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>Heroes FAQ and links
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Best lancina IV?
>You know what? I love you. Does that make you happy?
What did Delthea mean by this?
She wants you to bend her over and penetrate her sluice gate.
A happy Genny is a cute Genny!
+atk/+spd -hp
>Ike vs. Hector
Whoever wins, we win
Good luck armadlads
go to jail
The difference between Japanese and English voices is pretty significant, I checked the wiki and that line in English is supposedly "So, confession time! I am darn fond of you. Huh! How do you like that?"
Meanwhile it's a proper "I love you, does that make you happy" in Japanese
Holy shit, Lyn actually beat Lucina. That's a pleasant surprise. Hopefully she can actually take out Cuntmilla.
Where are the buttblasted Lutshina fags?
>all of the better units won the first gauntlet round
feels good
I really wish I could speak Japanese now so I could translate all of these JP voice lines since they sure as fuck got Treehoused up by the localization team.
best red tome horse in the game user. what's not to like?
Fake news perpetrated by drill and false flagging Lynfags.
seething and crying themselves to sleep
>Get 20 orbs after the login bonuses
>Roll +Speed/-Res Lancina
Nice. Now I got all 4 CYL Heroes. How should I build her?
Unfortunately for you guys, it doesn't bother me all that much. She's still cool but most of her fans suck. Maybe this'll shut them up for a bit.
who were you trying to pull?
Nice quick riposte fodder.
I'm going to make her my bride
>the two spics have been shitposting without trips due to getting BTFO
Inspired by the other user's work
>Royfags so butthurt they lost that they make early threads to get their meme image in the OP
Real mature.
FBI honeypot.. Don't fall for it
Is +HP/-Def a good enough IV for Hector to make giving away his DC a waste?
>pulling 5*s that aren't the focus units
fucking raven and karel
It's done.
Help me build her now.
back off shes my bride
>Chrom lost to Hector
>Tharja lost to Camilla
>Lucina lost to Lyn
Awakeningfags eternally BTFO. Camilla is next.
Faith in this community has been restored
>BCordelia survives Vantage Hector with 1HP
Yes, we all know you're ecastic that Lucina lost to one of your waifus, Raul.
He's -atk +def
Was trying to snipe Bike since he was the only one I don't have didn't get any greens and so I got Leo'd
>Roll for Seth/Roy
>4* -atk/+def Cain
>my fourth 4* Eirika, this one is +atk/-spd
Jesus christ man. I don't want Roy okay, just give me a 4* Seth.
But Camilla is even worse than Tharja.
>he can't count hp +def or cordelia vs your atk on hector
>Keep getting this user's Innes on my team
Im kinda upset I didn't roll for him now tbqh
I wonder what this user is doing now
It really sounds like Tana is saying "do me" instead of "tell me"
Raven tome.
Tried Adept.
Get ready to cuck Lyn's and Ike's.
Raul pls
I didn't have any tactical options because I had a garbage team, it all came down to Hector being able to do the 36 damage and he only did 35. For fucks sake.
That's not tomato tome
No it doesn't, you mongoloid.
>Thunder's Fist meets Bow's Flat Palm
Paper beats rock motherfucker
To add to this user, would she benefit more from Dragon Fang or Draconic Aura?
Aura, right?
>implying Lyn isn't just as shit as Lucina.
>better unit
>not as crazy
Camilla is better
Last post I saw from him was with that same picture saying that the match wasn't over yet.
>the meme is real
Bets on the other summons I giess
yes it does
the madman did it
Saizo in the top orb
Glacies, Guard, Distant Def
If you're willing to give up all of that fodder is up to you though. I have no idea what it's meant to do either.
>finally get fourth Selena
>she's also -Spd
Jesus christ how the hell do I manage to get four -Spd Selenas? Fine you dumb bitch I didn't want to try to use you anyways.
Because she's a female instead of the abomination that is dub Effie
Delusional virgin lol.
doesn't she use "daisuki"? that's generally less romantic than plain "suki" is
Ofc she is fucking -spd. I fucking hate this game.
Rapid tap Julia with JP voices while you're at it
Treehouse is shit.
her character has a literal different personality in the original
>not rapid tapping english Merric
>want to save feathers for nephenee so I can give her a firesweep and lnd if her offense sucks
>summon the selena I've been waiting since february for
It's time to finally fix my fuck up of promoting a -Def Selena when the game started. I'm sure Neph will be able to use the Slaying Lance just fine.
Give that Roy quick riposte my dude
user, she literally killed her half-siblings when she was a kid. According to her Boo Camp dialogue she may have a damn game out of it to prevent herself from seeing it as just plain murder. Tharja is just a stalker thot.
user rolled robin you fucking lying shit
get the fuck out of here
I was unironically thinking of giving her guard actually. I have the Fodder anyways.
No distant def though
>pulled a +Spd -HP Horsey Lyn
I've literally pulled one of every Brave Hero, plus a freebie Lyn. I now have 5 Lyns. It's never been so good to be a FE7 bab.
Built mine like this. Giving her Drac Aura
I tried to get a Julia but ended up with a Hector. I can't say I'm upset but I don't have a Yuria-sama despite my best efforts.
What skills does he have on him?
Team Hector? That's my boy.
Any chance ISIS will do brave versions of Hector, Camilla, Tharja and Chrom? I can't magine what the theme would be since it seemed to be dad-cosplay for the other four.
Camilla is WAY fucking crazier, what are talking about? She just knows how to hide her power levels.
How is a +atk -hp Lyn? I'm guessing pretty good.
She's a young girl around Elise's age. Not some 29 year old body building jokester.
put your trip back on
>steady breath is literally just a better version of fortress defense
seriously its fucking sad how that works
Never any A skill but Fury on her.
B skill should be Lancebreaker. There are meme choices like Renewal, WoM, or Escape Route that can work, but LB will almost always be better.
Reposition as assist.
You can do Moonbow, Luna, Aura, or Bonfire for special.
I'm so glad that I started this meme
its this user's beautiful beast.
>Lucina lost
Why isnt the thread in flames?
Why can't they add some good 3*s that I won't be miffed to pull?
>steady breath is literally just a better version of fortress defense
Guess Olivia is getting my crappy Seth's Ruby sword.
As much I like Hector and Chrom, it means the other 2 shitty thots get it as well so I hope not.
Then something like Sturdy Blow, which also has the same issues as Distant Def I suppose. Can even go Fury
You can just go cookie cutter raven t.adept but if you do do this, I hope it works out!
All the lucina fans are NA and are asleep right now, when they wake up the thread will implode...
I can't believe this mobile game has done better representation of the classics in the series than Awakening, which was going to be te sendoff game.
because Lucina is shit and no one here actually likes her
He's ridiculously fucking ugly and shits up my green rolls, I hate him.
Why does this pic 404 on me, what the heck? I wanna see what he's got.
because nobody actually cares
Nice Innes
That's another user. I posted a few threads back and got Sophia as my answer alongside merging my jeorge. And then later giving Sophia tomato tome as her weapon
>37 res