/xcg/ - XCOM General

Cropped porn edition

Previous mission: News:

2)Julian Gallop Phoenix Point News (New Update: 8/30/2017)

3)Jake spoke at PAX East on March 10th on the growing pains of rebooting XCOM

4)LONG WAR 2 1.5 is OUT

The /xcg/ Mandatory Read:

/xcg/ XCOM 2 Character Pool:

Image Library of /xcg/:

List of compatible mods for Long War 2

XCOM2 modlist, updated long before WOTC (Out of Date)

MEGA Mod Repository, now contains all of the mods in the modlist

/xcg/'s Long War Library (New LW players read this shit or you will be ignored):

Piratez mod for OpenXCom:

The X-COM Files for OpenXCom:

Other urls found in this thread:


>not useful

What would your title be if the Chosen actually caught and converted you


Assassin theme >>>> Warlock theme > Hunter theme

Commander, probably. The aliens do seem to lack any kind of unity and leadership.

xth for fastest man alive

It turned out that Assassin is strongest of them all...

how are you even controlling this guy?

There's a resistance order that gives you a chance of starting with an advent soldier. There's also a continent bonus that gives you a chance of starting with a resistance soldier.

Yeah the ADVENT defector resistance order. Also Dark Events that affect ADVENT troops will also affect your defector.

MMMM nice, templar, skirmisher or raeper?

You can get stun lancers from that?
It's only proc'd two times for me in 20~ missions and both times it was a generic grunt.
Picking up the unconscious soldier in that scientist lost mission didn't even have an animation for carrying, so he just ran around with a dude floating above him.


Yep, stuns lancers are pretty ballin

I really dislike this bombastic, orchestral Hollywood music they went with in 2, it's really generic and boring.

Skirmisher gives Advent, Reaper gives Resistance

Resistance orders and continent bonuses are drawn from the same pool, actually.

*slashes your teammate*
*hides behind top of the building*
wat do?

Nade the building, bring the whole things down.

>tfw you're going through old posters to remember old triumphs and you come across soldiers who are no longer on the roster
I'm sorry, friends.

>buy all the DLC for the expansion
>with WotC there is no mission for Alien Rulers, so when you encounter them Tygan and Bradford keeps talking about Vahlen without the game even mentioning it to me
>SPARKS can be made instantly without any mission

What the hell, this fucks up immersion by a ton.

>advent grenades blow up cover that isn't normally destructible


those missions would be hell with the new fatigue system

Already have someone up there, duh. Failing that, blow holes in the floor until she falls down

>ends with a 4 hp faceless dropping down and meleeing my guys next to a car
>blows himself up

worth a try I guess

They have more advanced grenades, plasma nades blow up more cover as well.

Shit taste

So can you check posters from your old run if you start a new one?

guys I can't take it anymore I'm restarting on Commander.
This is just too frustrating.

all saved on your hard disk

Yeah, just got check the photobooth folder located in you My documents.

just realized they kept the snek all the way up to its boobs

Stupid question probably, but I unlocked an Axe and shit from research, yet I cannot make them? And it's not part of my inventory.

Anybody got the EU roll DL for WotC?

You can change the difficulty in game.


they made them into proving grounds projects m8

Ah, so I have to wait until I can make proving grounds?

You need to make them in the proving ground.

So if you killed enough you could have a snek boob mousebad for all the computers in the Avenger.

just hypothetically haha yeah

Yeah, I got it.

Kill all the Ayys.

Still, I never played those missions and all of a sudden when fighting a Viper King for the first time Bradford starts talking about Vahlen. It's so out of place.

it's mentioned when you research the weapons

just like the chosen backstory

increased butt size mod, when?

Opinions on savescumming?

Certain mods have thicker butts, like titanfall gear, the Rainbow Six Siege ports(that's probably dead since Uncle Gunman is out of the modding scene for the time being), and i'm sure it's only a matter of time until there is a mod that lets you use the Skirmisher's underlay armor on any soldier, which has a thicc butt.

Actually i'm surprised that mod doesn't exist yet since it would only need an .ini config, maybe it already exists and i just don't know about it.

What's the point of playing at that point? I do it when shit breaks or whatever, but other than that it sorta defeats the purpose of even playing in the first place.

Already exists
Female Skirmishers

Gravity is the Chosen's worst enemy

Yes, but when you encounter them for the first time at alien facilities both Tygan and Bradford mentions Vahlen as if the mission had been done. The game up to that point has not even featured Vahlen in any way. It's a hilarious oversight.

>just like the chosen backstory
I killed the Assassin and researched her weapons, but I didn't get any of her backstory, only that the sword were out of this world and the shotgun being really good.

Up to you how to play your game.

Okay on missclicks or total bullshit like 3+ 90% misses.

Literally cheating, however, if you are new to the game or bad at the game i shall allow you to restart missions.

They're all in the archives.

Like the templar plot, I think they ran out of budget.

>3+ 90% misses
It's called the game working as intended, whats the fun if you can just redo every time shit goes wrong?

then we really would be the villains
thats some buffalo bill tier freaky

>When your autistic character backstories are so detailed that they require you to theorize which country will be hosting the olympics a decade from now

user I hate to break it to you but boob pads IRL are made from 2d girls as well.

I want to do ironman but one single crash will remove my save completely so I have to do normal mode and I can't help it but savescumming

The Titanfall gear just looks kind of weird on the soldiers. It would be lovely if there was a full body modification mod. I hate how all the soldiers look the same in height and shape.

Yeah, what the fuck happened there. They give us a mission to introduce both the Skirmisher and Reaper, and let us fight both Lost and Chosen, but the Templars are not featured anywhere. No, instead you have to contact them via a Covert Action.

>i shall allow you to restart missions.
Oh thank you merciful user for it would be a shame if people could play whichever way they want.

Eh it's a singe player game so play how you like but what's the point of playing Xcom if everything goes your way.

The Templars have the most interesting backstory too, with Geist being an XCOM psi squaddie.

Post inspiring resistance propaganda

I don't give a shit. Sure, sometimes the ai crit me through high cover and I take it but when it's a very important moment where I've thoroughly outmaneuvered the enemy only to get cucked by sheer incompetence out of otherwise good soldiers, I'm not going to swallow it.

I mostly savescum when you trigger a pod via bullshit means. For example the arena being too small and while you manuever to get a better shot you trigger a pod with your last soldier.


>have to do this with surgical
>not pictured: the sectopod, elite purifier, elite

yeah fuck this I guess

The chosen are 90s anime villan as fuck
>main bad guy has 3-6 powerful henchmen summoned for a task
>they all hate each other but work together anyways
>they get picked off one by one
Used to be cliche as fuck, but seems almost refreshing

So is anyone playing the challenge mode also anyone from /xcg/ hit the global leaderboards?

The one on the right is dead now...

nobody's playing challenge mode because

>have to disable mods to play it

>non100% miss shots missing
>being a gripe
yeah ok tell me when you miss a 100% shot then Ill agree

How's the expansion

improve on the gameplay?

Was checking the library and saw this gem.

First mission, she did so well.

>thoroughly outmaneuvered
If you havent gotten a mix of flanks and height advantages that earn you 100% you weren't "thorough"
Also by that logic you should savescum when you crit an alien at 50% through cover at max range with a shotgun

Pretty deadly, often wounds at least one trooper heavily when encountered.
Ayy lmao I dont think he managed to deal a single point of damage in all his missions, and his stronghold was a fucking joke, he just died to my bonded ranger duo so easily.
>use a mindshield

Assassin is literally the only even remotely threatening one of these fucks

They definitively ran out of budget, they didn't even make new models for Spark gun attachments.

I just came to the realization that customizing my dudes to be some of my best friends will make it impossible for me to see them get shot the fuck down.

>stunlancer surivies because my gunner lowrolls and hits him for 4 instead of 5
>runs in and knocks my Specialist Colonel unconscious

great gameplay

I savescum whenever it suits me because I'm a petulant brat. What are you gonna do about it?

>started with an Aussie
>promoted to Ranger

I HAVE to give him the boonie hat. I can't help it.

You equip 6 mind shields man?

So I've got full tier 3 and chosen weaponry, am I ready to go to the Viper King nest and activate the rulers?

I'm not ragging on user for savescumming
I'm ragging on user for making excuses for himself
"Just because" is a good and valid reason
"I need to justify to myself why I deserved it" is just sad

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

Get Reaper with Banish and Superior Mag to fuck his shit up.

tier 3 trivializes rulers

rulers are designed to begin from tier 1

Just equip them on your templar and ranger duo and let them run over the warlock while others wank off somewhere

Stacking guys is fun
Shepard here killed the Hunter in one turn by himself with some words of encouragement from his buddy. Here he is right after that battle

You were ready a long time ago. Make sure to bring special ammos and nades that apply status effects.

>the dundee shorts and straya vest finally reveal their use
Fuck higher tier armor tho
>I don't know what 0% and 100% are
lol k

What's wrong with that?

there is literally a toggle to turn off mods without losing your list now

are the are the new voice lines translated in other languages ?

>Blowing up covers and standing three tiles apart for 3+ shots at 90% and all of the missing is good game design.

lol k

>Can't be spotted if you get the kill
>Stack crit through roof
>One shot codexi
This is fun

Mind Control/Scorch has such a long range and short CD also Spectral Zombie/Stasis kinda fucks my shit up. Warlock was the only chosen I had trouble dealing with and Hunter being the easiest.

If the hunter had better AI he'd be fearsome as fuck.

Every shot that landed critted.