/arena/ - Arena FPS General

Time to stack edition

MegaTF classic night for Quakeworld this Sunday make sure you have nquake installed beforehand

A place to discuss all of your favorite old-school and modern arena shooters such as Quake Live, Quake Champions, Unreal Tournament, Reflex, etc.

Pastebin with download links for FREE GAMES: pastebin.com/NzQifF9b


>(Incomplete) QC custom weapon skin showcase:

Fragged thread:

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>Fellate my testicles in a manner that pleases me old chap

Low sens best sens

>he plays DM

>Plays Friday QC
>Its forced to play on the dallas server the spoony the depressive suicide fucktard and his cronies on the same team

here its goes my FNF in QC

BJ and Doomguy.jpg

>Low sens best sens
I have always wondered if this is true or not I have a high sensitivity and I do decently, but would lowering it and getting used to low sens be better?

Why is his chin so big and his mouth so close to his nose? Does Anarki have fetal alcohol syndrome?

As long as you're within a reasonable range you should be fine, there are upsides and downsides to both but a lower sens generally is easier to get used to and easier to build muscle memory with.
There's a reason people like gaiia and strenx hit rails like coke.

Plenty of pros play on high sensitivity.

What even is the point of sponsored streams? Who will be playing a game because some shitter with a #SPONSORED title is streaming it?

The kind of people who watch streams to begin with.

Are the Virginia servers down, or is it some bug on my end?

not if the person they are watching is just getting destroyed

Kids. Who else do you think watches twitch

b-but I watch streams

To be fair JP isn't doing too bad. I wish he knew Sorlag had air control though.

Heh. I'm watching the WAN show like a pleb right now and was watching rapha earlier. I'm just talking shit

any tips to get better with the rocket launcher in ql?
>inb4 shoot feet/prediction/git gud

Patrician tier:

Cool guy tier:

Shitter tier:

>tfw reading Ranger's lore

QC has it's problems but holy shit Ranger is easily one of my favourite characters of all time.

I mean this makes me feel pretty good since I started playing in January

>shitty mashup of CTF, Bombing-Run, and KoTH
>better than CTF


holy shit is that really johnathon "fatal1ty" wendell

>he hasn't bullied fatal1ty with a gauntlet

last i checked that's the rite of passage around these parts

>three 'closed beta participant' notifications
>only got the red Q and background, no space-Q and Earth background
>got no reliquiary either

I feel like im only playing quake champions because i got into the beta so its free and also because i dont own overwatch.
otherwise this game would be too hard for me to consider playing it consistently.

yea i got the notifications but didn't get a goddamn thing

am i fugged?

OW is shit, I was excited for it but I got bored after a month or so, it's the blandest FPS I've played and the skill ceiling is pathetically low.

I would never spoil the lore, just be prepared to feel...

Ranger isn't actually a Ranger, he's a Marine

clips dot twitch dot tv/ReliablePlayfulOxMau5

I used to be super into OW but left when literally every game plays the same way
>pick hot meme heroes
>poke for 4 mins straight
>someone ults
>best deathball wins

dude stick with it, there's massive diminishing returns in time invested. with proper practice you'll basically be a pretty solid player after only one year, improvement and refining the particulars is much more gradual after that so it takes a lot more determination, but you'll be surprised at your own competence if you stick with it

>the skill ceiling is pathetically low.

this is one of the main reasons i couldn't tolerate playing it. basically:

1.no true ctf, since every mode must require play around the objective to be almost stationary so that the retarded blizzdrones are able to get free kills by hitting Q
2. skill ceiling so low you're literally not improving at all after the first couple of hours of learning the heroes
3. it is objectively inferior to tf2 in every way
4. there is no proper score list, just a ton of obfuscation to hide how fucking bad the average player is from themselves so that their pussies don't get hurt
5. 3v3 was literally the only mode that was remotely fun

>4. there is no proper score list, just a ton of obfuscation to hide how fucking bad the average player is from themselves so that their pussies don't get hurt
Can you give me the quick rundown?

Overwatch is shit. It's very polished shit, but still shit.

I'm in that boat too

Use small "twitch leading" at long range, use "strafe-aim" to compensate for your movement for stalling projectile behind your movement. If opponent is keeping distance or either of you getting closer that quite a hit. Read quake wikia page about it, it worked for me.

you know how literally every multiplayer fps ever allows you to view the current frag/score list of every player on the server by hitting a button?

in overwatch you can only view your own stats, and you only know how you do in certain categories relative to others (gold, silver, bronze medals). also, there is no "kill/frag" stat, since everything is an "elimination" and is shared with your entire team if they so much as looked in the direction of the dying enemy

blatant masking and conflation of stats to prevent bad players from realizing how bad they are, and to prevent their teammates from knowing how much dead weight they're carrying

another game with an aimebotter

gut gid

>no more unga bunga +back rail
>people complain

some people just aren't happy with anything,a re they

Everytime I see an Anarki on the enemy team I just want to stop playing, I've never played an enjoyable match when Anarki's in them. Is there something wrong with me?

That's a funny way to spell Sorlag.

I still think lightning gun is too strong.

It really is, the huge pushback is fucking gay and completely stops the victim.

who are the gibus heavies of quake?

>Been looking for the way home for 20 years, not gonna give up now!

I want a game with this Ranger

I think I played against Fatal1ty too
I thought it was a random poser

i want monotone announcer back

>Pick Galena
>Get fifteen fucking kills from retards teleporting into quad area and exploding instantly
Why don't these guys learn?

Doom guys, they are always the most clueless but cute players.

>Refunded QC this morning because felt like I wasn't having much fun playing it
>Come home from work tonight
>Get urge to play QC again
So, is there gonna be a free weekend anytime soon?


Some guy was holding me up in the air with it....

I don't see her enough but she is tough. But now my enjoyment of this game is turning sour, I know when and how I fail but this is getting ridiculous.

And I doubt any balancing changes will be done in this game, considering the dicksucking reddit does over how balanced this game is and how everyone with complaints needs to git gud.

I have runes for him, don't bully me.

can't you use the bethesda launcher?
then pin the game to taskbar so you don't have to bother with launchers anymore, it'll ask login ingame

>refund game
>want to play it again

just buy it?

i don't know about that
the berserk is more like the phlog: you have it, so you gotta use it

Buy it again or wait until f2p at the end of this year.

It's called Quake :^)

i know you're memeing, but i was always confused by the mentality that having good lg aim is ooga booga, but +back rails are the height of strategy

>unlock Q1 lightning gun
>love it but fear I'm more accurate for some reason with the normal LG
Has anyone else experienced this? What's your opinion on side shaft vs center shaft?

i used to play all arena fps games with weapon models turned off so i never give a single shit where my weapon is drawn since only the dot in the middle of the screen matters

I tried disabling viewmodels once in TF2 but then I realized that I rely on it to aim, centered models are easier to get used to though.

> disable wiewmodels
> try to set up a trap with pills
> try to rocket jump with shotgun
i mean that only happens when your gun isn't full

>What is the weapon bar that is already displayed on your screen at all time

>doomguy goes beserk at me
>run behind a corner and pummel him when he comes around

feels so fuckin' good
>doomguy going too fast to even steer properly

what is the phonetic pronunciation of the quake hitsound?






>One of my favorite streamers streaming QC
>He's doing all right, having fun
>Chats getting hype when he gets good kills
>4000+ viewers
Giving away keys to streamers was a great idea, hopefully it'll give the player base a bump.

tf2 doesn't have that

Yeah? Well tf2 is shit anyway.

Is Anarki a hapa?

Some of the sponsored streamers I've watched were surprisingly decent at the game, I guess they did their research and gave out keys to people with actual FPS experience.

Is there a translation list of Visor's lines?

every single fucking match
it's nothing but anarki, nyx, slash, and sorlag
why even have all these others if this is all that people play
just waste time adding more characters when these exist and are all anyone ever plays, add more redundant shit

there is nothing wrong with slash

The devs said in the recent Q/A they plan on buffing the less popular champs.

>griefing in qc while you complain about sorlag and wax lyrical about how ql is the perfect game

please dont do this

Any decent duelers in NA who ping well to either Oregon or Iowa that are interesting in doing a few matches on Corrupted Keep? Really shit at it and need want to get some practice on it.

Is the best way to get lore just destroying all the set pieces at the beginning of a round?

in other words clutch and visor
meanwhile anarki nyx and orlag are going to remain the same
and ranger, scale, galena, and both guest characters are going to be bumped down to low tier


It's basically the only way.

I'm autistic and saved up all my promo and level reliqs. Do I do it?

Why would you save them? Loot is predetermined so you won't get better shit on old boxes if they decide to improve drop rates or something.

"I'll get out of here and crawl back into bed with my wife. She'll let me sleep in. I'll talk her into making me pancakes and bacon in the morning. That's the way it's gonna go..."

Quake Champions will save the arena fps genre, we need to move forward from the old format to succeed. HA HA HA HA HA.

Whats your name?



Like clockwork.

Why does Galena have such noodly appendages?