/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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first for Ike winning

Tiki = Waifu is a fat spic

>Tharja lost
>Tharja not in Warriors
Imagine being the spic right now

I thought he was asian?


>Lyncucks pretending they're not as shit as Lucinafags.

Hector is the only actual character left in this gauntlet.
My flags are yours.

>I thought he was Asian
lol no. He's a fat spic pretending to be asian just like the other spic claims hes "light skinned for a mexican"

Let's not get crazy now.
Hector is not a character.

I hate lilina's stupid ugly hat more than everything in fire emblem

Thank you user, we are probably not going to win against Ike without a miracle last hour bonus, but we will try nonetheless.

When you think about it, isn't Hector just a function?

fite me faggot

my +atk/-res 5* hana only has a brave sword right now, do i
>promote ogma/draug for a brave sword+
>wait until i get a karel/athena and pass wo dao
>wait until firesweep sword comes out

Good luck in the next round Hectorbros
If Ike loses I'm joining you guys no matter what.

Compared to the other 3, yeah he is.

How many of you are fucking spic?

It's not ugly or stupid you bully.


No. He's one of Raul's discord circlejerk buddies, and considering the trend he's probably a Mexican like the rest of the /tmsg/ (all 5 of them)

I'll be on your side even if we end up losing
t. royfriend

So Leon doesn't rely on Quadmemes to be effective, right? I got a 4* +Atk -Spd fucboi and a Klein ready to pass on his skills, I'm wondering if +Atk is really all he needs.

>all the good characters won
Best gauntlet, eat shit faggots
Except Camilla vs Tharja, both suck, what a shitshow

Ike does the angry better than Hector and deals with the death of his father than Hector did with his brother.
Ike didn't blame Titania, for instance.

Post Ike.

>Good character.

Whose hands are these?

>Roy can even kill Xander's sister better than Xander

I wonder who could be behind this post

I want to grab her soft, fatty thighs!

Felicia is the cutest! Nobody could ever make me feel as happy as she does! She is truly perfect in every single way to me! I want her to always be happy and smiling! I could never ask for more! I love Felicia!

is reddit down for anyone else?



Go back to plebbit instead.

So who started the rumor that nephenee is a tempest reward how is it posßible ?

Also next banner is POR and not RD right ?

>go out of your way to give tripfags MORE attention

>Hector and Camilla get Brave versions for making it to the semifinals

Daily reminder that none of you will ever have as much unabashed dedication to Ike as Anacybele

no bully

>If Hector wins I get to support Hector
>If Ike wins I get to stay on team Ike
Win-Win for me. I dont expect either of them to beat the autism of waifufags though

Isnt Venomroy an actual shota?

Mine. All three of them.


>Reddit's Hector
Ugh no thanks

I'm nowhere close to mexico what the fuck you faggots are saying.

I started it.

kill camus for goad or merge him for the +1?


neph's sprite was in the last datamine along with BK, its not really a rumor but more of a likely chance
inb4 b-but much celica was found before her banner that means neph is a banner unit

Kill yourself you attention whoring cuck
>m-muh trouble sleeping and depression
Kill yourself you fat panda fucking faggot, I used to see the gay furry shit you posted on wow general fuck off Mehu22

She's not, however on tumblr someone just drew a picture of her with a dick. Is that a good consolation prize

Gonzalez and Garret's

>9gag's Ike
Ugh no thanks


But your points must be so ass?

Completely different scenarios. Ike saw his dad get killed. Hector knew nothing about Uther being sick and later dead until he found out Oswin was keeping that info from him.

>tellius banner
guess I can horde for a while then
Wake me up when we get more Jugdral or Elibe

We need more inheritable tomes. This shit is starting to get stale

God no.

Just an orblet waifufag. The omikuji revealed 2 banner characters and a GHB. BK is obviously a GHB.

Her sprite was found alone in the browser game's files. It wouldn't make sense to only add one character from an upcoming banner in the game so most people just assumed she's going to be a TT reward unit.

Post link

where's the rest of this

>Gorilla Ike


She is complete

Ike is a big dumb smelly chad who loves inseminating other boys

A non-biased waifushitter.

>Baby's first waifu.
>Good character.
>inb4 l-lucinafag!
She's literally the lucina before lucina was even a thing.

I just want Bearded General already, Spring Camilla is already skank enough for my purposes but I guess another one wouldn't hurt.

>we finally get bearded hector
i would roll so hard for that

I agree, at least compared to Ike and Camilla. Let's fight for our big guy, lads.

Add me bros, and tell me who you guys want me to set as my leader (Xander, Ursula, Cecilia, Julia, Camus).


the shitposting wasn't nearly as bad the last couple of gauntlets since the whole lyn v lucina thing is a proxy war for the old v new fe autism

>Loves Roy and shits on Ike
>Abandons Roy in smash and changes to Ike after losing too many times

reminder to play the shitty browser minigame so we can get orbs

I like Hana

Yeah, but how do you outdo blade tomes?
If you can't, it's pointless.

>All those (You)'s from last thread

You anti-Lynfags are making this too easy. Although next time I should probably add AUTISM to the list of insults you'd hurl at me because that's the only rebuttal you're capable of. It doesn't matter now, do what you must because we've already won TWICE. Maybe I won't upset as many people if I just stick to a generic

>yfw Lucinafags BTFO

comment. As for any fellow Lynfags, good job and rest easy. The next round will be a cinch and even if we loose to Ike it won't matter since we already accomplished what we sought out to do. If you felt my post wasn't helping the situation I apologize, but it needed to be said. You do you, and I'll take the bullet on this one. Peace.

>She's literally the lucina before lucina was even a thing.
That would be Seliph my dear

Someone do something! Mamui's jealousy of Femui's popularity finally made him snap!!

Who's the best one to snipe for out of Lucina, Boy, and Ike?

How did Amelia get so huge?

I like Ike.

Ikefagging is okay but Hectorfags are worse than Lynfags and Lucinafags. The fanbase sees him mindlessly bruting around and cheers him on, and they act like they're superior to waifufags just because he ain't a waifu when it's the same arbitrary cult shit. At least waifufags are honest.

He's got nothing going on as a character, and his fanbase is stupid enough to think he's the best lord in Horse and Pent Emblem.

you don't need to reply to the same post twice

>Teeja passed Camilla

All 4

Which Eirika to I promote?


who else /readytodienextround/ here? At least we'll probably get bonuses

me too

Gotoh with Starlight that nullifies bonus like Lyn bow when


Roy. You can even get fodder.

I have 85k feathers anyway and if ike wins all of them im getting 1500

>want to give lancina rally def/res
>have never gotten roderick

I already got the Lucy wallpaper so nah

From drinking her husband ross's semen

Hey folks, let's see your Round 1 ranks!
We lost the battle, but I placed well!

Goddamn it, traps are my one weakness, I'll even forgive the plebtier legwear. pantyhose are better

Also I guess pic related is mfw, and a delivery for the user who wanted to see a Homer version of this image.