League of legends general /lolg/
i wish i was a girl
>tfw you won't ever be able to play MF as a real ADC and not an ult bot ever again
So i just got back into the game and I'm doing nothing but losing in ranked
is this what pain feels like?
Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.
How do I play Evelynn?
think im gonna cave and get a dragon dildo, should I get a horse cock or a big ass knotted dog dick, @ ya boy with suggestions
Best guy!
Liss is evil and gross! Just like boodrum!
xth for Syndra
Pain is never improving
Get a bird one and pretend its Azir and you're in his harem
What do i save? ill pick a random response for a975 skin
Pain is having you in my team
La da dee
La da doo
get a normal 12in black dildo
project lucian, even if heartseeker lucian is better
Look at this CUTE and PERFECT wife!! I'm glad she's mine and I love her so much!!!!
Do it.
Hearseeker is good for the effects not really the model
I wanna cuddle Jinx
Every time I play on my sub-30 account I regret it.
The worst part isn't even the guy that posts the thread early as fuck
it's the waifufags who instead of reporting come over
keyless beta gay is mad lol
rather go with bestiality than ride dirty nig dong desu
whos streaman vg vs vgs
pls respond
>no cheat code on how to make my team not feed like Hurricane Harvey volunteers
send help bronze is hell
You need to wear heels when you play her. It puts you in character.
You dont ... you wait for the rework and play something more fun desu
Disenchant that Dawnbringer Riven.
it's niggas like you crying over a thread
I want to FRENCH KISS Syndraposter~
Same hes so cute
Honestly, as an MF abuser since the original armor pen Ghostblade Cleaver build I don't like the direction of the nerfs they gave her.
It was kind of nice being able to abuse poor positioning and bad people but actually felt hella rewarding to hit Q2 on people with some semblance of awareness by baiting them into walking into your Q or using the wave movement to make your Q hit them.
I really wish they toned down her excessively good Q and R base damages and lowered her W AS. Even hit the R CD. Maybe even increase the crit bonus to scale better with IE to give a choice between pen and crit.
Either way, I kind of wish they looked at her nerfs another way. She's a low skill impression champion only good in bad elos and only good in the LCS when overly OP numbers, meta, and literally everything else.
tl;dr unnerf MF so i can abuse her again.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
I love Camille
"Sounds dangerous... I'm in!"
Make a balance related post about (you)r pic related.
Voice comm when?!
no you don't
i wish they would unnerf mf so i could have a really cute easy to play adc when i get forced to play adc
Camille's Q can now critically strike
get a normal dildo honestly i think bad dragons are just a meme
pls no I don't want her to become pick/ban again
She deserves a mobility spell removing chompers for it would be a fair trade
Now I can have a 12 year old squeaker telling me how he fucked my mom in every game just like Overwatch. Yay.
Old hag needs to stop raping women.
Why does Riot gives a dash and knock up to every new champion and every reworked champion?
>Want to play some comfy Riven games
>Opponent tries hard and makes me lose lane
because lcs big playz
its been like that since mid season 1
Git gud frogshitter
i have literally never encountered this in overwatch and doubt it would happen here
You still have text chat.
That's kinda hot
Could you just imagine all the tank shitters tears when you hit them for half their health in unmitigatable true damage and the adcs when you one shot them
Deja vu!
I've just swam in this place before
Camille probably has a dungeon filled with young Zaunite boys that she uses to commit /ss/ whenever she feels stressed out, which is multiple times daily
>riven player complaining about tryharding
r u seriuos
passive is reduced by a small flat amount, rather than half
hate not getting kills and having massive stacks then losing it all
who is this user
>picks ribben
>calls others tryhard when he loses
hope this is pasta
Oh boy I can't wait to put this skin in the garbage because it's literally Magnificent Twisted Fate tier
>Camille raping Ekko and Ezreal
Get the police.
You've never encountered a person being an obnoxious faggot in voice chat? It happens literally every game. People who rage, people who think they're fucking Captain Amazing and give out orders like they're squad leader, players who whine about how OP everything is, players who do nothing but spout memes and talk about how high they are.
Voice chat is fucking useless in every single game because the people who are speaking are useless. I don't want to hear my 0/15 botlane talking, ever. Fuck the best way to play this game is /mute all at the start of every game. Why would you want MORE communication with the tards you play with when 90% of players can't even stand interacting with them through regular chat?
>doesnt have shy or renek
So im gonna assume you dont play top lane
save trist, both annies, and nidalee
omega teemo isnt that bad, but I have a soft spot for tacticool
if you do play riven though get dawnbringer
Star guardians OP 1 was better
maybe down in bronze lmao
Are you excited for all that BLU ESSENCE user?
Do it. Disenchant the Sivir.
I am bronze
How do i camile into darius?
Or really any lane bully?
>tried to fight renek
>he engages every time his cd are up
>after the 5th time i cant retaliate cause lol mana
>tried to cs agaisnt darius
>lol heres 50% of your healtbar gone
>play agaisnt jayce/teemo
>i hope you like poke and disengage
See ya in three days user.
comfy bfs~
>Not know that when you re-roll 3 skin shards it unlocks the skin permanently with out the need of Essence.
>opt out
And life goes on.
People actually want this skin?
my streamfu
You rolled that on the random chance of 3 shitty skins? What the actual fuck.
>attentionwhore that makes a point to advertise how he's a faggot and that being gay makes him special is an insufferable cunt
Why are Sonafags the only waifushitters that can make a thread at the right time?
Then that user going to keep her forever. Hope he removes any Riven or Kindred skins.
oh wow its been a while babe I missed you~
Wait who is the other person supposed to be
That would be pretty fun, although I'm sure she would be permabanned if that happened
I like the idea of this. Make it like those "Mom's bang teens" videos except Ekko is the dude, Jinx is the girl and Camille is the "mom"
Did you watch the vid they put out about the ip and runes and shit?
Hopefully not soon.
bad dragons are maybe too expensive to be worth it to most people, but not necessarily a meme if you are into size play. They are also among the highest quality dildos too, which is actually sad if they are just a meme
Why do you keep posting this every thread if you are never going to do anything with the skins?
>She's Diamond
>I'm stuck bronze
>Wait who is the other person supposed to be
is this intentional
Yeah so?
How the fuck do you have so much orange essence ? Jesus fuck why
>friend stuck in silver
>recommend malza
>now he's in green silver
god bless
haha and then what
>Buy Cull on Urgot
>Purge reduces damaging effect by one third, on-hit effects that don't do damage still applies in full
>therefore the +3 hp per hit from Cull applies fully
>press W and trade with the enemy like I had 20% lifesteal
>automatically win top lane
Nice thinking Riot.
What do you faggots think about the upcoming changes? Sounds like blue essence will be harder to get than IP desu.
>then what
That's it.
Take 3 Skinshards+re-roll=One free random skin.
What part of that do you not get.