DayZ without the GayZ edition
/pubg/ Player Unknown Battlememe
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remember to not adjust your zeroing distance as there's very little bullet drop on most weapons!
return to menu
No, test it out for yourself.
Take an m16 and find an object very far away, shoot at it. Now notice the lack of bullet drop. Now find an object exactly 300m away, set your zeroing to 300m, shoot at it and come back with your findings. Seriously try it, it's an eye opener.
Anyone wants to duo?
look at the image
now back at my post
now look at bullet velocity on this website
now back to the image
now go to the game and see for yourself
after all that, NOW YOU REALIZE WHY M16 IS THE BEST GUN IN THE FUCKING GAME and why people say SKS is just an AK with bullet tracing?
six months since release, user... six fucking months...
dead general? People already quit this game?
game isnt appealing for the general Veeky Forums user.
stop landing in pussy areas. Land pochinki or school
land middle of map, secure car, move before circle is closing
learn where car spawns
now fuck off
Can someone give tips to a virgin dropper that wants to become a chad faller? I always get rekt in school and pochinki.
drop into the edge of pochink and try to ambush people after they fight
school is too strong for you. after like 10 close drops then you can start going for the big game
Shoot dudes
Don't get shot
Find a good route at school. Im not giving mine away, because I win 90% of the time and I don't want people to know
In pochinki, just get better at shooting people honestly. Listen to footsteps and make sure you watch the roofs if you're one of the last alive. I mean if you want to be a little bitch just hide inside of buildings when you get a weapon. But that's not fun at all, you should have enough chicken dinners by this point in the games release to realize that they're not satisfying.
I just bought the game and just played with any knowledge. My process of thought was that landing in high pop areas was a bad idea because you can always get enough loot to fuck someone up on the rural areas.
The problem with landing in rural areas as a new guy is you don't get to shoot people ever so you just stay shit at the game.
The problem with landing rural areas as a good player is you could have just landed school killed everyone and had the best loot.
anyways, want me to duo with you a few times and show you how to play pochink and school?
You're probably not going to fire too accurately or see people past 400m anyway so might as well aim slightly over your target.
make sure you emphasize slightly. Even at 300m you just put it a hair over their head to hit them in the head.
sure give me your steam ID and I'll add you
Why does everyone go to school? The loot isnt that great and the layout isnt really great either. It it just because everyone lands there and that in and of itself makes it popular?
>Buy the game
>Play some matches, getting the hang of it
>Some matches later, find a ton of shit
>Decide to hide in some shitter to sort it out
>Suddenly hear someone walking around
>He enter the house I'm in
>I can feel he's right behind the door I am
>Decide to open it and pop him with my shotgun
>As soon as the door reveal a pixel of each of us he pump my head full of 5.56 with a scar
I like landing on the apartments near school, literally 2 to 3 guys which most of the time are just chilling and not hunting you down to death like in school. and if the circle somehow ends up making school chads go into the apartments I will always camp the doorway of the nearest apartment and loot their top tier shit.
Is FPP the chad-approved mode?
>not being a chad peeker
really makes you think
but really, its because people enjoy the gunplay of this game and the map is fucking gigantic for it to be the main aspect so school is the deathmatch zone if it makes any sense to you.
I think there are cheaters in this game but it's really hard to prove
>camping a mountain in the rain with silenced m16 x4 scoped
>spot a dude running in the field like 200 meters away
>aim and shoot him in the back while hes running
>1 second later he turns around and snipes me with 1 kar98 shot
he couldnt even know where i was shooting from
shit like that is physically impossible
h1z1 player.webm
you just exposed yourself... did you ever look at mountains while raining? they are fucking white slopes while your character is a black blob.
Also, you were playing third person right? if so, he could be running and looking around and even silenced weapons make noise so when you shot he used his senses and located your ass.
1v1 me fgt
i dont need, you gonna kill yourself jumping out of a car.
>Join squad match
>Everyone ends up split up because teammate jumps out of plane early
>2 teammates die early
>Teammate and I take boat to Primorsk
>2 crates land right next to each other on a hill near the west beach
>Take the loot, get attacked, last teammate dies, I kill 2 of the guys who attack us
>Circle ends up in Primorsk proper
>Snipe guys running down the hill to the NE
>Wait for people to kill each other
>Last 5 guys
>Me vs. an entire squad
>Pic related
Can't believe that worked honestly.
He is talking to me not (you)
why... user? ONE more second and you would be fine
That was the result of friendly fire.
After I killed the last guy, he died and his teammate got the kill.
>tfw falling for the AK/4x meme
fail for it for like 10 more times the you will be the one memeing about the 4x ak
lmao you can see the confusion shake after he took damage jumping out
playing with friends is great, I recommend it
but you carried. how is this fun?
maybe i dont have friends because if i am playing duo or squads i want my partnersto do as much work as i am doing. no slackers on my watch.
it literally said "You died to the redzone" you fucking retard.
not when you hear in the mic
>letting betas do calls and speak random shit
throw the good old "SHHHH... shut up faggot" and you are GOLDEN.
they're not that bad, sometimes I suck ass and they carry me. Also as long as they're able to listen to callouts you can micromanage them even if they do stupid shit every now and then.
Having people you can banter with between circles beats the silence of solos everyday.
I feel you, have you played with them a lot? If they're people you play with regularly it's really important to try teaching them how not to be a spastic fuck in the mic and focus on calling important stuff
>my friends are annoying faggots
how astute.
>have you played with them alot
Yup, since release, they don't learn they're terrible people outside of videogames, and even worse IN videogames.
This tends to work the best.
It's honestly more fun solo, because duo/squad im at a huge disadvantage.
How common is it for chads to watch gunfights and clean up the winner? I get killed harvesting my kills when I believe that I'm all alone
a true chad would see the two engaged in the gunfight, and kill both of them. a chad leaves no kills for anyone but themselves when the opportunities arise.
Very common. In fact, squads and duos people tend to watch and make fun on their future loot crates.
ayy lmao
>game looks fun as fuck, friend says I should play it
>lets me log in with his account to try and see if it runs on my toaster, which can run Memewatch at low graphics
>it does
>at 12 FPS ultra-low
Oh well. I'm sure this game will be popular next year when I won't be a poor student.
t. laptop dog
does anyone else play solo on the 5-man queue? i find it easier to take down groups; they're a lot more predictable than loners.
>even worse IN videogames
oh, I'm so sorry
Why are streamers only playing FPP now?
3rd person is and will always be the chad option.
Apparently not, tough luck
1st person allows people to do dumb shit and win and brainlets are more interested in LPers being stupid for teh lolz than they are in hardcore tactical gunfights.
Who is this semen demon?
>knew the circle was coming
>choose not to move
>picture of dsp attached
Some New Game girl I think
>no sound
>dont understant the image
>has the audacity to call other people brainlets
lmaoling at you
>be somewhere where you're guaranteed to die if you don't move and stay there
>choose to stay there
Sounds like idiot brainlet behavior to me.
Dumb brainlet should have had smokes or a frag or a molotolv prepared for such an occasion.
thanks user, why don't we have sound webms on Veeky Forums :c
The website is not proffitable at all IIRC.
If they allow sound its probably going to consume even more server.
Nothing to do with that.
Moot said a long ass time ago sound wasn't allowed on .webm because hurr durr screamer.
/wsg/ and /gif/ do have sounds now though I believe.
>a 3mb webm with sound consumes more server than a 3mb webm without sound
really makes you think
k, i will explain it to you
>both in the circle and behind covers
>both know the location of each other
>both have decent aim
>circle close
>new circle is on top of one
>the other has to run
>the other is far away
>the other has no solid cover
>smokes are useless because its client side so becomes a gamble
>flashbangs are useless(have you ever used a flashbang? i bet you dont lmao)
now what? the guy on the circle just have to peek and shot(lmao30 tick) when the other leaves cover and the guy running will have to deal with being hit and not being able to fight back because if he stands to try to hold the angle the one behind cover just gets a new one without the guy running seeing him but the guy in cover having all the information he wants and peeking accordingly.
but whatver, you gonna call me a brainlet, get something out of your ass and call it a day.
done giving (you)s for today. i bet you are the same guy as aways.
im pretty sure a 3mb webm with sound cant have the same visual quality of one without sound.
if the visual part gets a big hit, then i am OK with it being soundless. fuck people posting obnoxious sounds on clickbait webms.
This game is shit. I should be able to run this game with my config but as it is pretty shitty optimized I keep getting bugged and fps losses
so your pc is shit. congratulations on exposing yourself.
either your hardware is shit or you cant maintain a PC.
10/10 execution
NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1060 3GB
i5 3470
I should be able to run this game, right ?
>both have decent aim
So this brainlet can aim but he's too dumb to ADS after a couple steps to pop shots off on the guy when he peeks? You said they're far, and if the guy defending is a DEECENT shot that doesn't mean he's going to land a 5 shot spray as soon as he peeks, which means the pusher has a fighting chance, but he's going to lose because he's a dumb brainlet who choose to put himself in a position where he has to push someone like that.
>the other has to run
>the other is far away
>the other has no solid cover
So you're telling me this retarded brainlet is over 200m away and instead of circling towards a safer position to push, he instead plays tiddly-winks with the guy in the circle until his only option is to run straight at him?
>smokes are useless because its client side so becomes a gamble
Pick one, brainlet. And if he was smart he'd have 2-3 smokes to cluster so he'd have an astronomical chance to not be seen through them.
>flashbangs are useless
How to spot a brainlet 101. Class is in session.
No. Go easy on the settings or you gonna get fucked.
The game use almost 6gb of VRAM on ultra(and i bet you have view distance on ulta too Jebaited) and you card has 3. Also its a fucking RAM whore that can easily reach 8GB of ram by itself.
be humble and you will be able to play. Remember to do some proper checkups on your pc regularly
actually for the length of a 3mb webm on average, the sound file that goes with it would take up like, 24kb of space so it really doesnt matter much
how you gonna react? you dont.
eat shit and die. next "esport" is all FPP, no TPP at all, and soon every tournament is gonna be this way.
TPP works for casual play, FPP is for tournaments.
video card is fine, ram you really need 12, processor is fine, you need SSD. if you have 8 + hdd you will have a bad time. This game REQUIRES ssd. it is not optimized and do not expect them to optimize it because it already succeeded
only a retard would play on ultra when the top streamer plays with almost all settings on very low.
>It's a "the circle is actively fighting against you, forcing you to run in the open to get back inside it as people that are already in cover can just freely wail at you" episode
Seriously if it wasn't for circle RNG this game would be a lot better
This isn't quake brainlet. Nobody's moving fast enough for peeks to go unpunished. Only brainlets with shit aim like yourself can't point and click on a computer game like the fucking idiot you are.
Really? well, so maybe its because of kids making webms with screams and woman moaning. shit like this that juveniles get a kick out of
>time that i got closest to chicken dinner and also had several kills
>6th circle
>have to run across open field to a promontory rock, where the guy is already proning
go tell that to the people organizing the tournaments and top players. they are the ones calling out whats competitive or not and for TPP things are looking pretty dark at the moment
Well, they have a 144hz screen and i dont so why would i go for the HZ route when my game caps it on 75 on ultra on my 60hz screen?
I'm playing it on low and view distance low aswell. The thing that upsets me the most is the loading time of building. Once landed, it can take like 1 minute to load and meanwhile I can't enter any buildings so I'm fucked. It may just be a bug
Yeah it's pretty bullshit. Fuck the people that go JUST AIM BETTER XD
I lost a 1v1 just now because I constantly had to move up to avoid death by gas and killed 11 people in my game after chad diving into the docks near the military base.
Died because the last guy had a mound he could freely hide behind inside the circle and shoot at me with his 8x m16 and if I stand still to shoot i get eaten by gas as he just hides behind the mound.
I usually have to reboot to fix this. I think there's memory handling issues (go fucking figure) causing it.
e-sports are designed for brainlets to get as much money off of other brainlets as possible. They don't go by what takes the most skill, they go by what will titillate the minds of brainlets like yourself enough but not too much to overload their neurons.
the building stuff is related to RAM and SSD/HDD thing. UE4 works by tossing things back and forth of your RAM/Storage and a faster storage/larger RAM makes the process way easier.
I dunno man, personally I think I'll wait until they optimize it to play because holy fuck this thing suck up memory like a whore on black friday and it just run like crap, and as far as I'm concerned this should be their priority right now.
I fully understand I don't have the best PC, but it's not a pentium 4 either.
did you knew where you were running to? I mean, places to AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE are the center of military island right by the name(open field with zero cover in a sand hill), pochinki and gatka wheat fields, fields in the general mansion/shelter/prison/south polyana area, beaches, air s+open field oftrip+road south military base, massive open fucking field of nothingness between severny and polyana and every road in general. near these places is better to take the long road and fight people than run in the open with only one angle covered and die like a pleb.
The circle ended in no particular area in the middle of nowhere.
For the majority of the time I had really decent cover but as the circle continued to shrink it forced me out of cover. And to get back inside of the circle required me to run across an area that had no other cover other than the one the guy was behind already, and the spot i was in previously.
>circle on the other side of the map
>red zone always spawning dead center on me
>found no vehicles
>got AWM'd
this game was certainly something
no virging edging strat avaible when the new circle was shown? was it a 1v1 situation in the last circles?
wow a totally common occurrence
Didn't post a webm, how was I to know faggot?