If I queue on sea int ranked could i play with singsing?
Hudson Wilson
Benjamin Lewis
Nth for Big fat Maiden booty
David Wilson
clearly not, you low mmr annie may trash
Gavin Parker
Ryder Cruz
>tfw no cute vampire hero
David Richardson
what dota hero would have the most hot bondage sex?
Nolan Gray
Colton Ramirez
>mason raping on mid ench /ourguy/
Carson Perry
Caleb Myers
I haven't been here in forever, how did the MMR reset go over?
Josiah Perry
that was a better post the second time around
Ayden Robinson
>zai and ppd rather leave eg than play with cr1t and rtz
Kayden King
>(Consola): Informe enviado: Gracias por ayudarnos a mejorar la comunidad de Dota 2. >its from a 1/11/5 sven
Jayden Clark
build cyberwall
Ryan Hill
is magic ember the only ember now he's the only hero i enjoy playing bfury build vs illusions i guess? what about refresher magic build vs illusions
Jacob Sanchez
Grayson Sanchez
>no grant stream
Jacob Lopez
>Fear is back
Will EG finally be relevant again?
Jack Cox
>be me >2k mmr >at least 5-6k mmr mechanical skill >peruvians in my team EVERY single game. how do i get out?
Jason Brooks
lovin this meme
Gabriel Gray
giving you the benefit of the doubt and believing you actually are 5-6k skilled in playing your hero
you just need to do damage control to stop the peruvians from getting angry by tping to their lane and feeding them kills that's all they care about: kills they don't care at bettering themselves at the game, they want to see a victory screen and say ez at the end of the match
>no Dota related asmr I just want Rylai to give me the tinglies
Landon Johnson
>back as support I doubt it.
People seem to forget that they already tried this formula and the reason they "fell off" after TI5 was getting Shartour as a carry instead of Fear, who had much better synergy with Sumail.
Samuel Watson
Best Sub = TA Best Dom = Luna
Jackson Rivera
>mfw i realized that i had to learn spanish to play this game
Cooper Collins
>Best Dom = Luna man of patrician taste
Nicholas Ramirez
imagine if kelly was your gf
David Price
spoiler that shit
Ethan Cooper
Alexander Reyes
i will kill myself desu
Jackson Gray
Why is Diffusal considered core on Mirana? I'm asking if there's a specific conjunction with her abilities or something.
Diffusal on Faceless Void, Riki and Lancer is self explanatory. On Mirana on the other hand...
Carson Kelly
>Diffusal considered core on Mirana says who
Levi Hernandez
Literally every other tryhard in 7k rushes for it harder than Am rushes for battle fury.
Nathaniel Bennett
diffu into arrow?
Dominic Martinez
how the fuck do I play this game, I just get stunned for 15 seconds and die
Zachary Richardson
>ppd and zai ditched eg and didn't bring sumail with them
Jaxon Ramirez
diffusal is just a good item >good stats for cost for agi hero >good active pretty sure it's going to get another nerf
Logan Rivera
that's a good thing because your team can clean up easily team isnt there? that's your fault, play with your team team does no damage? that's your fault, let them tank it then you clean up
communication and teamwork are very important or at least some awareness
Dominic Myers
Don't roam the map like a fucking idiot with your piece of shit sniper.
Staying behind the tower won't save you either, you need coordination.
And wards.
Daniel Howard
please no removing self purge was a fucking massive nerf to a few heroes
Benjamin Williams
Today i realized how much of a braindead game this is because of how horrendously strong """""""supports"""""""" are. I blame reddit for all of this.
Nathan Perez
Is there any game modes that aren't full of smurfs that I can actually learn the game
Aiden Green
dont play least played or limited heroes (not suree if that exists anymore)
a lot of people arent actually smurfs but just brainless trenchlords who can farm that end up back at 2k within 5 games every time they make a new account
Dylan James
>they nerf the stats again >yfw the components give more stats than the full item themselves
Julian Green
I sort hope the next patch is a ricer patch again
Aaron Martinez
Sumail dad is Fear
Bentley Thompson
Josiah Edwards
>first 2 games played since TI >griefers who give up minute 1 and start throwing >uninstall the game again didnt take long to remember why i quit this shitty game get rid of the third worlders or dota will continue to decline
Bentley Sanders
What are the most legitimately unbalanced bullshit heroes
Nolan Gonzalez
>buriza on TC
Connor Perez
Dotards? Nara is exposed.
Evan Powell
Nyx Necro Pugna Zeus Sven
Evan Kelly
I play Necro more than any other hero and I absolutely agree. It's just so easy.
Josiah Carter
Talents are the absolute WORST thing that ever happened to dota. Seriously, for what reason would they ruin the game like this. >Hey lets make this hero who has strong early game skills and needs no items to achieve their set goal. then some years later some fag came up and said this >"Hey lets take these strong early-game heroes and give them FREE items every 5 levels! PLUS they get a TON of gold after rightclicking the enemy hero once after 5-manning! Surely that wont break the gameplay balance of these heroes at all!" The fact that the game is balanced aroudn talent trees and not the heroes themselves anymore is proof enough of how poorly designed and broken this feature is. I honestly wish whoever came up with the idea of talents would fucking die the most horrendous death imaginable in the history of horrible deaths.
Earlier today i downloaded the source 1 client of Dota 2, you can still play bot matches and watch old replays on it. It was beautiful. No Wind-laces, no blightstones, no hurricane pikes.
Easton Edwards
Is this some new pasta because it's already stale
Aiden Green
Feed me dotards
Jordan Sanders
eh, worst part about talents is there's no way to adjust them. you can quite literally fuck yourself with no recourse.
Logan Jackson
*feeds you*
Joseph Nguyen
>bulba is 0-5 in fpl, dead last this makes me happy, but itd make me happier if he released mason from his clutches
Oliver Edwards
Jason Gray
dead thread
Camden Rivera
what a way to overrate talents, jesus christ it's like when talents got introduced, people where like "muh powerspikes" and in like, what, 3 patches? they got balanced and now it's fine
the talents don't replace items, im not gonna stop going phase on x hero because i got +25 move speed or +X damage so i can get treads if someone stops going arcanes because +2 mana regen, it's because you never needed arcane at all and i could certainly keep going but why bother
Jason Gonzalez
>start spamming blink-initiators >gain 500mmr
so when do people learn to fix their positioning and not stand in front as the carry
Jason Sanchez
Daniel Ramirez
Its the same few 2k trash whining about it. That or me ooga team booga. They whine about the metagame while they can't even drag themselves out of the bottom 40%
Henry Mitchell
Give me one reason not to kill myself d2g
Connor Brooks
tranny porn
Zachary Foster
you haven't seen your new waifu in action yet.
Sebastian Roberts
Because Windrunner is real!
David Jenkins
Lincoln Flores
how do we save Mason
Owen Roberts
My tiny is legitimately 7k
yet when he plays int ranked he tosses his team into the enemy team and throws multiple times.
Probably shouldn't have picked ember, got completely wrecked vs Nyx/Legion, though I don't know what carry can survive that.
How do people like Tiny even exist? Why can't they just uninstall the game if they don't care? Why waste an hour of your time trying to lose a game?
Mason Sullivan
>rubick with wukongs command LMAO
Camden Robinson
what does it mean?
Samuel Collins
Luis Wright
Holy fuck this general is D E A D
Zachary Taylor
You winning your games onii-chan?
Jonathan Davis
When is the best time to play Ranked? Most of my games are still at Normal bracket. Is it recommended to play Support during Calibration matches?
Austin Wood
you forgot your picture user
Carson Hall
WR is a 3d model tho.
Ethan Reyes
How is SingSing balanced?
Ayden White
James Rivera
Luis Edwards
Jeremiah Lee
peru is asleep
Aaron Cox
Joseph Morales
there's something wrong with your picture user
Sebastian Morales
You winning your games onii-chan?
Jack Clark
does anyone play the reincarnation rpg
which is more fun, bladerider or fencer?
Brayden Green
>creates a loli hero >make it sound like an adult woman so people won't notice
why is valve so smart?
Isaiah Morris
Today, we realease... The patch‼
David Sanders
I find that hard to believe when I've seen dudes get shit for picking tiny flat full grown women. Granted its other women but still.
Jeremiah Wood
who are those cum plums?
Easton Peterson
im scared of picking sylph when my friends are around, they might think im a faggot.