/scg/ /edg/ Elite Citizen: Star Dangerous General #198

ED info:

Open Beta for 2.4 is up soon, you should be able to access it through launcher if you're a PC player.

Announcement vid /w contribution from our lord braben: youtube.com/watch?v=PX49v8zYutI

>Frontier Official YT

Star Citizen Information:

It is the standing Recommendation of /scg/ that if your game package contains an Aurora MR, Aurora ES or Mustang Alpha you would be well served to upgrade it to an Aurora LN. It's only like ten bucks and provides a significant increase in firepower and survivability without any real downsides.
Be aware, this is the gateway drug to wasting your life savings on spaceship jpegs, keep your discipline and don't upgrade further unless you specifically want to buy Ben more eyeballs(and cheese), finance Sandi's dreams of being a C grade actor, fuel Chris's cocaine habit and send Erin and Brian into crippling inescapable depression.


>Star Citizen Official YT

>Other games:

Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC and E:D to become playable.


Other urls found in this thread:


Reply with "pls no more ship sales mr roberto" or Star Citizen will never release.

Second for weeks, not months

pls no more ship sales mr roberto

Could we rename this general Elite and Vapourware General?

I don't bloody think Sharia allows it.


Non-shit Freelancer variants when?

Lets post this early

Name 1 (one) space game that's better than star citizen 2.6.3

darkstar one

a game that you can play

Tie fighter

Hellion, NMS, Rebel Galaxy, Evochron Legacy, Starpoint Gemini Warlords, House of the Dying Sun.

>user's space games don't even have 6DOF combat.

Before the end of the year >insert Smork'd.jpeg


Rebel Galaxy is the only 2d-ish game. All the others are 3d. Hellion's EVA stomps SC into the dirt.

Who knows, maybe they'll have it in 3.3 2020


That just means they can hold the game longer even if they sort all the bugs out. Arbitrary vague bullshit is arbitrary, vague, and bullshit.


I'm trying to decide what weapons I should put on my hardpoints for my ASP Explorer.

Any recommendations?

Level up too fast and it's game over at the turret missions

Shame too because the game was fun until those points

Big shields and lots of hull with good thrusters, your ship is the cannonball with your engines being the cannon.

Top stuff.

He's not kidding. Rambroing the fuck out of some dads is the shit. Consider a Dolphin for the role also.


>Eckhart is working
You guys are just out of control.

have the clean version

>they pick their partners much better now
by using a camera with a CCD that delivers less resolution than a digital camera I bought in 2002?
even poverty tier smartphones deliver at least 5 megapixels these days

>thinking megapixels mean anything

Another time maybe.

I just want to shoot some cunts

>hey bro, heres you're controller

Its the near dark feature they are going for. It will have a sensor like a wildlife camera so it can work in almost complete darkness. A regular webcam won't work well in low light.

Generally, multi-cannons work in every size. You have to constantly reload at stations, but they are easy to use and do ok damage without engineering. Energy weapons don't need a reload, but at smaller sizes you are going to be there for a while pecking their hull down.

Mixed loads work also, but that is a matter of taste and there is hardly one "correct" answer.

I'm just trying to decide what i should have in the class 2 slots whether I put in multi cannons, lasers or even missle racks.

I just know I'll be definitely getting two lasers and two mutli cannons but what class i dont know.

Does trackIR work in dimly lit rooms too?Because it has double the frame rate.

>females of all species are hopeless exhibitionists

The class is determined by the mount type. Fixed is always the highest damage, turret is always the lowest. Gimbal is a good starting point to see what you like.

Turrets have a specialized place. If you are farming CZ and leeching kills off the npcs like you should, you can set your turrets to attack selected target only and go comfy mode where you just tag ships already under attack with your pulse turrets and move on.

As far as what to mount, try everything. You get 100% back on parts so you don't lose anything trying it.

It requires extra IR illuminators ($2 worth of leds), but the CIG one will too probably.

she knew what she was doing

>100% back on parts
still such a dumb fucking idea. fucking dads crying about losing money for fucking up their outfitting. shoulda been 10% just like the ship, it's not even a big deal. many games have much bigger resell penalties.

Sorry I didn't mean the mount types, I meant the medium hardpoints I've got. I don't know what to use in those slots.

Replying again. I would add that the track IR is already set up for IR light so it may work as is. The issue may be the whether the foip and track ir software play nice together. Without the trackir software, the 120fps may not be of any use.
I'm ashamed of how long I played the game not knowing that and just selling ships fully equipped.
I guess I'm not following. It's a medium slot so you should choose size 2, the class is the mount, and you get everything back when you sell. There is no meta without engineers, so it is more a matter of taste. Don't try to minmax at this point, just survive in a CZ and learn the combat. You won't do any real damage until you are in a medium ship anyway.

>I'm ashamed for not cheating

I check in a few times a year to see how shit is going. Last time was 2-3 months ago. I was told to check back after gamescom as we would very likely have 3.0 (finally) by then. I am aware that didn't happen.

What if anything are we expecting out of citizencon? Are they even going to do that this year?

Go cut the grass, dad.

More Idris footage hopefully.

they haven't missed the september deadline yet.
but they better hurry the fuck up.
september 18 is the latest they said it would release. it might hahahahahaha come out before then.

it was the dads who cried about resell, dad

When did they set themselves a deadline? Last time I checked (2-3 months ago) they were just saying shit like "soon" and "ts coming along." Or, at least, that's all I saw.

more delays on 3.0 and a huge ship sale regardless of the fact there is no fucking game

there were some news reports of it when it was delayed in july. based on the schedule report.

They've already gone back on SQ42 being shown at Citizencon, despite still claiming it'll be out this year

TL;DR absolutely fuck all. 2020 release is no longer a joke

>It requires extra IR illuminators ($2 worth of leds), but the CIG one will too probably.

No it doesn't. TrackIR works in everything except direct glaring sunlight, where nothing would work anyway.

A zero resell is tiny compared to the trillions of credits made at Robigo alone. You had anons making billions a week at a single station. Not to mention Draconis 17. I can't even fathom any feature of the game as cheating when shit like that went down.
Even post-Quince people will make money. Some anons already know how, after 2.4 is live, there won't be any point holding it back anymore and everyone will know the next trick. I'm one of the most anti-dad anons on here.
What you have to keep in mind is, track IR is looking for the targets that are either IR leds or reflectors for IR light. Foip needs your face to be lit up, so the lighting needs are different. I'm not at all saying it wont work, but that they just have different operating objectives is all. They may not work together.

If you were talking FOIP then yeah of course TrackIR won't work. But I really, really don't know who is going to use FOIP for longer than 5 minutes. I'm only interested in head tracking, because it has an impact on gameplay, not some roleplay horseshit

You can buy a security grade usb webcam with IR illuminators built in for less than $10 on amazon that will work for foip. From monitor distances, almost any IR sensitive camera will work.

those have shitty fps and won't be responsive at all

Thanks for the info. I guess I'll check back on the 19th and see what's what.

Its hard to keep being patient. Really feels like this project should have started to crystalize by now. Still feels like there is nothing concrete about it despite being nearly 5 years in.

>Even post-Quince people will make money. Some anons already know how, after 2.4 is live, there won't be any point holding it back anymore and everyone will know the next trick.



I'm not saying shit with an open beta going on. Not that ftroop could do anything this late, but it's not worth it. You need to C H I L L until then. No one is going to Shanghai this trick.

this schedule report is fucking miserable

>we're working on mission givers (eckhart and one other)
>inventory stuff
>ship insurance
>ship loadouts
>basic mission archetypes

>we have just now begun development of star citizen
>last fucking minute before deadline
>5 years late

>it's okay that the basic gameplay is shot because people just glitch the progression anyway

That's backwards. People glitch the progressions so bitching about a broken gameplay element is like complaining that your zipper is down after you shit your pants.
I don't play with headcannon rules. I play what is. If I have to go to Quince, or Drac 17, or pristine ringed systems, then I go. I didn't write the fucking bugs and I'm not going to be left behind because of imaginary rules that no one else follows.

>huge ship sale regardless of the fact there is no fucking game
They've even found ways to jew ship sales extra hard by not allowing CCUs on the sale ships. The flimsy pretense that the money is actually a pledge and not directly buying jpgs has completely gone out the window.

>left behind
on what? it's basically a singleplayer game.

mmo players are fucking cancer.

Then why do you care about in open, if you are playing solo. If it is a single player game to you then fuck off to your Asp explorer and go to Sag A for the 20th fucking time. No one cares about your RP pretend bullshit.

wow, shitizens eternally btfo

>stop comparing yourself to other players, their progression doesn't concern you
>stop playing the game wrong!!!!

Choose one (1), and only 1 (one).

COD is made on a well oiled assembly line, not exactly fair to compare most any game production to that.

>you don't want to glitch and grind
>you must go to sag A 20 times and be a roleplayer
this is exactly what I mean, you literally have no conception of what fun gameplay is. fucking trash. fucking cancer. kys.

I backed elite IV, not elite online: korean edition

is it worth upgrading from a python to an anaconda if i want them to both be heavy multi role ships

Yes because having an anaconda is a show of power and status.

don't forget the most important part
for a small fee of course

Anaconda has the highest jump range in the game. It is also the only one of the three large end game ships (Cutter, Corvette, Anaconda) that doesn't require faction rank to purchase. It's the end game multipurpose ship.

no i just want functionality

can it provide and do what the python does and better or not

Hullo cultists and cmdrs, citizens and dads!

>tfw you lived to see noctis v

Python is a Medium ship, so it can land on pretty mych any station or outpost.
Anaconda is unable to land outposts, since they don't have a large landing pads.

>Power and Status.
>3rd world's export product.
>Literally every shitter, furrfag, dad, and his dog, have one.

I'm actually half tempted to get that when I finally fully deck out my future Anaconda

if you intend to spam this shit at least make it useful

I've completely overlooked the superpower factions in my near 70 hours of gameplay.

Can I rank up with all of them? Or does doing well with one reduce my status with the other? Clearly, I've been not paying attention and have been doing a lot of Federal missions.

you lying fuck. elite was released 1.0 in 2014
and cutting off the "prototype" just because they ditched it doesn't justify anything.

you can rank up all of them

>Excusing Star:Citizen's prototype, but not doing the same for Elite:Dangerous.

t. Faultist

There's no favoritism.He didn't even take into account that star citizen is a much larger scale project than e;d.

Nice, because I definitely like prefer the Imperial ships compared to Federal from what I'm reading about them.

Yes, everything except dock at medium pads.

You wont care because theres nothing you want at those stations anyway, half the times theres no outfitting and theres never rares or shipyards, you cant even accidentally take missions to go there.

Plus the Anaconda can out-manoeuvre the Python with relative ease. Aside from the rebuy theres no real downside. Also you can get a little pet fighter and a credit stealing wingman too!

SC cultists will literally try very trick in the book to dismiss the first linked picture.

They literally foam at the mouth in disagreement because their "game" isnt even in a testable alpha state after over 3 years and $120 MILLION dollars in development.

Its the worst case of post-purchase rationalisation you will ever see on Veeky Forums. Just wait though, one of them will call ME salty for stating this because it triggers them so hard.


>destination station is 320,000Ls away

well, at least I can go make some food and coffee

>overshoots and needs to travel back another 30k manually
Be sure to grab the mug

more realistic dev cycle for dangerous
updated end date for SC

whatever cultist threw together the old one added like a year to ED without any basis for doing so

got back with 100,000Ls left, so no worries there.

nothing better than space and coffee though. infinitely comfy.

five minutes and fifty seconds

5 fucking years, where is my damn videogame CRobbers?

No SC because of unrestrained feature bloat.
No Sq42 because of Robert's autism and delusions of being a film director.

All those games are shit and SC isn't nearly finished. This does suck waiting so long, and it does seem likely to take longer than anyone predicted, but I've only backed the game with $50 so I'm willing to wait if it improves the quality.

they literally have only just started to make the gameplay after 5 years of fucking with the engine

>after 5 years of fucking with the engine
and building a development studio(s)