/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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>[News, Events & Campaigns]
Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones

>Half AP Cost Campaign
Enter the Treasure Vault
Period: August 31, 2017 (Thu) 7:00 ~ September 07, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
Duel with the Three Knights-Four Cavalries and Monster Hunting
Period: September 07, 2017 (Thu) 4:00 ~ September 14, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC

>"1 Million Download Campaign"
Period: September 07, 2017 (Thu) 4:00 ~ September 21, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
Facebook Campaign for 10k likes & 2k shares (Completed)
- 18 Saint Quartz
- 4 Summon Tickets
- 3 Golden Fruits
- 10 Mana Prisms a day for the duration of the Campaign (up to 130)
Da Vinci-chan's purchasable items weren't added to the shop for the duration of the Campaign.
>"1 Million Download Pickup Summon"
Period: August 31, 2017 (Sat) 7:00 ~ September 14, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
5*s Sakata Kintoki - Limited, Altria Pendragon, Altera, Jeanne d'Arc, Vlad III and Zhuge Liang (El Melloi II)
4*s Altria Pendragon [Alter] and Saint Martha
3*s Robin Hood and Boudica
Check the scheduled Rate ups for the 5*s: webview.fate-go.us/2017/0831_1million_cp/

Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

>[Miscellaneous stuff]
Master Mission: Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
Rate ups in JP FGO: img.fireden.net/vg/image/1499/27/1499273270406.jpg (embed)
Friendlist: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
Add yourself to the list: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

Pickle Rick when!?

Alter thread!

One day. I have faith that One day one of you retards will make a thread without (embed). Today is just not that day.

Dumb thot

What event should I look forward to after this?

Calm your autism.


All of them. Really only goes up from here.

Man this shit is boring. Do we just grind dailies and shit all months?

Drake before Halloween?

What are the best and most unique bond CEs (besides Herk)?
From what I've seen most of them is A/Q/B boosts for the whole party.

Just rolled her. Is she good or a meme?


we are slowly crawling out of hell

Saber Alter's bond CE has a chance to decrease enemy def when she hits them. I think it also increases her NP strength.

Alters loving other Alters thread!

We're getting Okeanos later this month, though that's not really an event. Next real event is Halloween next month.

Whats a good CE for Herc?

All the real events are a lot better than what we've had, but Shiki one is particularly good because of the pretty tower and the music.

Kuro's is neat.


Limited/Zero. Kaleido (if you have a Waver to pair with him) to 1 turn bosses.

embed Liz thread when

She's a better 4 Star Saber than Sumanai
Stheno is so bad I legit forgot she's 4 Star

>later this month

>Failed to summon waifu
>All drive to play is now gone

What's a good CE for Orion?

You can get her later down the road.


Name a better servant to summon in a normal HGW
Serious Gil doesn't count

>he fell for the bait gacha

>down to 90+ quartz
>still no Saber Alter

Should I go further? I was saving for Tamamo but couldn't resist Alter's cute dress. I've already resigned myself to whaling for Tamamo

Liz is the mightiest dragon!

How many quartz did you spend?
Who is it anyway? Maybe you can get her in one of the guaranteed ones

>tfw you get your waifu's boyfriend, but not your waifu.
It hurts man.

Why did you betray me, Alter?

Is she at least a good catalyst for Jannu alter?

Mata Hari

Do I even need to say it?

If you had the mana, Hercules.
I mean look at the things required to beat him in each route.
Hell technically he didn't lose in UBW, just Gil held him in place and killed his Master

To those anons that recommended that I buy an ASUS Zenpad 8.0, thank you, I finally got it today and it runs great so I can get angry at the gacha again.

It feels weird not playing on Memu with my trash Comp, the games actually fast.




EMIYA (Assassin) because he could just nothing personal kid behind a master.

Stuff that boosts her arts-card effectiveness.

Formalcraft or Projection are ideal. But Divine Banquet and Prisma Cosmo can also help with her poor NP build up.

>Stheno is so bad I legit forgot she's 4 Star

Just wait till you face this chad in battle and you'll wish you leveled your Stheno

Can someone post the 4* List with pros and cons?

What's so funny, friend?

Formalcraft. She's not great either way, though.

Also should mention that Herc's absolute best CE is his bond CE, but I'm assuming you don't have that yet.

Why is saber Shiki so low on the memelist?

She's the best non-berserker wave clearing unit in the game at the moment.

I'm posting my wife simply because I want to look at her.

Cu. Even if you were a shitty master you could still supply him enough mana to use his NP a few times, and if you didn't have to worry about bullshit servants like Gilgamesh he'd stand a good chance of being able to win. That E rank luck though.

Instakills are shit.

Probably bad skills.


Help me guys.
I spent 450 quartz on S.Alter and didn't get her, and now I'm having this itch and urge to spend another 80$ feeling like she's "just around the corner"

help me out of it, please

>No Liz OP

Unless it was Alter, you'll probably get spooked by her later anyway.

After this bullshit the events should come every week. Even retard NA team can't fuck up from here on.

Any assassin. Mages are dumb. Kerry would have won Zero if not for all the rampant cheating

Spooky Hassan.

Goodbye all the masters.

I think you're confusing her with her actually useful sister Euryale

>there are players who wasted quartz just to finish the final Nerofest fight

I can't wait to hear the lamentations of their waifus.

What happens if he stabs his PC with Gae Bolg?
Can't it never be repaired?

Do it now.

Please understand.

>Can't fuck up anymore
Oh, my sweet summer user...

Doesn't Orion wreck Gawain pretty hard?

do it, faggot. She's just around the corner

She should stop taking fashion tips from clowns

>you couldn't protect his smile
>you couldn't protect her smile
>you couldn't protect HER smile
Someone fucking kill me

>saving thumbnails

Damn, I forgot about him.

>need 20 Claws
>need 12 hearts
>need 16 scales
>need 7 feathers

Watch me get nothing.

Maybe next year once 2016 events kick in.

Wait for Saber Wars

Just one more try user.

That's not how it works.

She's in the next pull but because of your inaction she will be gone. Do the right thing and get another pack.

There will be other rate-ups with her in it, and you could always just meme roll the story gacha whenever you get a ticket.


This game will continue on well into the 2030s. You have plenty of time to get her.

>Spending money for the chance to maybe possibly get a cartoon girl in a shitty noble app

Do it faggot, the longer you wait the more weakness you show. You're literally killing your chances the longer you wait.

6 Slots for friends. Please be my friend?


Will they? The only one that sounds decent is the one on Saber Wars next year.


No thanks, im already busy watching myself get nothing. ;_;

>two gold chests from sabers
>void dust x2
someday, salter

She doesn't like weakness, and you sound like your resolve is faltering.

This thread is filled with Reddit filth.
What did you expect?

Honestly if she's your waifu just reroll. The point of no return for rerollers is Halloween when the first limited event servant comes out. The materials you farmed you'll get back at some point. As for whatever 5* you have ask yourself this: are they more important than your waifu?

I'm out otherwise I'd add you. Good luck, user.

Fuck you, my resolve was above charts and didn't show up.
Meanwhile some piece of shit players got her without even going to use her.

The inability to draw the line could also be seen as weakness in her eyes.

fuck off

What the fuck did you do user. How much did you pay for it? If you were going to buy a tablet you should have bought an 10+ inch model. More RAM would be better in the long run too.

She's in the knights of the round table gacha with her lancer counterpart.

I got her, Martha, and my second Tamamo Cat today in 11 single rolls.
free to play, all the way
