Time for a new PIVX thread
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Time for a new PIVX thread
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"Quote from: s3v3nh4cks(MAIN DEVELOPER) on September 01, 2016, 09:16:50 PM
We just burned the 60k at block 279917.
If you look at the Total Coins in the previous block, you will see that this block is 60k less. The coins were sent as a network fee which are destroyed.
But why network fee was destroyed and not given to miner?
Yes, at the change to PoS, network fees are now destroyed. Though it is fractional, it does help overtime with inflation, and now we can remove coins from the total coin cap if needed... :) instead of having them just sit there at an address somewhere. Thats how burning coins should work.. :) "
Thanks for the info, I was going to invest in this, but now I know this serious flaw and dishonesty in PIVX I think I will put my money in an honest project like BitBay.
Looks ponzi as fuck
I'll wait until bigger exchanges pick it up and a worthwhile wallet
Get your facts straight shill.
Burning coins basically eliminating the 60k premine to support 6 masternodes in the beginning.
Basic math 60K premine -60 K Burned coins = system is fine.
idk if you're shilling or not but good luck with your investment.
Red pill me on staking ,I hold my coins and I get free coins ?
PIVX was the first PoS cryptocurrency running on Bitcoin core v0.10.x and above
PIVX is still the only PoS cryptocurrency running on Bitcoin core v0.10.x and above
PIVX is planning to create a more inclusive decentralized governance system
PIVX is planning to be the first PoS cryptocurrency with libzerocoin protocol implemented
PIVX has 5 core developers and a number of part-time developers as of March 2017
PIVX has an active energetic community that is growing by the day.
PIVX NOW (as of March 13th 2017)
PIVX is based on DASH v0.12.0.x core and Bitcoin core v0.10.x
PIVX Proof of Work phase has ended in August 2016 and is now Proof of Stake only
PIVX uses custom Proof of Stake consensus algorithm based on PoS v2.0 & v3.0
PIVX uses custom Seesaw Reward Balancing algorithm for masternode & stake reward split.
PIVX supports Masternode network (aka DASH Masternode)
PIVX support SwiftTX transaction (aka DASH InstantSend)
PIVX supports Obfuscation transaction (aka DASH PrivateSend)
PIVX has in-wallet BIP38 encrypted private key import/export support
PIVX has MultiSend feature (HyperStake MultiSend)
(This is NOT a complete list - Only few upcoming wallet changes are listed here. We have more coming!)
PIVX will be updated to DASH v0.12.1.x core or newer
PIVX will be updated to Bitcoin v0.13.x core or newer
PIVX will re-enable the budget system and 10% block reward coin emission
PIVX will implement a modified libzerocoin protocol with non-optional minting
It will be the first PoS cryptocurrency to achieve this if successful.
PIVX will have an improved decentralized blockchain-based governance system
We aim to have non-masternode owners to be able to vote on proposals.
1. PIVX was pre-announced on November 26 2015 and launched fairly on January 30th 2016 with no ICO, existing premine or instamine and was distributed by common PoW over first 6 months.
2. PIVX code is fully open source.
3. PIVX has many big name twitter users following, mentioning and taking interest in PIVX. e.g. @ant, @notsofastcrypto, @bitcoindood, @dashpay to name a few.
4. PIVX has had no foul market activity nor negative publicity since launch.
5. PIVX has gained significant interest from numerous DASH investors since launch as it is a 0.12.0.x DASH fork with a more efficient Proof of Stake algorithm that aims to provide full-time truly untraceable transactions.
6. PIVX is aiming to become the first Proof of Stake cryptocurrency with a working implementation of libzerocoin protocol. Blueprint has been derived and development is already in progress.
7. PIVX has shown a very consistent growth in market cap since launch.
8. PIVX has a professionally designed logo and website by rhubarbmedia.ca marketing company.
9. PIVX has a marketing team consisting of numerous marketers including rhubarbmedia.ca
10. PIVX has a very active community utilizing Slack, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Riot, Trello, BCT and its own forum.pivx.org forum.
11. PIVX has a very strong network of over 1750 masternodes as of writing. This accounts for approx. 30% of its coin supply and is growing.
12. Goal of PIVX is to become a serious contender in the top 10 space of cryptocurrency with a vibrant community, sustainable governance system and technical innovations.
More Technical Info can be found here:
>you shills are in the envy spectrum of the star of moloch
first of apologies for shitty screen cap but Veeky Forums would not let me post my message (spam warning).
devs are not who they say they are
Oh my god we have guy fawks mask aka anonymous with us, and a fucking cat and lego man, they can post what ever picture they like.
Listen shills, there's something called github where other developers see their PIVX's code pubicily. There other experienced Dev's can call bullshit on bullshit code.
SPOCK is also our developer, no wonder PIVX's is doing well.
we dont have a single person to hold responsible when this shit implodes. not a single one. and thats why polo will never add you.
Redpill: Her name isn't really "Mrs X" either.
Yes, it's been explained multiple times that they're remaining anonymous. Anyone who's been following this for 2 minutes knows that the identities on the website are fake. Before someone mentions it yet again, yes, they may have to reveal themselves to launch on Poloniex, or no, they may not, we don't know. We also don't know who Satoshi Nakamoto is, if you've ever heard of bitcoin.
PIVX on the bitcointalk ANN was launched by a senior member account. That alone means a hundred times more than using a real name or picture because it proves that it's someone who's been involved in multiple projects in the past, apparently none of which were scams otherwise it would've been the only thing people were talking about.
The technology of PIVX isn't as ambitious as the autistic skeleton's ETH (which is just a bunch of buzzwords right now to be fair), but what it's aiming to do, it's doing in a simple and direct manner and is the best of anything out there. This is why it's excelling. This is why it has more volume on its only exchange than Monero, Ethereum, and that crypto-pickpocketer Bitbay.
Speed? The fastest. Privacy? Better than Monero. No bullshit premine, no insider launch. They did it the right way.
The price will hit $1 within the week, drop to half that, and resume to $4-$5. It'll never be a $1000 coin, but it'll be a staple as a way of transacting crypto quickly and privately, especially once the black market crowd jumps ship from Monero to pivx.
I'd say this is one of the most obvious shills ever but that record is broken on Veeky Forums every day lately.
already disproven, nothing more to say.
>he didn't make 600% gainz in a week
remain saline
>What is BITCOIN
>hurr durr Bitcoin's price went suffered tremendous lost because of mt.gox
>we also don't know satoshi nakamoto identity
>Bitcoin work because it's well written code
>people trust because the protocol works
PIVX is built with the Bitcoin Protocol.
I'm going to screencap your comment for future shills to get obliterated.
double dubs of truth kills shills
>he made $6USD
i made decent gains, im just trying to help people understand when its time go GET OUT. i hope some take this warning serious.
Seriously fuck PIVX.
If you actually read the ANN threads BitBay is legit.
yes you're mad you missed the ride so you want to pump and dump a literal poocoin
How am I supposed to trust something that doesn't even show up on the first two search result pages?
what search engine are you using? i just googled it and the top 5 results are all pivx-related. the pivx coinmarketcap, bittrex and bitcointalk links, then their website pivx.org
Okay I've taken a look at Pivx in some detail just now. I don't think it's a scam, it seems legit. In fact they seem to have a pretty good team, active on social media and open to questions/feedback. Also, looks like they're pushing to get on Poloniex themselves, so they must be aware of the requirements needed.
Oops meant to link their Tweet re: Polo
PIVX at 33 now after a decent sized dip. Good time to buy in for those who are still interested.
How buy in NYC???
Purchase BTC somewhere (like coinbase or Gemini)
Transfer BTC to Bittrex and trade whatever you want (specifically PIVX)
google shows results for pixiv
not as good as bitbay desu
I know, that's what I was saying lol.
Thank you !
Reached 40k sats again just before... anyone watching?
Yeah massive sell wall at 50 tho
how high do you guys think it'll go ?
In some of the previous threads, we were speculating that we'd be hitting some pretty harsh waves around the $0.40 - $0.50 mark, but that it would eventually go through (days, weeks) and start climbing up the dollar poll. If it launches on polo (that's a big 'if' but one I'm optimistic about) then we're looking at some very comfy surge potential (think $4+).
Looks like the 40k mark has been passed which is actually pretty good - I would have put that a few days from now.
Hello 42k
Ha. Saw that and came back here to see if you were watching.
Cheers mate. I think we bet on the right horse this week.
Fuck yeah.
Highest volume on Bittrex...
what will you tell your children when they ask why you didnt take out a bond on your house to buy pivx @ 43?
Hopefully... Pivx is the one coin I'm holding onto for a while yet.
Looks good but I'm too late for it. Maybe if it keeps on dipping.
Buy BBR from Polo or any other exchange and sell them on Bittrex. You can get 6 bitcoins for free right now if you move fast (or rather if your bitcoin transaction moves fast enough)
It's incredibly naive to think you're "too late", March 22nd is the release of version 1.26, don't be late user.
Nice try asshole!
Someone go shill this on reddit. We need to break the $1 mark and theres basically no word on it over there
How do you guys stock up on scamcoins like this? I don't want to spend money but I want to be part of a scheme.
>how do i not spend money to make money
You could go to those super slow ass bitcoin faucets that give you like less than one cents worth of bitcoins and save up a months worth to buy shillcoins, but honestly just buy like $10-50 bucks worth of btc and get in on it.
40k looking like the new floor?
>buy like $10-50 bucks worth of btc and get in on it.
I'm not opposed to that, I was thinking at least $500. Is $50 enough to get a decent stake at these early stages?
Are new coins creating by mining?
>Are new coins creating by mining?
No, this is a Proof-of-Stake coin, so new coins are created by "staking". That means with a high enough coin balance you can leave your wallet open and staking and it's equivalent to mining.
nice 10 btc buy wall @ 42k sats
How many coins you need for that?
People have recommended at least 1k, but at 10k you can set up a "masternode" which is apparently much better.
We are about to reach the third wave, leading it to over 50k sat
sell PIVX and buy Dopecoin
No. Pivx just hit an all time high again.
we 46001 now I just lost out on like 20 dollars
i already missed out on 1 btc, by selling at 40500 a couple of hours ago
Wow, new all time high...it's really happening. I admit i was worried for a while there, lol. gotta stop watching every minute and let it develop. the team behind it is really trying.
>all this shilling
>for free
Meanwhile the devs will cash out while you niggers crash and burn
>>for free
yeah youre right, we dont own any of it. or if we do, we're never going to sell it, we just like collecting it.
>crash and burn
>not taking MASSIVE gains and reinvesting the rest
Saltier than Bonneville.
Holy shit guys we're at 47k sat!
bout to throw down on the DASH successor here boys. Any dips on the horizon or str8 fomo?
nope, still ATH. just cracked the top 20 on coinmarketcap too coinmarketcap.com
>just cracked the top 20 on coinmarketcap too coinmarketcap.com
The Pivx Slack group now has over 1000 members. Nice community there. If anyone wants to join: slack.pivx.org
It's gonna get thrown onto polo AND BLOW THE FUCK UP.
It isn't too late. Which is ore likely with all this support, green line or red? don't say we didn't warn you this shit has long term potential!
no dip yo. just skyrocketing.
Shame I don't have more time to dump money in this. Only have around 5k
I probably would've put 10k in if I had it
50k sats babayyy!!!!
if it's red I'm going to become neet again
Pivx now #18 on coinmarketcap.com
PIVX is now number 18 on coinmarketcap.
>18 the legal age
>18 my waifu
Should consider diversifying in to DOPEcoin it just dipped to 82SATS.
how high will it go?
No telling but it has a lot of momentum now, broke into the top 20 on coinmarketcap, just reached 53k sat all time high, hasn't even been listed on poloniex yet.
Do coins always rise in prise when added to poloniex?
Side note if anyone has dash I'd exit that position, pixIV is a purely better coin and has momentum on its side while Dash is losing ground.
Wow I keep expecting a dip but it just keeps on climbing... on course for 54k sat.
I thought that was the whole point
I've not been in this for long so can't say with 100% certainty but polo is the biggest exchange so it would make sense that any coin added there will see a sharp rise.
~600 PIVX deep mein niggers.
>he only has 600
Not everyone can afford large amounts even at cheap prices, what counts is being on the ride ;)
Is it already confirmed that its going on polo?
wtf guys.... is it going to drop any time soon or should i just suck it up and buy in
considering buying more myself. think of it this way: there are only positive events expected to happen in the immediate term.
Like what?