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>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
I have +res Hector for my green in main arena team so I won't use BIke there but for people that use him in their arena team why? Any green that can survive Rein and counter to kill seems better
Lynfriends, remember to conserve flags for the finale. Camilla is an easier fight than Lucina, so you shouldn't waste all flags now. Lyn us rightfully the most popular FE character voted by real FE fans, not boosted by some memetic popularity from a children's party fighting game. Let's do it for her!
>implying Roy cares about the triangle
Not everyone has Hector
Is she any use? I have an +atk/-res Frederick I could give her Brave Axe to if not.
>Got over 10 (Yous) with this team
Why would he care when he's such a big boy?
>+SPD -ATK Hector
Should I just feed him to Zephiel?
>Lyn losing by a landslide
Are titties simply that much stronger than nostalgia?
Feed him to Burger King, when he comes.
I love Severa, and I love her family! They're all so cute & nice together!
> not boosted by some memetic popularity from a children's party fighting game
That only applies to Hector and Camilla. Tharja was a trophy and lyn was an assist trophy
>tfw wanted to pick Ike for my free unit
>starting to like Roy more and more
>didn't like his art at first but it's really growing on me
Talk me out of Aiku, /feg/
Me second from the right.
-spd sounds awful, give her axe to freddy
My best friend wins again!
> Any green that can survive Rein and counter to kill seems better
Nobody has this too?
We need more Xander GHBs
Who now? I don't come here often.
Black Knight?
AI is retard and predictable. You should figure it by now. Tier list is fucking useless.
Light's Blessing :^)
His art is amazing and he has the stats to match. If you dont roll a Roy i'd say take him.
Speaking of Hectors, which is better for him? +HP/-Def or +Def/-Res?
Tharja was a cut content trophy.
Nephenee will likely be a Tempest Trial reward, not a proper banner.
Finally finished cooking cutter Roy build. Really lucky nature I got.
What did you Lancina fags put on her A and B slot?
Stop falseflagging, lyn friends don't want to fight ikebros
Because Ike fans are desperate to prove that he's a good unit that deserves his title of being the strongest hero ever, despite both of his variants in the game being outclassed or niche at best. Unfortunately IS don't care about Ike and his games that much as those almost killed the damn franchise. Americans made him have the most vote, so now that they are releasing his CyL variant, they let Western actors do the live action short for Western hype. Japs don't care that much about him.
I'll do that. I need a green axe horse for Lyn Emblem ft. Thundercock anyway.
I hope so I have many feathers prepared for her for any kind of build
I'm referring to Smash and Roy, Lucina, and Ike are playable characters in that game. Roy and Ike especially has memetic popularities which is why their CyL variants have cancerous references to that shit game.
>go on reddit's discord
>greentexts and /feg/ memes everywhere
>even smols and friezas
>IS fixes arena bug
>suddenly 4 defenses
really makes me think
>Got Brave Roy
>+def -spd
Do I just feather his ass?
>tfw no matter which team I join I always get a bunch of reds and maybe a blue
T-thanks guys.
Abusing stupid AI won't do you much good if you're using units that can't even win favorable matchups.
>QR 2
Lyndis also.
I can't wait to see how many (you) i can collect with this cancer defense next week
Use green as your unit
>battle in gauntlet no bonus
>right after it finishes i get 3.4x bonus for next one
What the flying fuck now I gotta wait?
Save for a merge
Fucking dancers man.
I've been playing since release and they still manage to surprise me every now and then.
Zero. No one is dumb enough to fight any team with a cav unit shown.
Lyn also appeared and people tried to meme her into the game. She was memed into project M even.
You could probably even argue Lyn is worse than if not the same as Ike because all the PMcucks seem to love her and fly into an autistic rage if you mention the build that never happened.
So in the end
Vantage or QR on this Bike ?
>Playable characters
Learn how to read, retard.
This is your first voting gauntlet, huh
How do I build Clive? Preferably so that he can function well even outside cavmemes.
Lyn has no chance against Ike you dumb retard
The bonus ping pong is too real right now
I think QR breaks the damage reduction while Vantage won't. QR does let you meme hard with Bonfire though.
I know people use QP for Reinhardt by default, but I wonder how terrifying it'd be to use QP Dragon Fang on Roy instead.
Because people liked her Assist Trophy, but the other 3 has way more votes from Smashbabbies fan than she'd ever have.
replace Camus with bladetome Cecilia and you're golden.
Only a couple things about the gauntlets are even worth noticing
>If the most cancerous fanbase gets btfo round 1, that would be some hilarious justice
>but that hasn't happened yet
>you get 4 orbs every 2 days
>if you're poor, you will appreciate the feathers
>this one put hector on a banner
What a waste of time and programming for something that doesn't even matter.
>Ike will get 1 more bonus
Not this shit again
Is it better to get a shit IV Brave hero, or get spooked and fail to roll one at all?
Actually, yes.
So Lyn's Smash connections are ignored because you say so?
Did my post not fit with the narrative you were trying to conjure up?
I just gave mine Earth Boost, QR2 and Bonfire, he seems to work out alright with that
Lucina got fat from swallowing too much cum and having too much nutritious semen injected directly into her womb!
Lucina's plump ass slowing her down by making it harder for her to dodge and run because her buttcheeks and thighs jiggle every time she bounces up and down!
Lucina's new chest tumors blocking arrows like Lyn's chest guard and making her harder to kill!
Well, they don't have a choice since everyone next is gonna lead with bow lyn or have her in defense somewhere cause she ftw btw
>but that hasn't happened yet
It happened just now though.
shit IV. All of them have great fodder skills
I only rolled red because there were no green orbs.
I'm not wasting orbs for another and I'm not keeping shit IV units in my barracks so he can fuck off.
maybe on the men's side, but lyn is still in the gauntlet.
Which one of you faggots is crossposting. I know a bunch of you browse reddit.
tfw you're part of the 5% who doesn't,
and also played Thracia
>Vote from smash babies are somehow worse than votes from "baby's first waifu that lusts over self insert"
No better than Camilla or Tharja.
Rate my wife
>oh guys look at me I'm autistic
Also (You)
My new ally.
Is a +Attack -Res Lyn usable with her standard kit?
>Lyn is still in the gauntlet
>forgot to get the 2nd run during Ike's one and only boost
I fucking hate gauntlets.
Ah. So this is the power of autism.
So this is the power of an actual lucinafag
is +atk gronnblade cecilia better than +spd
you 1 shot everything right
why do whales always play in japanese?
is it the same breed of autism?
What else does she need /feg/?
Go fuck yourself.
It's optimal or it's nothing.
Yeah, let me listen to the cancerous memes they put in the CYL dialogue.
what do you think, retard?
Gentle handjobs from Lewdcina!
seething lyncuck detected
Learn what seething means.
Ah the old bait and switch.
Yes? No? If I knew then I would not be asking, reddit, would I?
>Steady Breath
Really curious, how's that working out for you?