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First for cancer memes
second for buy plat
Never Forgetti.
I love memes
>ywn be this fucking over the top edgy and tacticool
I still wish warframe could be cooperative tactical espionage action
Don't you see, black to blend in with the shadows, red to blend in with the blood
So many of you are wrong on a daily basis, but I can't tell you why because the truth would get patched.
this is a completely useless thing to say, at least point us in the right direction, O bringer of truth
>in the future, cure for cancer is created by corpus
>grineer are dirt poor and can't afford it
>only people affected by it in Warframe's day and age are people who weren't lucky enough to be born space jews
>be nekros
>be stealth red/black nekros to be specific
>desecrate the bodies to get them to disappear
pretend to be playing dishonored basically
Ivara is essentially Theif with tits.
Ordis just needs to call her taffer for the full effect.
Post warframes
wouldn't it be nice if any of this actually mattered? but that would require some kind of stealth rework
This is a story of a girl.
pls stop saying that word
>Modded the Gorgon Wraith for firerate with a useless riven that I had for it adding even more fire rate
>There was an actual frame skip / screen freeze
Weird how this shit doesn't happen with the T Vipers Wraith
I do this like every time.
I'm up to over 100k kuva without doing anything.
Nah, he probably just bought plat
I'm sorry, I know it hurts
>It's an obvious downgrade
>Forum is still filled with "Thanks DE" and people generally happy a frame is shittier
>farmin sweet plastids
>edge color frost prime
>"hey frost, can you delete your bubbles?"
>"lol why?"
>"they just get in the way."
>"this is just what frost does lmao get used to it"
>"(pic related)"
I actually enjoy playing Hydroid.
I know it's a shitty frame, but i don't know. I just like to ____buy plat___
I hate Frost Globe players and Limbo.
>how to fix limbo
stasis no longer freezes bullets
Genuine question:
I played Limbo for the last few days to get some mastery and i tried to not use cataclysm when people wanna shoot stuff and mainly used it to hold bigger groups in riskier situations.
In some cases, i said in chat that if my cataclysm was being a nuisance, the team could just say it and id stop/cancel it.
Also, while in defenses, i brought cataclysm between rounds to replenish some energy, but cancelled it as soon as mobs spawned.
In conclusion, i mainly just shot stuff and revived people while in the rift(safe), while keeping time freeze balls to a minimum.
Did i do less terrible? Seriously.
And if i was indeed a shitter, how do i suck less at Limbo?
aborted fetus bros ww@
>be limbo
>lock down a single point using cataclysm + stasis
>help cap other point b/c one of the shitters with naruto in his name doesnt know what a point is and is just running around doing fuck all
You seem fine.
You aren't the idiot that makes it so we can't harm enemies on missions where we need to kill enemies or make it so we can't activate things ingame.
When will DE finally make interacting with a console negate momentum so running to activate it won't automatically fail it and trigger spy shit.
I fucking hate Hydroid players, Im sick of the tentacles ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLACE getting the enemies stuck when you want to kill them and one of the fucking tentacles having a goddamn energy leech fucking you over
I actually did that in one or two interceptions. Where the team died to some random ass lv20 mobs.
Ended up holding a point with catalcysm, running to help the other and getting back to kill the stuff that was frozen in the first before they capped.
Why the heck would i fuck the team?
Only case i would actively use cataclysm while were killing stuff is if we have ember, banshee, wtv that kills everthing close without shooting.
t.japanese school girl
I'm getting of Frost Prime Amazons.
Most shitters don't even know they are fucking over the team. They are just that lacking in understanding of the frame.
I ran into one who put bubbles half a mile away at every enemy spawn in survival, so farming polymers took 5 years.
Then I joined a competent team with 3 Nekros and got 30k in 40 minutes.
Now that you mentioned... most people dont even read their frames abilities.
You have a point.
That's why Frost and Limbo players are so annoying.
It's them, not the frames themselves.
I'm very glad that i absolutely hated playing Frost for the mastery.
I'd rather be a pool as Hydroid than playing him again.
>Zephyr Prime
>Enemies all over the map flying all the fucking time
Oh god no please just endo my life now
polymer farm where
>bring Nidus to interception
>Max range 2 build to bungie enemies out of caps
>Zephyr joins
>Keeps spamming triple tornados
>Tornandos have a stronger pull and yank enemies out of my larva while still strung up
>completely arrests my power since all connected enemies need to die or the timer run out
>always casts it on the capture points so its a massive pain in the ass
>even with the three other players telling him to stop he refuses
it hurts
Is this build alright for a quake banshee? I feel like the only thing that matters is range unless I'm reading the mod wrong and you wanna go for a balanced build.
10/10 best build possible
I forgot my picture how embarrassing
>Faggot spamming move that doesnt let everyone kill
>Complains when he gets told
>Lowest damage % and kills
Watching a Banshee P trying to use earthquake without the augment thinking that he is doing actually fucking sometihng is of the most stupid shit that I have ever seen
>negative power strength
it's like you want to be useless
you're just gonna be the guy that keeps all the enemies staggered off map taking damage at abysmally slow rates
whats the point of power strength though? doesn't it work by giving +100% instead of doubling? or am i wrong?
>everyone bitching about crowd control frames and not one mention of ember
world of fire players are niggers
What's wrong with WoF embers? they only CC like 5 things at a time
They only hit like 5 enemies and they can actually kill em
>augment that takes time to spool up damage
>starting with less than half the damage
>needing twice as much time to be slightly useful
Question about duration and efficiency.
Based on this chart does that mean that if I have 40% duration as long as I have a maxed streamline hand fleeting expertise I have max possible efficiency?
WoF is fine unless you're on a void relic mission and 2 retards have maxed range, so they kill every enemy before it corrupts.
Yeah I guess I see your point, it's better to have good cold start damage over range. I just swapped out over extended for intensify.
Even though going by this chart the user just posted
I guess I could do a transient fort since it would put me at 45% so with streamline and fleeting I'd still be at max efficiency right?
How about those Atlas players? Just going around and punching shit?
>not using commando excalibur
atlas is shit compared to excal
They are just the common shitters, like that faggot loki trying to leech as always
>there is no efficiency cap regardless of what arsenal says (can even hit +100% or "200%")
>ability cost is capped to +/- 75% of base
>channeled abilities cost eff-modified base cost divided by total dur per sec
that's all you need to know, so yes 190%/40% eff/dur works (10% cost divided by 40% = 25% cost per sec) just as well as 175%/100% (25% cost divided by 100% = 25% cost per sec) or 130%/280% (70% cost divided by 280% = 25% cost per sec) or any other combo
Use this if you want
>positive stats
>Pop 2 and shoot a few enemies to spread Sonar everywhere
>Use 4 and watch the damage numbers fly as all of the Sonar points pop and spread even further
>Run Zenurik and Arcane Energize to keep energy up
>Throw some pizzas down if need be
>Laugh as entire defence waves get blasted into the void
Just watch out for autistic eximus units and Ancients, and you'll be fine
>Unmaxed Vitality
Is this a joke? This build looks like shit its almost "continuity/intensify/stretch/streamline/flow" "build" tier
How the fuck do I make my Angstrum keep Corrosive damage without switching off Scorch or Ice Storm? I'm trying to make a multishot spam with the Corrosive for Armor reduction, but the element damage keeps fucking around on viral and magnetic instead.
Mods are applied to the weapon in the order they're installed. Move them around until you get what you want.
Nezha is...
a boy
a flaming faggot
not particularly good at anything
What the fuck even was the point of the ash "rework"?
>Bladestorm should be more interactive
>Nerfs it
>Still isn't interactive
Making it so you couldn't go into a high level survival and constantly spam 4 forever.
DE address the bitching shitters in the forums.
So you have to aim at enemies. Previously you just pressed 4 in the vicinity of them and everything dies plus you were invulnerable the entire time. Doesn't justify the rest of the nerf.
I am fine with the marking system and I actually like it, but the core problem of it being an non interactive cutscene is still there.
They could have easily made it so casting it made your shadow clones perform the killing while you could still play the game. Only problem is that this removes 4 from being a oh shit button since it turned you invincible, but the buffed smokebomb should fill that roll now.
>>I am fine with the marking system and I actually like it
The marking system is awful. It makes 4 completely worthless, because anything you can hit 4 on could just be shot.
Ash is only viable when you're MR 4 and don't have any decent mods. Which is a shame, I like the way he looks.
I don't think ash's 4 needs to be interactive. I think it's fine the way it is, if anything they needed to rework it so it looks like this
So it would feel more like an ability you cast instead of watching a movie.
As for interactivity perhaps make it so instead of the marking shit you hold the button for as long as you want the effect to happen or until you run out of energy
But the "movie" was fucking cool, it still feels the fucking same
The movie is cool
This is pretty cool too
My idea of it is that it should still include Ash in the attack but only for the first one and he targets either the enemy under the reticule or the highest ranked enemy that has been targeted. His personal attack does 3x damage and 3x bleed and ending in a guaranteed knockdown. The shadow clones then continue the attack on other targets long after having finished his personal one, acting as secondary CC.
The counterbalance would be that Ash himself now gets placed next to his personal target rather than teleporting back to where he casted, so there is more of a risk to activating it without marking everyone.
I have a dream for blade storm that gives it both power and interactivity while rewarding player choice in the moment
>retain current marking/attacking mode with single press
>long press to activate manual mode on single target and immediately launch attack
>press melee key to queue up marks to be fulfilled by clones on current target for additional per-mark cost
>able to aim and soft "lock" to new target in small reticle range like mesa while on current target
>short press while locked will immediately move to next unmarked target and allow further queuing or target hopping while clones execute queue on previous target
>each hop and additional mark costs same base
>no hard limit to clones or marks on target, able to use manual mode controls even if started from current short-press queued mode
>manual mode ends by long-pressing again or running out of targets/killing current target or running out of energy
>if activated while smokescreen is up, duration is increased up to cap for each kill
>allow blade storm kills to trigger stealth kills instead of always alerting (fatal teleport should do the same)
>remove target invulnerability during attack animations
>inherit stats from melee mods in exchange for reduced base damge but always use consistent "exalted shiv" attacks
I'm sure there's plenty wrong with the idea, and of course DE would never do it even if it doesn't bring him nearly to the old level of press and forget room-clear because it's relatively convoluted, but this would be my fucking wet dream for blade storm on a conceptual level
Yeah this is what I think DE should have reworked it to. It's basically blade storm but it happens outside of the movie, instantly starts hitting everything around you and much faster.
I only want blade storm to kill fucking faster
something like that or the dark phantasm/mirage in nier/automata would be fucking great
Fuck, I just realized that Zakti is an auto-detonation castanas. The thing that operative did with it prior to hydroid fix was pretty much an exact copy of what new loka operatives used to do.
Zakti is my new favourite sidearm.
As nidus
I swear at some point DE is gonna nerf all of our fun with zakti by giving it a shit ton of self damage
>Dart weapon
>Self damage
Don't do this to me
it's gonna happen user, they're gonna make it so you can gas yourself with them
Isn't the recoil on that thing horrible?
Not really, only has 3 shots and it's got some range on it's explosion
>Atlas players
i played that game for almost 1500 hours and i encountered less than 10 of them.
I just shoot the ceiling most of the time with it.
>grinner attack corpus shipments and stations often to steal the cure vials
that would actually just make it worse for the corpus so i don't see why would they even attempt it
a stinky trap
good god remove that disgusting face