving enemies with 2 health
God I can't wait cap their HM and fodder them off.
High Spd means fucking NOTHING if you don't have Atk to actually injure your foes with
Ephraim's friend
My wife
t. Not Ephraim
Trip back on Fernando
Give me 3 reasons not to feed this chicken
35/35 offenses with an auto-Iotes Shield built into a special Prf Bow.
trip back on ricardo
Any Lucinafriend here is dissapointed on how FEH portrays her? all her cute dorkyness is gone, is as if whoever writes this game fell for the "Lucina has no personality" meme.
Just look at Lancina, she has no interesting/fun quotes
I wish it was a meme but it seems like the biggest shitposting tripfags are both spics. It really speaks volumes about them as a whole.
How good is Steady Breath on B!Lucina? This is a serious question.
i dread the day the will add her because it will be the day where i waste all my orbs on colorless without getting her
She has this lewd level up one.
Just wait for bride Rukina.
Did you forget about Spring Lucina already ?
A cute dragon
luis is VenomBeaner
raul is TharjaBeaner
luis got actually doxxed after the #FE incident, and raul is a shameless self-inserter who would always censor his name, and got identified when sharing his friend code in Heroes
>the Lucina has no personality meme
That's... not a meme, that's the objective truth.
You wish, cuck.
everyone knows this
You forgot Bunny Lucina and her egg
so who should i be rolling for in CYL if i picked lyn as my freebie? roy?
im not getting any green orbs for ike, and i hear he's actually not that good, so should i roll for roy instead? i need wo dao and flier buff fodder anyways, and if i get a roy i'll finally have 4 5* cav units to make a team with
>Lucina has no personality
That's pretty accurate though. What's the problem?
>Bowbreaker Merric
Are there even any flying archers besides fates cake? It's handy for B Lyn at least.
Is Ike or Roy really good? I already got the two girls I wanted so I'm wondering if I should just pocket the rest of the orbs for later.
It's time. I always put it off because she's such a meh character, but I have 3/4rths of a horse emblem already and I really need another colorless killer, too.
Inb4 horse meta becomes irrelevant in two weeks or something.
post trash builds so we can cringe together
Yes, Roy is the second best CYL unit. Trust me, you won't get such good fodder anyway. I have troubles getting fucking Hinatas.
I like Hana
Give him fury bro, it's all the rage
Is it bad that I can't tell the difference between their voices ?
It's not, but do what you want.
which one? ephraim has 5 wives
I like her more than you
How can they make it worse?
Ike is a wall with really powerful counter potential while Roy is a sweeper with an insane base kit. Both are solid so i'd pick whichever you need more.
But that is an accurate portrayal.
If you do this you get a 2 charge Iceberg right? But with 34 speed isn't it hard to proc it on the counter attack? Or will you be slapping QP on her afterwards for that instant Iceberg?
By including Tharja
Trip back on.
Over 20 lbs. of ass and pussy.
She's +SPD.
I'm actually rolling a Ike just to feed it to her, the best boon for her to run it is +ATK -HP with the HP +3 seal. Otherwise, great choice!
i'll just get another dozen henrys again if i roll red but i can be hopeful for a 4* athena or 3* pallas at least
Who are all 5?
Thanks. Lucina is also a pretty good character, and most Lucinafans are pretty chill respectful people. If you felt like joining us we'd love to have you.
I'd also like to apologize in advanced for any spur of the moment shitposting that will occur when the results are out tonight that I may or may not also take part in
Finishing off the Fates royal roster with Sakura and Azura.
Which they will do.
adding MCorrin