/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

T H I G H S edition

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Previous Thread :

First for fuck ben brode


playing a meme dragon paladin for the memes right now memes hehe xD jade is bad amirite

>piloting a deck
>win condition
>draw engine
>murloc package

Ele rogue is actually good.

Unless you get matched up against jade.

so it's trash

Holy shit I fucking hate having to deal with this shit called Jade Druid with Skulking Geist.

Just because you don't know what the terms mean doesn't make them stupid.

>try out Shaman for once
>le random transformation ecks dee
What an amazing game mechanic.

> 'nut draw'

Who the fuck came up with this retarded term? It started just last week and now every single streamer, even those spic and russian dudes averaging only 2 viewers say it constantly as if it was uniformly agreed upon terminology.

can you explain to me why you STILL play this game?

>just because you don't make terms up to sound smart doesn't mean they're stupid

you draw cards until you nut

>It started just last week


>just last week

card backs

It's an ancient poker term for the best possible hand in a game that has long since been adopted for almost all other card games

Dumb newfaggot

>doesn't mean they're stupid

Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

Where the fuck is my skeleton, Brode?

The prelims are actually more fun to watch than playing ladder because everyone bans druid.
Wonder what conclusions will Team 5 arrive at.

I think this was a good set, except the non-dk class legendaries are easily the worst legendaries a set has ever produced.

A lot of the cards have good flavour, art and do interesting things. Can't wait for the rotation to see how this set pans out.


I paid good mana for that fucking skeleton.

>skeleton is also invisible ghost

Jesus fucking christ

How do you plan on winning that match?

Where do you see yourself in 90 seconds?

same thing happened to amaz


thats what you get for not preordering goyim

daily reminder to buy more packs so you can get all the cool deathknights


why do you even play a f2p game if you're going to be a cynical asshole about it

No shit they're jewing you, if you can't see past that and enjoy the game anyway regardless of how much money you spend you're just torturing yourself for the sake of garnering pity on Veeky Forums and need to go back to /v/

>"You can purchase a new hero for your favourite class in the shop"
>Go to shop
>No Warlock hero

>this expansion has neutral legendaries
>can't even name one besides Arfus cuz of meme name

>going off
>burn plan
>game of skill

>Lich King

Velen's Chosen the priest, survive the Frostmourne hit with 1 health, Horror the ghosts, buff the priest a ton and heal from that, pray to god he doesn't draw AMS or Obliterate.

It seems Warlock isn't your favourite after all

But I only play Warrior, and I already own all the cards for it.

People really need to stop playing Mid-Range Hunter

It's so linear, one dimension and boring and also so fucking abhorrently garbage. What compels people to do that to themselves? AT least play Deathstalker.

>People really need to stop playing Hearthstone
>It's so linear, one dimension and boring and also so fucking abhorrently garbage. What compels people to do that to themselves? AT least play Gwent.

Are you enjoying the control meta /hsg/?

Most viable deathstalker decks are midrange decks with deathstalker as a heal/small aoe or additional wincon against control.
90% of the games you win you didn't even play deathstalker and smorc shot won you the game.
Although that Quest Deathstalker deck looks pretty memetastic.


>Quest Deathstalker
Tell me more.


>Counter boost
>Quick peek
>Pop flash
>Anti eco

I just packed Grommash so yes I am

>wahhhhhh i want a control meta fuck aggro
get control meta
>wahhhhhh nerf this control class
hearthcucks are never satisfied

>communists in my general

I was perfectly satisfied with the Un'Goro meta, thank you very much.

Haven't played it yet, but looks ridiculous and fun

>Win condition is literally last card in my deck

Fucking boiling here lads

Jade Druid is a tempo deck not a control deck you dingus

Control meta will never work cuz most players don't have all the fucking expensive leggos.

>Jade Druid

Also Jade Druid isn't even the best deck

fuck off blizzbot

>Naiman won without playing the quest
Next level bm.

>f2p btw

literally who

Deck thinning bro

I make more money than most people in /hsg/, and I simply refuse to spend money on this game anymore. What you get is not worth the price that you pay, both in terms of quality and quantity of content.

Keeping your mouth off of Brode's penis isn't communism, it's just good money management.

Fuck off /pol/ shill. Start thinking for yourself instead of spilling the retarded "jokes" you call memes.

He didn't need to ever get the rag hero power because his opponent's wincondition was burning him out, so he went for the armor up plan instead.

Had he played the quest then he would've not only clogged up his hand with a Sulfuras he literally can never play out of fear of being burned out, but he would've also shown that he drew the quest instead of obfuscating information and literally being any possible card in the deck to his opponent.

Not ever playing the quest in that situation is 100% the correct play, especially considering decklists are open .

*tips fedora*

Control meta now would be pretty cancerous with cards like Dead Man's Hand and Benedictus.
Not that we can find out because of jade druid.

so /hsg/ what's the strongest decks currently?

Is it really that hard to use google

>Zero cost hero power for priest dk is ok!
>Druid is the problem!

decks running Innervate are the strongest in the game

I want to talk about this post for a second because I found it funny, but can't decide if it's intentionally or unintentionally hillarious. See this post can be interpreted in two different ways:

1) You're a fedora warrior who spends a lot of money on the game.

2) You're implying that user's a fedora wearing faggot.

If it's the former then kudos to you, that was funny. If it's the latter, then 2015 called and it wants it's meme back.


Priest is just as bad or worse than Druid

Take the Druidpill


assblasted as fuck

>complaining about the only thing still able to counter Druid
Hmm, well played fellow not-Druid.

>Your cards have battle cry deal 2 dmg
>Drop 11/11 12/12 and 13/13 while healing for 14 hp and drawing 3 cards

Two things can be cancer at once, dumbass

>L-lets nerf druid!
>But priest is ok!
What happens when they nerf jade. Who will be countering priest.

>My turn to play
>Time to deal thirty damage
Fun and interactive.

>Infestation is 8 mana now
Did I fix the meta guys?

Me: Hungry

You: _______

They can, but was clearly implying that Druid is somehow not cancer rather than both being cancer.

I admit that druid is unbalanced, but pretending that he is the only thing unbalanced in this game is dishonest. Mage is also horrible, as is murloc paladin.

Mind if I roll weed? xD

new to the game. what do the stars mean?

You can call me a master baker ;^)

Just stop it. Go play a real game.

how far you are from reaching the next rank
so now you're at rank 25 2 stars so if you win your next game you'll be at rank 24 1 star

When the starts are full and you win another game your rank improves. If you're a new player you should probably stay out of ranked unless you're just looking for a reason to quit the game.

>Blizzard are still printing charge minions

I had to buy Naxx and BRM with real money to have the broken cards every legacy boy uses, and that welcome bundle only cost $4.99 so its almost nothing.

If blizz were not that dumb, they could get more money by selling some kid of pre constructed decks, giving new players a way to be competitive.

>Blizzard are still printing awful charge minions as pack filler

>retards still use the term "print" for a digital collectible card game

>tfw 100 wins from golden pally
>only good deck murls
im tired of playin this shit

I'll CUT you down to size!

play handbuff or cuntrol

t. beaner with no concept of the english language

Who will be countering priest.

Mill Rogue is the hero Hearthstone deserves, but not the one it needs right now

What's the pick here, lads?

Just ran into a jade cuthun Druid at rank 15