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Operation Blood Orchid releases September 5. PC can play it now on the TTS.
There will be changes to map rotations for Casual and Ranked in Season 3.
Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.
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is shit
>ywn sneak into the girls lockers while IQ is taking a shower and smell her well worn shoes
wtf am i watching, aimbot gone wrong?
Just 2 idiots without friendly silhouettes on.
why do white masks shoot through walls so much
>even with the muzzle brake the C8's first shot pushes the sights up two heads at medium room distance
they can hear you
Because they're bots with aimbot on. That's the same reason the shotgun ones will always miss or graze their first shot at hugging range on normal. Sometimes you can see the barrel suddenly jerk 45° to your right when you come into melee range.
does anyone have any more of these faceapp operator pics
>have the highest k/d, accuracy, and headshot chance out of all the friends I regularly play with
>lowest W/L
>the only one who hasn't gotten past fucking SILVER this season
>this includes my shitter friend with a .57 k/d, 13% accuracy who calls me a fag for tanking him
Fuck this game.
You are thinking too much abuot the stats
I wish flashbangs could be as useful as the homing ones AIs use
I'm just a little assblasted that I'm the least shitty out of my shitty group and I'm the one that hasn't gotten past silver.
Just a couple days ago I had twice the kills and score than my friend in second place who's "platinum" and we lost after I won a 1v4.
>people sweating their nuts off in casual
I don't get it. I'm not saying no one should ever try in casual, but I play casual specifically to get away from from drop-shotting Ash players and spawn peeking every round, yet I can't, because that shit happens nearly every round in my experience.
So are all new players like me really this trash at the game? Casual is a nightmare.
>mostly play casual cause all my friends are lower rank/ hardly play rank at all
>i dont like ranked because i solo queue and i get asians on my team a lot
Casual is my competitive/fun time
Read the post above yours, its difficult for newcomers to do well when everybody is a tryhard fag in casuals.
Casual is full of level 100+ people who are unranked. I'm not saying you should hop into ranked right away, try to get a bit of mechanical skill and map knowledge down. But honestly, if you can just accept that you'll start off at a lower rank, you'll enjoy ranked a lot more.
Fix your shit ubi.
The worst part is so many of them are unwilling to learn.
>get stuck with very low levels
>try to correct them when they reinforce between bombs
>next defence round they do the fucking same
>tell mute not to just drop his jammers around and place them by windows or reinforced walls
>keeps fucking doing it
I'd like to just have all the base operators before I get into ranked.
>fucking sweaty tryhards
>lmao i aint even trying you fucking tryhard
>fucking dropshot in casual lmao wipe off the sweat
is R6G the only game where playing to win is considered a bad thing?
why is this kind of mindset encouraged in this game?
>bitching about people trying to win in a video game
When playing to win means playing ash/jager and doing the same thing over and over, yes. There's more to the game than three speeds abusing bad netcode and dubious prone transition aim. Plus, I don't know how people enjoy peeking windows. Long range fights aren't exactly a thrill in this game.
Was the operation delayed to the 6th or am I getting memed on?
It's a thrill when you BTFO the entire enemy team before they set foot in the building.These people can go fuck themselves tbqh
ash and jager are easy to counter if you aren't shit
so is peeking
u are bad
it comes out in like 10 hours user.
>implying I don't just shoot them
I'm not the original poster. These guys are dull to play against and not even particularly good most of the time. Mostly I think the peeking song and dance is bothersome more than fun and not really what people play the game for.
PSA: Don't place cluster charges or breaches in the centre of hatches.
Why the hell are there so many people killing their own teammates on casual?
>12 year old on mic
>won't shut the fuck up
>talks like his life is on the goddamn line
>don't want to mute him because sometimes he'll provide a useful callout
>backseats living players whenever he dies
>insta-locks Cav and Ash
>end up getting a headache
My friend has a week long ban from team killing. I have no idea why he or anyone else has this problem
Wait what
Because this game is full of angry children who realize there's no consequences for ruining the game for others in casual
Does anyone have that screencap of the one user who had those really fucked up key bindings?
doubt it, but I remember him joining the ts once everyone laughed at him and I think thats why he never came back
>implying you actually heard him placing a charge through unbroken material on a different floor
wait a minute
There's a hatch there?
Yes, gym hatch.
Fuze is super loud, but he got lucky he didn't just fuze a random spot.
>these are my teammates
>these are the people you rely on when its 2v any number
>there are people that forget not everybody is lvl 400 and diamond
If you dont know every inch of every room by level 60 then you have brain problems. This isnt even sarcasm.
>implying you need to be level 400 to have game sense and map knowledge
Well maybe if you're retarded or something yeah
But you can absolutely hear that. It's loud as shit.
You can hear breach charges being placed on hatches above you too, which is much quieter, as long as you're not deaf and/or have headphones that don't cost less than $30.
What is /r6g/'s #1 site for siege lewds?
Paheal doesn't have much
I was talking about new players, not retards that still don't know the map after 100 hours in the game for some reason
hope you like IQs feet
>No discounts
>fk it
>buy el doritooo skin
>slap it on all sidearms and a few mains
Holy shit this looks amazing
>play ranked and some nigger kills me, we lose the round
>he's level 59
>beginning of next round someone else kills him
>rest of my team dies before I have a chance to enter the building
>kill three enemies before bandit silently drops from a hatch and kills me
>kill the nigger who killed me, someone kills me and we miraculously win the round
>team killing is done now
>win a few more rounds
>lose the match
You don't know true suffering until you have to play with your literal copper 4 friends.
I have made gold
sorry for shilling again again
I'm dumb, when do the ops come out?
Are you doing this for your own ranks every season?
They are already out, you have to buy them in the shop
5th for season pass holders
7 days later for everyone else
I want redditors to stay in reddit
>Are you doing this for your own ranks every season?
Nah. I wish i was diamond im actually gold 2
Oh well, they still look nice user. Try selling them to some faggot streamer so they can have them in the background
you're a dumbass, user
I wish more people corrected me when I did stuff wrong. I still sometimes forget myself and reinforce between bombs.
Also I wish I'd get more feedback on my trap placement as Frost, because I'm having very mixed success with that.
>you fuck up with time and just place two mats on south stars on coastline, not hidden at all, and two idiots manage to walk into them right after each other
Guess I'll just have to learn the maps better.
My girlfriend and I have been playing a game where we get into a custom, make callouts and race each other to the spot.
Really helps open up play for other characters like Valk and Echo.
You probably have someone that'll do dumb shit like that with you.
That looks incredible user! Everything is so beautifully crisp. Is that just paper or something else? I'm not too familiar with papercraft. I second that you could definitely sell these, though I'm guessing it's a hell of a lot of effort.
That's pretty cool.
>that feel when don't want to operate until the new patch (which is going to take me a full day to download) but have nothing else to do
Looking good muh familia
just 3 more days
Real, buyable, high quality chibi op charms when?
Fuck off, newtard.
>whole day to download a 30gb file
do you live in sierra leone?
also gonna be a preload a day before it goes live so you have time to DL
I don't think i'm gonna make it. Now that I'm back to playing regular Siege I can't stand to play any more.
Zoe will have blue hair
>just 3 more days
Then an extra seven for me, I'm not buying the jew pass.
>last 15 seconds of secure kitchen/dining on chalet
>get into room
>fall down hatch
>realise how fucked I am
>last enemy is stairs to main entrance facing away from me
t-totally meant to do that
Worse, Australia.
I played with him once on the TS, he was a cool dude. Everyone had a good time
What changes can you no loner live without?
I didn't play on the TTS and now I'm too lazy to download it
Those looks sweet user
>we get the new map anyway
>we get to TK the idiots who paid $$$ for the jewpass
Can't wait
Jesus Christ , I hope it's Jaeger or Kapkan or both who do the rape
New map
Lighting changes + fucking finally removed the brightness/darkness through windows
IQ being useful
Finding new spots for Ela's and Lesion's traps
Doing cool shit with Ying and also blinding my team
Thinking about where I would expect traps as I walk through the building as an attacker
I'm sure I'm missing a bunch.
Nigga, I live in Australia and it'll take like 2 and a half hours max to download that.
You must live in a country shithole without NBN right?
>playing casual to get my fill of favela before it's gone forever
>last defender alive
>BB & Monty alive
>know if they get in room I'm fucked
>see them coming up stairs
>rush out to face them and engage on stairs
>I'm pushed back to grow room, push them into meth room (I'm bad with names)
>20sec left
>fall down hatch
>rush back up steps
>Monty at doorway
>BB in the open peeking around him
>easy 2K for the win
Feels good man
>I'm 12 years old and mommy wouldn't buy me the pass: the post
>In Season 3, we will be adjusting the way that Casual matchmaking pairs players. For the last four months, the Casual playlist has been based off of your Ranked Matchmaking Rating (MMR), as noted by this communication. In order to address this issue and provide better quality matchmaking, we will be introducing an independent Casual MMR. The Casual MMR will be based off of your performance in Casual play and is no longer tied to your Ranked MMR.
Beyond the separation of Ranked and Casual MMR, we are implementing a system for new players that provides them with a base line MMR that is more on par with where a beginner should be. A lower starting point for beginners means that they will be able to increase their MMR in a pool of players with a comparable skill level. This lower MMR rating will be erased over time as they win more matches, eventually placing them where they truly belong based on their skill level.
What are your thoughts?
>everyone I don't like is a child
see how salty these kids get? It's free entertainment to watch them rage!
goddamn i fucked that post up
There's good chances of sucess if you place them far from the objective, same as Kap traps.
People will probably rush in and not check where they are going. Placing them in the objective room is usually redundant, except under a window.
At the top of stairs works quite well since most people will be trying to look up as to check for defenders.
Places where attackers might end up strafing a lot are pretty good too, but that does require a bit of map knowledge. It's usually rooms by the objective room, so that they can shoot into it, they'll focus on shooting and not look arround.
>we made smurfs even more of an issue
>if they ever get too high 'ranked' they'll just throw matches over and over so they can get back to stomping new players
well good news user, its too fucking long, nobody is going to read it.
It's 2017 and you're still doing "U MAD XDD??"
Just proving you're underage
Sounds good to me but I can understand why some people could be annoyed with it.
I only played ranked a bit this season and it keeps throwing me in with platinum players even though I only got lucky in ranked and really should be a high silver/low gold.
>implying smurfs would fuck up their k/d
only thing i could see would maybe be smurfs buying another game every few months just to stomp but even that seems too ridiculous
>still crying
Whatever you need to tell yourself kiddo. Enjoy the TK's