>Heroes FAQ and links
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>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
can we not use that shit Ike thread?
Tbh I kinda hope tharja beats Camilla because I don't have either Hector of Camilla and I still want to metagame
/feg/ was a mistake
Im fucking mad,fuck Ike. im hopping on the Hector train just to say fuck Ikefags. Shitty characters always wins and I hope Lyn kills him in the fucking finals.
here's hoping
/feg/ is kill because of Heroes. Thanks.
Would Ike be mad if I accidentally fucked his sister?
put your trip back on raul
Contain your butthurt, Luis.
Post dumbasses. He'll probably try to brush off this loss too.
>No bike with 250 orbs
Green hell is worse than colorless
user that's rape
How many Hector bonuses has there been? I've only caught three, I don't think that alert app works very well, it didn't go off at all during the three I noticed.
Boyd get back to practice
t. Venomspic
Why can't you lose with dignity?
Any chance of Roy getting another multiplier?
>Shitmilla and Thotja fags fighting among themselves just to be BTFO by either Lyn or Lucina.
>want Kagero
>roll greens
>Don't have Hector
>Don't have Ike
>Don't have Lyn
>Not going to support Camilla
Where do I even go?
>yfw hector is now bottom tier because of lyn
There's an alarm for that shit?
I want to marry Camilla and Tharja!
Roy's up over 95% right now and his hourly gains are growing due to Royfags dumping flags.
The chance is minuscule at best, he's need to drop by over 5% to enter multiplier range which would require Ikefags to burn shitloads of flags.
This thread was posted first
>another whining faggot who doesnt contribute to fuck all and just comes here to complain
Yeah, who dares to talk about the newest game that gets constant updates when all the shit from the older games are stale as fuck and discussed to death.
Just fuck off.
If everyone on Roys team stopped playing for this hour he'd probably get another bonus round
but that's not going to happen
>its just gauntlet it doesn't matter who wins
>who cares about gauntlet its just for feathers anyways
which excuse will they use?
This guy
Why didn't anyone tell me Raven was so fucking good? This is some good shit
>everyone needs to have cowtits or be a loli
I hate this.
Hecc hasn't been meta for a while
highly doubtful, blame falgburning from casuals the last couple of hours
>2 tripfags btfo in one day
Feels pretty good
Who do I promote guys
Cecilia +spd -res
Titania +def -hp
Fred +atk -spd
>Have to retire him from my defense team
Well what if we just don't want to use it?
>tfw your brain is too big to care about flawed game modes
>falling for the muh chances meme
Anyone who has sniped green knows it's the worst because you get the least orbs of it
I'm calling you out, faggot
Gib account
It'll be Lyn, which as a Lucinafag, I'm fine with. I'm really just looking forward to crushing either the 3rd worst or 2nd worst character in all of FE. It'll be fun either way.
Also Brave Lyn and Brave Lucina have been working pretty well together despite the competition
Not necessarily a loli but rather that they have to be flat like a table or have disgustingly huge sacks of fat. Either way it's good to see someone who understands.
Lyn and Ike edit when
Why is Lyn popular? She's a shitty unit, has no personality, largely irrelevant in her own game and cucks you for Hector.
>He still had Hector on his defense team
there was supposed to be but it doesn't work at all for me, it only ever went off once when I wasn't suspecting it I think, otherwise I've only heard it go off like 3 or 4 times since the Beach Gauntlet, and when I actually do notice a bonus going on it ussually doesn't go off.
I like Hana
not what you said before you knew that your loss was secured probably
your smug anime girls won't hide your eternal butthurt, its okay, you're only human
> which excuse
> which
> lucinafags
All of them and more.
me too
I mean I knew it was coming
Thot war has been mildly exciting while it lasted at least
>Shitty characters always wins
>Hope Lyn wins in the finals.
Oh the lack of self awareness. Lyn is the worst Character in the gauntlet besides Camilla and Tharja.
>Camilla wins
>Tharja loses
>Camilla in Warriors
>Tharja not in Warriors
Royfags could stop playing and still not get a multiplier if Ike is in his usual range of hourly growth.
Serious discussion herr
Who would be the first Loli GHB ?
I'm here, bitch. The round isn't over yet. You're gonna be eating shit when Lucina gets that last hour bonus
Tharja gets upset when she can't save innocent people, Camilla is fine with conquering entire countries and, after a fight, surrounded by blood and gore, hit on the defeated enemy commander. On top of that she infantilizes Takumi, threatens Severa and freaks out Corrin.
Tharja actually goes out of her way to help people in her supports
Then you're fucking autistic
We use whatever thread gets posted first.
>no defenses for weeks
>switch to meme team I just invested in
>2 in an hour
What do /feg/?
she's not getting a multiplier, sadly. It's over for her.
However, one can hope that one of /ourguys/ can beat plains thot in the final round, or mommy thot and thotimus prime if somehow one of them beats her, resulting in what i'm pretty sure will be the ONLY male gauntlet victory.
Most of them are retards and dump Sacae Blessing for CA.
Who wants draconic aura? I've got 3 cumillas lying around.
Give Freddy a Brave Axe and you got yourself the best husbando in the game.
immediately impregnate
Trip back on, Raul
>screencapping yourself
To the summoning banners to go get one of them.
>just rolled a desperation to give my quadna desperation three
just a few skill fodders away until I can start saving up to give her a bravesword+
I have the same IV on my cecilia, but I'm hoping for -def or something before promoting her
I'd go with fred for brave axe shenanigans or michalis
Baby's first FE, and those are literally the only people playing this game outside of the rare normie.
we already have tiki, nowi, and fae
the logical conclusion is that it'd be Nah as a dragonloli, since IS probably won't revist Magvel ever again
This is my Perfect Bride. Please say something nice to her (male), /feg/!
Ike's our sole hope for that. He has the most voters of anybody.
Just pray the losers choose to jump to him over Lyn.
Post your healer
Put your trip back on
Heroes is mobileshit, not a game.
We could be playing the Fates online mode that is 10 time better.
/smtg/ only discuss their old games and it never died.
>wanting your waifu to be in that shit game.
>Muh Raul
But it's true. When does Camilla ever try to help someone in her supports?
Toilet bowl seems fitting for such shit taste
>my shit tier character is better than a newer shit tier character
sexual healer
One could easily win again, it just depends on the match up. Gauntlets have been nothing but popular characters beating on clearly less popular ones. Like Beruka in a Camilla gauntlet was ever going to do shit.
>Red also beats red
I'd fuck his ass.
>a game is not a game
The absolute state of this spic
You say that like it doesn't sound badass.
That is my WIFE you're talking about and I'd kindly ask you to refrain.