League of Legends General - /lolg/
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Post big Lulus.
anyone else #honorable?
I love you so so so so much ! I love Heimy and you, user !!
>I'm at a wedding
>It's not Vlad x Vayne's wedding
Just fml senpai fml it
At least the food is good
I love my boyfriend Kled SO much! He's so cute! I want to ravage his butt!
So why do Fnatic suck now?
xth for Syndra
What do we all think of the new Star Guardian theme?
posting the best support
I mean in playoff compared to regular season
Tell your siblings I'm happy for them.
>autofilled support
>ask to trade to literally any other role
>end up going janna as last pick
>top feeds
>mid feeds
>jungle isn't getting ganks off, but at least he's getting scuttles
>adc is doing alright i guess, boring lane
>we get pushed our when they 4man bot
>firedrake is up and they're doing it ontop of my ward
>our grag is level 9 while their shyv is level 8
>doesn't even try for it
>tell him he has a higher smite, he needed to at least try since it's a fire and it's a shyv
>"youre clueless kid lol"
how do i win league of legends as janna if my team is working against me
reminder surrendering is for faggots, dont be a pussy user
Poppy a best.
i dont surrender because i think i cant win, i surrender because i get bored of the champ im playing
dont pick a "please carry me team" support
just shield more xD
reminder this happens less and less in elos above silver and are a combination of many things such as champions falling off, an inability to end/not ending when you can/someone getting fed on an off role and not being able to carry in it
surrendering is fine and only literal bronzies never surrender
Another reminder: "faggot" is a rude word !!!
>has tits
>no nipples
What's the point of having tits then?
i want you to call me faggot while you beat me up heimer-user
Post a champ and some music
Relation to each other not required
>Tahm Kench is the bane of all Yordels
>Kench eats them for fun and would eradicate the species as a whole if he could
How come no one rejoices the unsung hero of League of Legends?
if you vote no I'm just gonna int, deal with it nerd
Air sacks so she doesn't have to waste energy floating and such.
They are like the humps of a camel.
i dont understand what she means by this. is she trying to lead user to go for more lewd bits, or is it one of those "stop staring at my breasts, my eyes are up here" situations?
>I never surrender!
Yes 6/12/2 Pantheon I understand that it IS possible to win this game where we are down by 6 towers, 3 dragons, and a baron, but that would entail this being a 60 minute game, where there's a 85% chance that we lose anyways.
I would rather just end the game and move on to the next one where I can actually enjoy myself.
I need to be a girl
This is the average silver game
I got the shot caller icon. I hide chat by default and never say anything, hell, I rarely ping.
It's the first disuised as the second
Can any of you fags tell me how to play Jayce vs Jax? Early game is alright but past 1-2 items he beats me and after that I can't even walk near him
It sucks
t. girl
no wonder red team lost
She is wearing a dress, you silly. She is not a slut, hence why she doesn't walk around showing off her boobs.
Nami is pure.
Lulu fags fuck off.
I think wukong could be good in competitive. CC, mobility, damage, can go tanky if he so desires, whats not to like.
Obviously pros only copy eachother which is why we rarely see snowflake picks but yeah
holy strawman batman
the example posted was literally a 12k deficit at 22~ mins that was won in about 40.
you must suck if your games end at 60 mins
I think you're already cuter than any girl. Also, damn, Rakan is fun.
You aren't suppose to let him get items user
when he jumps on you switch to hammer form , knock him away , wait for his stun to wear off , jump in , walk out
They don't end at 60 minutes, but every once in a blue moon you get a duo queue who refuses to surrender and you're stuck in a hell whole where you int feed or try to scrap together a win. Why lie and act like you've never had a long game that you don't want to play anymore?
>give over Trist this time
Good one Fnatic
Pure cancer.
Take a break. Don't play for at least a few weeks. Don't watch streams and don't come to lolgen. Go for long walks and play some game that requires genuine skill like Quake or some good rpg. Get a lot of fresh air and maybe meditate.
Do some exercises and run a little.
After that you select two roles and 4 champions. Copy runes and masteries from a pro player or high ranking soloq player. Watch a stream of players that only play those two roles and those champions. Learn about minion wave control and objective and vision control.
Learn how to create an anomaly, how to snowball.
Yeah I bet getting sex whenever you feel like it with zero effort is just awful
His jungle clear is really fucking bad and he's a bruiser so he can't go top
how do i jgl?
We really need a new yordle female. Rito pls.
I need a FOUR
>he thinks girls like sex
Not in the slightest, and many pros have meme picks they practice for very specific scenarios/teamcomps, like when Khan busted out the Morde this split
full mute all
This looks pretty similar until you get past diamond.
'he's X therefore he can't X'
this sheep mentality is why we see the same shit every game
go fuck yourself
are you implying men can't also do exactly that or are you just projecting your own issues
t. silver
We actually won bot pretty hard but ori was literally 0/10 at one point so oh well.
Getting some unlucky games so far today. I've done more damage than a carry position both games so far today.
But never give up the climb user.
>Painful/bad sex is better than no sex
>Add the risk of murder kidnap and STD, stalking trafficking and whatnot
Yeah it's very good
we need a male yordle support and an male yordl adc that isn't corki
Man it was always weird starting high school thinking girls didn't like sex and it was some thing you had to earn and shit, then leaving high school into college realizing of course girls like sex why the fuck wouldn't they that's how we continue the species and really girls are just bad at sex since they don't have to try so they say they don't like it so no one calls them on being trash at it.
H2K is going to stomp that comp looks so good
Yeah, that's what I figured. Could've probably smashed him way harder if Lee hadn't ganked for him literally 6 times
You either live in a 3rd world country or a fantasyland
Either way all your posts are discarded
>Scavenged enough orange goo to upgrade championship shyvana
I'm a good husband
Unless you're King Chad men expend a lot of effort to get laid. All a woman has to do is sit back and pick one of the many desperate men trying to get their dicks wet. Being a girl, is much, much easier than being a man, which is why there are so many guys falling for the tranny meme.
Look at Ahri, a slut who just lets men come to her.
what happened in the game prior to this vs a vlad/graves/kog
>Let me explain to you what being female is like silly female
are you the guy who said yasuo jungle is sleeper op by any chance
B-but i don't like abusing my loved ones, or anybody else..
this makes me feel better I guess.
and I got reported a couple games ago for politely criticizing someone's build so I'm kinda surprised but can't complain.
lulu has the best feet, dont you agree user?
>pick one of the many desperate men trying to get their dicks wet.
But that's all the ugly nerds. You could also get laid if you went after the ugly fatso girls dude.
>most men are the devil
>ezreal has a higher winrate in the jungle than as an adc
>being a slut for more honors
you dont deserve honor 2
>not all men can be Chad
>all women can be sluts
being a slut is easy
being a chad is not, plus it requires genetics
even a fat sloth with a manface can become a slut if she makes it easy
>play a professional game
>try your hardest to win
>decide to pick a champ that has none of the attributes of a good jungler in the jungle
For what strategic purpose would wukong ever be superior to another champ? You could see a Malphite if the opponent picks too much AD, or a Yasuo to counter Gnar, a Lulu/Ivern Jungle to round out a protect the carry comp, Fizz to counterpick immoble mages, etc., but what does he bring to the table that something else doesn't?
Most men don't see girls looking for casual sex as respectable humans so feel they can do whatever they want to sluts and get away with it
Admit it, would you respect a slut's preferences if she crashes at your place?
Yes? Being Chad means being attractive and having money. Being a slut only requires you to be willing to open your legs for Chad to stick his dick in. Being a woman is OBJECTIVELY easier than being a man. It's a golden ticket for an easy life.
At least women will never make Diamond in League of Legends.
normalfags get out
Is it gay to duo bot with a girl (male) support player?
Nobody says they "get away with it", the point is they can get it whenever they want. There are drawbacks, you'll get shittalked, your parents might disown you, but that's not the point.
Anyway, this league of legends content isn't league of legends enough for me.
post YFW you got first blood
Perceived attractiveness is mostly about being confident and taking care of yourself.
It's not society's fault you're too insecure to interact with others, too autistic to have good hygiene or hold a job, and too lazy to work out.
Who the fuck would be beta enough to let a slut crash at their place without even putting out?
>S-Sure stacy You can sleep her....Want me to pick Chad up and bring him over too
If Ahri stayed at my place you're damn well right I'd want her to put out, she's taken enough dicks, one more is nothing to her.
heres a spoiler for you. just because a man doesnt respect a woman for being a whore doesnt mean they intend to stalk/kidnap/murder them.
you also pretend psycho-girls dont exist, whether gf or casual.
>Sin pretending to be a girl on /soc/
>still doesn't have sheets on his bed
>Perceived attractiveness is mostly about being confident and taking care of yourself.
Ill tell this to my friend who burned his face in housefire, just has to be confident and his ex will comeback :)
So you would rather have sex than be safe and healthy?
Anyway good to know trannies nowadays actually hate women.
Isn't the entire point that a woman doesn't need to improve themself in any way to get sex? Women can be as autistic or unhygenic as they want and still get laid on the reg because the dating scene is just that imbalanced in their favour. But whatever, League of fucking Legends.
>trannies hate women
Everyone does. Especially women.
At what point was it implied that that person wouldn't put out if she's staying over? That doesn't mean you get a license to jam it in the pooper if she gives the no go
Only if you ask for tips.